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“You Don’t Have a MONEY Problem, You Have a SKILL Problem!” | Dan Lok

you don’t have a money problem you have
a skill problem so today I’m gonna give
you the three most important skills that
I developed that if you can get out
there and start learning will transform
your business and your life so look if
you don’t have money and you have
knowledge maybe you have the wrong
knowledge rise and shine it’s an
espresso time what’s up belief nation
it’s Evan I believe in you and this
channel is designed to be a part of your
daily success routine so let’s start
your day off right together grab your
coffee and sip on today’s message
develop high income skills over you Dane
Locke also if you want to know what Dane
Locke and other successful entrepreneurs
have to say about building unstoppable
confidence check out my 250 for
confidence series where every day for
the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below after you practice
martial art you develop this natural
self confidence not cockiness but you
develop this natural self-confidence
you of Brooke
why are you Brooke have you ever asked
yourself that question and how do you
never be broke again I was broke when I
was a teenager when it came to Canada
with nothing no money I was in debt a
hundred and fifty thousand dollars in
debt I was so frustrated I try so many
different things
I started and fail at thirteen
businesses thirteen not three not ten
thirteen businesses or disaster not only
didn’t make money from the businesses I
was in debt lost all my mom’s money
borrow from friends and family and I
didn’t know why I wanted to succeed so
bad but I just couldn’t make it work
until one thing until I had an epiphany
what is that PIFAN II you don’t have a
money problem you have a skill problem
if you try to solve your money problem
with just money your problem doesn’t get
solved money problem is not solved by
money money problem is solved by your
intelligence and your skill set your
mindset and your skill set now what am I
talking about your skill set I want you
to think about some of the highest paid
people in the society they say doctor
they say attorney let’s say lawyer let’s
say accountant engineer who is making a
decent high income what do they have
they have specialized skill sets that
may you may not have see the people with
low income skills into society in our
society low income jobs chances are
they’re skews now that doesn’t mean they
don’t work hard it doesn’t mean they
don’t hustle
it doesn’t mean they’ll work long hours
but the skills that they have that they
offer to the marketplace to society
people companies they’re not willing to
pay big money for I call them low income
that’s the problem you try to make big
money with low income skills you need to
develop your high income skills in order
to make more money so if you’re
struggling in life you’re struggling in
business I can guarantee you the biggest
issue how I’ve overcome how I was
struggling how overcome not want to be
broke again it’s I learned to close
I learned to communicate ideas thought
when you learn to close you’ll never be
broke again because in business nothing
happens until something is sold in life
nothing happens until something is sold
you’re single you’re not good closer you
can’t cause you’re not getting our
people to do what you want they’re not
following your leadership you can’t
close you’re not getting sales because
you’re lousy closer you can’t close when
you can close you can move you can
influence you can persuade people
everything that you want in life guess
what other people already have them I
don’t care what is it you want resources
money capital influence relationships
whatever it is that you want you got to
close someone else to give it to you so
if you’re struggling financially it
means you’re a lousy closer it is that
simple what that’s the downside upside
is this once you know how to close you
will know how to create income on demand
you will know how to make money you have
the ability to make money anytime you
want that’s the power of closing that’s
how you never go broke again most of the
skills that you need to succeed are not
taught in school that’s because these
skills cannot be taught from a textbook
they need to be learned by doing
they involve other people so today I’m
gonna give you the three most important
skills that I developed that if you can
get out there and start learning will
transform your business and your life
skill number one is learn to add value
if you want to have success in business
or in any relationship you need to learn
the add value you need to learn how to
understand what the people that you’re
working with what they want what their
goals are you want to be their chief
goal officer be everybody’s chief goal
you need to understand not just what you
want but what do they want what are they
trying to accomplish how can you bring
value to them how can you help them get
through whatever problem is in front of
them right now and the more you add
value the more money you’re gonna make
the more partnerships you’re gonna make
the more people gonna want to work with
you talk about you be around you because
you are bringing everybody else up you
need to learn the add value looking at
my relationship with Dan as an example
maybe about a year ago or so I don’t
know when I did my first top ten on Dane
I I didn’t know who he was like I had no
idea who Dan Locke was and somebody
recommended him to me it put him on my
radar I drove into his world I like some
of his messages and we ended up making
some more deals together one of the
first entry points for me into his world
was I offered to help him with his
YouTube channel I got on the phone with
him and his team and gave him
suggestions for how to build this
channel his thumbnails his data the
backend how to grow lessons that I’ve
learned from my channel just giving just
giving just gave me the skimming
skimming skimming and as a result he’s
done stuff to help me he’s been in some
of my videos he’s given a one on one
free session with with Dan Locke for
someone who buys a ticket to one of the
stops on my tour and so we’ve developed
a tighter relationship and I’ve done
that with everybody I’ve done that with
Gary with Grant with Tom with Ed with a
lot of the people that I profile on my
channel I look to add value first I
looked at profile them I look to give
them advice to our YouTube channel I
look to see what are they trying to
promote and how can I help them and the
more you do that the more they recognize
how this person is helping me this
person has given me really valuable
suggestions you know I can help Dane
with his YouTube channel but I can’t
help him in learning how to drive a
Bentley right like there’s some things I
know and there’s some things that I
don’t know and so understand where you
can bring people value be their chief
goal officer reverse engineer what
they’re trying to accomplish and worthy
need help and if you can fill that hole
if you can be the person who’s known for
bringing value a lot of its gonna come
back to you in both your business and
your life skill number two is hustle
while you wait this is so important for
success you will find this in every
single entrepreneur who has success you
hustle while you wait there’s a lot of
waiting in business there’s a lot of
waiting for someone to get back to you
there’s a lot of waiting for someone to
sign a contract is a lot of waiting a
lot of waiting a lot of waiting you know
on Christmas Day you might be working
making videos
while other people are waiting like
you’re waiting you’re waiting you’re
waiting you’re waiting you’re waiting so
what do you do while you wait you hustle
you go work on other things you start
building momentum somewhere else if you
spend your life waiting on other people
and you’re not doing anything in the
mean time you will fail here’s a good
example yesterday Alex came over
yesterday was supposed to my mentoring
day I trained Alex I work with him I
spent a couple hours with him helping
him grow trying to dance salsa he
couldn’t make it in time because he had
to go to a walk-in clinic for a foot
issue great
what would most people do most people
when something gets canceled what do you
do do you go watch Netflix do you go
check out Facebook do you go consume
content you just take it as a break
that’s what most people do somebody
cancels on you what do you do you take a
break I deserve a break I’ve been
working really hard at deserve a break
what did i do yesterday when Alex
canceled I went to work I started
getting ahead on YouTube day I start
getting ahead on my research I started
get ahead what I had to do today that’s
the key you send something now you’re
waiting for a response what are you
doing while you waiting for response
you’re hustling against ten other people
you’re growing you’re building momentum
you’re planning for the future
you’re doing your grinding you’re
getting out there and so that’s one of
the most important skills you can
develop while you are waiting for
somebody to get back to you while you’re
waiting for yes or no or your partner to
do something you are hustling on
something else you need to learn the
hustle while you wait Alex is getting
his foot looked after hope you feel
better Alex so what do you do when
things go off playing you work you
hustle while you wait
Alex made it I made it how’s your foot
it’s gonna get better it’s gonna get
better better come on we gotta work
cheese lives with us is real and skill
number three is put your goals ahead of
your convenience
guys this is important your goals will
not be convenient for you you going off
and doing that thing that is different
that is outside the norm that most
people don’t have success with you want
to you have the audacity to go say I
want to be successful here you’re
waiting for it to be convenient for you
it will not be convenient you will have
to do things that you are
with you will have to grow in ways that
you never imagined you growing because
you have to get outside you have to go
and chase things that are not going to
be convenient for you and so I look at
my my tour coming up as an example
probably the most common comment that I
get from people who are learning about
the tour is when are you gonna come to
my city when you’re gonna come to
Florida when you’re gonna come to London
when you’re gonna come to New York when
you’re gonna come to my city I’m not I’m
not coming on this tour I’m not maybe I
come next year maybe I never come if
you’re waiting for me to come to your
city for you to get the information you
need you’re gonna lose and it’s not just
me it’s anybody else you’re waiting for
Tony Robbins to come to your city you
waiting for somebody else that come to
your city don’t stop it you’re gonna
lose you have to go out and put your
goals ahead of your convenient you’re
waiting for it to be convenient for you
you’re waiting for it to come to you
it’s not you have to go out and claim it
you have to go out make it happen so I
really just got back from New York and I
sent an email to all my New York friends
and said hey guys I’m doing my tour 23
cities I’m not coming to New York on my
tour I’m not coming to New York but if
anybody buys a ticket to a different
stop if you’re willing to put your goals
ahead of your convenience if you will
buy a ticket to go to a different city
and travel and come to that city then in
New York I’m gonna do a private meetup
and so a bunch of people bought tickets
and they’re gonna come to Cincinnati
they’re gonna come to Pittsburgh didn’t
come to Cleveland they’re gonna go to
different cities to see me on tour but
they live in New York and I love
rewarding the hustle because these
people they’re gonna win where most
people who wait for it to come to them
who put their convenience ahead of the
goals they lose because it’s never
convenient there’s always a reason why
it’s not gonna work out and so you need
to figure out the steps that you need to
go off and have success understand that
eight of those ten steps will not be
convenient for you and the very first
things you do right now is go tackle the
most inconvenient one and start training
yourself training yourself training your
mind said that I am the kind of person
who puts my goals ahead of my
convenience and takes massive action so
those are the three important skills one
learn to add value to hustle while you
wait and three put your goals ahead of
your convenience now I’ve got a really
special bonus tip that I think you’re
gonna enjoy but before that question of
the day which of the four skills that we
talked about today
and my three which one do you need to
work on most I’d love to hear from you
I want you to walk away understanding
that some of you have businesses that
are just not good businesses and if you
have a business that’s no good
you can’t build the Empire you want why
do I need money what don’t I know about
money why are people struggling with
money you should ask yourself these
questions why are you coming up short on
money is that what you know or what you
don’t know how many of you know they’re
saying knowledge is okay
how many of you agree with that how many
agree knowledge is power so look if you
don’t have money and you have knowledge
maybe you have the wrong knowledge hi
this is Dan Locke if you’re a fan of
Evans work if you want to know exactly
how to model my success I want to invite
you to join me for a special online
training all you have to do is click on
a link below you can join me for
absolutely no charge so click a link
below and I will see you in class if you
want more Dane Locke check out his top
50 rules for success video the link is
right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there the more try to chase them on I
want to make the money I want to make
the money then you can see these people
they’re so desperate they don’t make money you don’t make money
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