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How to prepare an onion – Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Skills

say chopping onions pick your onion so
yours is sort of peeled already you
picked a good one you’ve still got a way
to go so first of all the first thing to
onion on the board nice and securely and
then fingers like a bridge and then very
carefully put your knife through the
bridge and straight down the middle okay
so now that it’s in half it means you
can get in at that outer skin and peel
it off you will ugly you fold one that
didn’t turn me on and away
so cut the nose off the point of it at
the top that’s a bit papery and old so
we don’t want to eat that and just slow
down because this bit I don’t want you
to cut that off all that stop cutting
stop stop stop this bit at the end we’re
going to keep that on because that’s
going to help us it’s gonna keep the
onion together while we’re chopping but
cuz it’s a bit hairy you just slice it
just a little bit just to take off those
hairy gnarly bits essentially you want
to leave it on there so it holds it all
together still so if you’re chopping
your onion just in two slices you want
it on the nice flat straight bit that
you’ve just cut so it’s nice and firm
against the board and you’ve got a good
cutting surface tip of your knife on the
board fingers out the way using your
fingertips and then when you get halfway
it makes it a bit easier if you just
flip it over because it’s getting a bit
narrow now with your fingers just flip
it over and then start again then if
you’ve got a bit at the end
push that to one side and then we’ll do
fine finely chopped onion so if you’ve
got your half it’s still got its bottom
it on it keeps it all together you want
the other end towards you so turn it to
bomb away from you like this and then
with your knife keeping your fingers out
of the way carefully cut into the onion
but not all the way through so you
leaving this
it intact use the tip of your knife and
just press into the onion that’s it and
try not to go all the way to the back
though go all the way along tip see your
fingers okay breathe so then turn it
back to the side again with his bum away
from you and then you’re just going to
slice down like we did before but use
your fingers to grip all the strands
that you’ve just cut and keep them
together down again when you get towards
the end bit you can flip it on its side
again chop it the other way that’s it
let’s now finally tuck that is awesome
on sick brilliant that’s it two ways to
chop an onion
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