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Bad treatment of rhinos | Ana Luiza Damasceno Rodrigues | TEDxKids@PortoSeguroSchool

Hi, my name is Ana Luiza, I’m 11 years old.
and her 5th year student
today to talk to you about the bad guys
dealings with jane about ill-treatment of
children were born day and on the traffic of
rhinoceros horns that are worth more than
what gold because you chose this theme and
I chose this theme because it is outraged
watching a report on animals
threatened with extinction and to know that
africa who are killing and in the evenings
to remove the chip and sell them at a price
of gold
you do not know where the dying
number of reborn where the dead in the
south africa does not stop growing
despite the country’s efforts to
combat the trade in horns of the species
last year the average went from 100
death animals per month
the majority occurred in the national park
kruger is the main tourist destination in
south africa safari
these animals are not being hunted
to kill anyone’s hunger
are being killed to feed the
traffic horns of the species that are
marketed in Asia as a remedy
against cancer and the cure of
the horn is grated and mixed with the drink
in the form of good as the hunters
illegal to act to slaughter the animal and
remove the horn
usually they act among the
first shot the animal the second
cut the horn and the third is
to diverge if inspection comes
there are heavily armed gangs
including forest rangers
be very well trained to protect themselves
see how these people are
dangerous has no pity or pity what
leads people to kill teaching will be
to repair the selling horns
my research could observe that many
men are driven by poverty
dream about life better for the family
and end up getting involved in this crime a
of them interview said that was shooter
in four trips to the park group b the
who sent him about ten thousand dollars
around 30
thousand reais this is a small part of the
value of rhino horn in Asia
the same can cost up to 250 thousand dollars
in grams
this value is higher than gold and
for the interviewee the money served
to take his family out of a cabin
where he lived and would accommodate them in a small
masonry house and buy
some heads of cattle and set up a
he also said he is not proud of
cassarino to be a disc but also
argues that his family could be
going hungry if he did not
you are seeing how poverty generates
this kind of attitude and what we can
do to try to improve this
people who buy could search
how it is made can horns and if really
are effective for the treatment of
have the good sense to think about the bad guys
treatment with the animals and put
place of government bodies and the
population could start
awareness and clarification of the
the issue so that this problem
extinction and not animal we can not change
the past but we can make the future
win hashtag or horns traffic
rhinos, thank you
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