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From Thinker to Observer | Seba Haddad | TEDxYouth@WIS

I can’t have an ER piece because I’m a
thinker I think about people problems
ideas and deadlines I think therefore I
am there’s an answer to everything and
someone somewhere had already thought
and written about it and so I seek
knowledge through books and theories
people tell me I overthink and
overanalyze and I tell them it’s how I
understand the world my mind is very
active as is yours
researchers suggest that we have between
50 to 70 thousand thoughts a day that’s
almost a thought a second where do we
draw the line on political independence
well my kids grow up to be happy and
successful am i fat we are faced with
our own personalized dilemmas daily not
only is my mind quite the chatterbox it
is also very creative it imagines scenes
and scenarios that play out like a movie
in my mind all day long for instance
when I think of a funny incident with a
friend the movie in my mind looks
something like this when my kids ask me
to delay bedtime the movie in my mind
looks like this and when I pick up or
drop off my boys at school the movie in
my mind looks like this no wonder I
can’t have inner peace right again I’m a
thinker all topics in search of inner
peace and quiet in the mind point in the
same direction meditation so I tried I
was on a trip to the Maldives and I
noticed in the hotel booklet that they
offer a private session with a
meditation expert
perfect I booked it there I was in the
middle of the Indian Ocean
surrounded by paradise like tranquility
Seabreeze and sense of lavender in the
air this is it I thought this is where
I’m gonna get the inner peace I need but
then I realized I’m still thinking I
could not quiet my mind there was just
too much noise inside I gave up trying
but then something monumental happened
that catapulted me to a position where I
had no answers and no understanding of
the world there was no solution that
someone somewhere had thought about my
only option was to accept and be open to
whatever came my way it is during this
one of the most painful and emotionally
turbulent times I became mindful present
and deeply calm within at a time where
external stress and noise were at their
highest I discovered the place where
inner peace lives and it is wonderful
and serene and way way more peaceful
than the Maldives and I’m going to take
you there you see most people assume
that being mindful and having inner
peace means to stop thinking and feeling
all together well that is impossible as
we are thinking feeling human beings
simply put it is rather the ability to
distance ourselves from the thoughts
emotions and movies in our minds
and open our minds and hearts to the
present moment but before I take you to
this peaceful place within
let’s first go to the movies because
before we can experience any kind of
inner peace we need to understand and
deal with these movies in our minds I
invite you all to an imaginary movie
theater inside your mind the theater
looks like this there is a screen and
three projectors one projecting a movie
from the past one from the future and
one from the present every minute of the
inside this movie theater in our mind
our ego is doing one of three things
it is either projecting stories from the
past in the form of memories nostalgia
and traumas it is showing scenarios from
the future in the form of goals
ambitions desires and fears and if it’s
not reminiscing about the past or
daydreaming about the future our ego is
narrating judging commenting and
worrying about the present now you all
know that when we go to the movies we
escape to the movies if the movie is
really engaging and the actors are
really talented we identify with them it
captures us we feel the actors joy and
pain and taken the story as if it’s our
own we essentially lose ourselves to
that movie and so what about the movie
in your mind what if the lead actor
actress looks exactly like you and has
the same name and is playing out the
exact same experiences that you are
having well how could you not lose
yourself to that movie when we lose
ourselves to our inner movies we miss
the present moment and close our minds
and hearts to the world so now that you
understand the complexity of the movie
in your mind what can you do about it
well I’ve come up with three simple
steps create space and distance keep
your mind and heart open and become a
non-judgmental observe
to demonstrate imagine this entire
theater represents your mind
I am your ego I am the voice in your
head I show you movies from your past
and what your future could look like I
am also the narrator who comments and
judges everything why aren’t my parents
more supportive will I ever find true
love am i smart enough to get into
Harvard now imagine you’re sitting in
the front row right in front of me and
the doors behind you are closed your
undivided attention is on me your ego I
have a higher chance of connecting with
you and getting my message across
because you are closer you can see and
hear me more clearly furthermore the
doors of your big expansive mind are
closed so no new thought emotion
information or experience can come in
all you see here feel is me ego you are
closed to the outside world you might as
well put a sign on your forehead that
says sorry closed gone inside my own
head but what if you’re sitting in the
back row
the further seat away from me and the
doors next you are open well I am not
the sole focus of your attention anymore
am I it’s a little harder for you to
focus on that movie I’m showing about
your past your future your present
judgments you have a wider perspective
so you’re free to pay attention to
whatever you choose doesn’t have to be
me not only that but the doors of your
big beautiful mind are wide open and you
are the closest to them which means
you’ll be the first to greet and welcome
any new thoughts emotion information or
experience that comes in and you do all
this without any judgment because you’re
far away from me you’re judgmental ego
I could say anything you’re never gonna
pass the exam or it’s difficult to find
true love you don’t have to listen to my
biased opinions and judgments you are
open and available to the world this is
what it means to be mindful to be in the
moment the next time you find yourself
lost in thoughts and someone comes up to
you and you want to say to them wait I
don’t want to lose the spot do the
opposite and say to your ego
wait ego I don’t want to lose this
moment there’s a lot of stereotypes to
being an enlightened and mindful person
but you don’t have to become a vegan
so can a dong bath or meditate for hours
to clear your mind and find inner peace
you just have to find that seat furthest
away from your ego and the movie it
projects keep your mind and heart open
and allow thoughts and emotions to pass
through without judgment sit and observe
and you will see the thoughts emotions
and external events come and go it is
your judgement of them that makes them
either joyful or painful and you will
come to a point where you just accept
and appreciate what is this is the seat
of your inner peace the place I have
been talking about all along you will
have fifty to seventy thousand
opportunities a day to come back to it
revisit it often and I promise you will
be more mindful presence and deeply calm
within thank
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