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Learn How To Manage Your Mindset and Prime Your Brain For Success

we are biologically wired not to want to
change so we have to deliberately coax
the brain into motivational reasons
emotional reasons you have to have
intrinsic reason why must you do this
and so you can use pain as a frame as
well as if you don’t then are you okay
with your life being like this at this
age in five years and 10 years and 20
years and if you’re okay with that and
you’re not a candidate for change but if
you’re committed to letting go of the
old so you can create the new and you
create motivations every day that’s
where the power is
so if you can start to formulate a habit
of daily habit and weekly have it it
doesn’t matter how long it is if you can
create that space in your brain that on
this day at this time this is what I do
and you do that really that becomes a
habit and it takes those 66 days or so
for a simple habit that you have to
consciously do to then the habit doing
you and that’s why they say we are all
creatures of habit because habits run
theirs themselves their subconscious
programs just run themselves most people
don’t take the time to become aware what
are my empowering habits what are my
disempowering habits and then the next
question is well how do I release this
one and how do I strengthen this one or
create a whole new one and what we’re
looking to do is build empowering habits
what is a belief I mean think about what
is a belief and let’s go to again I like
just like to go to the neuroscience
field to just my passion now is a belief
is nothing more than a group of cells
that have been connected and then
reinforced and we have two types of
beliefs we have beliefs that what are
the facts I’m gonna stop you there
because that’s so important yeah and so
different than I would have expected I
think when people hear belief it is
believed in something that is true which
did not enter into your definition no we
believe what whatever we believe is
truth for us but it’s not that truth
when you were a baby when you were born
but the leaf did you have zero goose egg
zero not one and so you learned what to
believe and how to even formulate your
chances are from parents teachers
brothers sisters
television maybe when you read some
books right and we behave based on what
we believe so we might be behaving our
lives away based on false or inaccurate
or disempowering beliefs so if a belief
is a neural pattern in the brain then we
probably have some good ones empowering
ones useful ones and chances are we have
some that are not useful not empowering
and not worthy of the geniuses that we
all are so the question is is possible
for me to develop new beliefs that I
don’t believe right now the answer is
yeah yes does that process look like so
the process is you can read new beliefs
to life and so if you listen to beliefs
that are empowering over and over and
over again
and you emotionalize them and you
visualize yourself actually acting out
those beliefs and you learn how to pay
attention to that little inner critic
that says that’s that’s not
that’ll never come true that’s not you
if you learn and you remember that that
little voice is there to consistently
keep you in this homeostatic place and
it’s there to protect the beliefs that
are in there now it’s interesting so
I’ve heard you now a few times and the
first few times it didn’t really make my
radar but you always say release weight
you never say lose weight yeah what do
you do when you lose something look for
it yeah I don’t want to look for weight
that I’ve lost I want to release it I
like to use language patterns as well
that are gonna empower me versus
disempowerment self-talk is so critical
and so I’m consistently paying attention
to how am i speaking to myself am i
speaking to myself in a kind motivating
empathetic compassionate way or am i
consistently self-deprecating
and putting myself down I used to think
a lot of they let you allow is younger
I’m not good enough I’m not smart enough
I’m not worthy those thoughts and you
know lots of fear if you’re being
embarrassed if you’re a failure be
ashamed and I still have the thoughts
every one so especially when I’m setting
new goals those come up holy mackerel
they come up so freaking fast are you
smart enough to achieve that are you
good enough to achieve that even when I
got into really diving deep into the
brain science and even my new book I I
was petrified to release my book it took
me two years to write it because now I’m
entering another whole domain of
neuroscience and neuro psychology with
world-renowned experts that I’ve worked
with for years but now Here I am putting
myself out there with hey this is neuro
scientifically correct so I had to make
sure that it was and but there’s a lot
of fear but I understand what the
emotion of fear is it’s a subconscious
trigger that causes this feeling that I
don’t like and it’s a ghost signal for
me not a stop signal for me that’s
interesting what do you mean by that
well fear is an emotion the emotions are
all triggered at the subconscious level
they release neuro chemicals that causes
a feeling we are consciously
aware of feelings that are triggered at
the subconscious level the feeling is
the endpoint of the human experience in
the physical body and so when you have
something in your brain that that neural
network says well what if this book
comes out and you fail what if it’s not
good enough what is scientifically not
correct what if what if what if my brain
is going to process that the same way as
your brain and everybody else because
that’s everybody’s brains the same the
mechanism of how the brain works it’s an
Einstein’s brain Hitler’s brain
Genghis Khan’s brain Thom Billy’s brain
John Sr it all the same functionality so
if you understand the mechanics of
what’s supposed to happen then you say
okay great when I feel this then what am
I going to do so I like to use an
analogy of a car you drive you a car
and you’re talking to a friend of yours
and a light pops up on the dash you
don’t take a hammer and hit a light it’s
a signal something’s happening there in
the in the in the engine in the trunk in
the and the tires something’s happening
emotions and feelings aren’t positive or
negative they’re empowering or
disempowering to varying degrees if you
don’t understand them and so if you
think about fear right how does a
firefighter go into a burning building
when there’s this enormous adrenaline
and an epinephrine you know that could
stop most people dead in their tracks
they learn here’s the feeling it’s
normal do you have the knowledge and the
skills and the preparation to deal with
this in a safe way go if you don’t now
you retreat so we have this phenomenal
brain right it’s it’s it’s genius
abilities we can’t figure out how to
replicate it anywhere with billions of
dollars but we are getting some of the
user’s manual now so when you feel fear
what should you do I teach the first two
inner sizes that I teach every one of
our students number one is called takes
calm the circuits so if you have this
unpleasant anxious fearful emotion
energy in motion right and it’s
unpleasant and the brakes have gone on
if you just take six deep breaths in
through your nose out through your mouth
like you’re breathing through a straw
you will deactivate the stress response
Center which means blood is going to go
back to the left prefrontal cortex the
Einstein part of the brain can actually
think through this problem because what
happens when the stress response Center
is activated blood goes away from that
into the fear response so you have
epinephrine cortisol adrenaline to be
able to get you out of this situation
it’s part of our an instinctual brain
part of the reptilian brain the first
part of the brain that was developed was
that then the mammalian brain the limbic
system then the neocortex the thinking
brain so when our brain has this signal
of oh my god you might get hurt you
might lose this you might get in trouble
you might be embarrassed ashamed
ridicule judged etc that part of the
brain is gonna get activated so if you
take six deep breaths first calm down
calm the circuits first then do inner
sighs number two is called ion ai8 the
first day is for awareness what am I
thinking right now what am I feeling
right now what am i sensing right now
what is my behavior right now two
thoughts feelings sensations awareness
of behavior that’s my intention right
now that’s the eye
well my intention is to move forward I
want to do this
great what’s one very small action step
that you can take now the reason you
want to take one small action step is
one small action step your brain can
handle if it’s one small step towards it
that that responds though
away but if you focus on the endgame
right away you’re gonna get that rush in
that instant trigger of the fear
response stress response so the first
thing you want to do is learn how to
manage your mindset and let you focus on
learn how to manage your emotions
because they drive your behavior more
than anything else as we move away from
pain and we move towards pleasurable new
way from pain a thousand times faster
and pain wires in the brain faster for
survival mechanisms so purely from a
neuroscience perspective just
understanding self once you understand
okay this feeling is normal okay what
should I do
take six calmness circuits hyah and now
you can start being progressive and make progress towards what you want
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