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MORNING MOTIVATION – 5 Minutes Can Change Your Entire Day

I think your dreams deserve five minutes
in the morning before you let the world
know one can live without a routine you
just forget that if you guys don’t have
a routine I would recommend like you get
one going because you cannot be mentally
healthy without a routine you need to
pick a time to get up
whatever time you want a pick one and
stick to it as otherwise you dis
regulate your circadian rhythms and they
regulate your mood when you wake up each
day the first thing to do is not go to
the computer the first thing to do is go
exercise go for a walk take a long
shower is to open your body and engage
and in doing that process whatever it is
for you some people it’s a long run some
people it’s a longer shower some people
it’s a walk around the neighborhood when
you’re doing that here’s once you ask
yourself a couple of simple questions
first I want you to ask yourself what am
i excited about today when I wake up in
the morning I spend the first 10 minutes
just thanking him
I don’t even address any problems and
stuff I got I’m just grateful that I’m
up for this and I think every little
thing and I’ll spend Timmy and it makes
your day start such a wonderful way to
realize that you woke up you here you
just have a gratitude meditation you
wake up in the morning shower go to a
quiet place in your home or apartment
sit down for five minutes close your
eyes you do a couple of breathing
exercises and maybe just take a few deep
breaths or relax yourself and then start
having that conversation with yourself
I want you to begin your day with
enthusiasm optimism is the magical
formula that creates greater happiness
in our lives to have something to look
forward to
steal away someone’s vision for a good
future and you quickly see them fall
into the depression but when we have a
great connection to something in the
future that we look forward to even if
it’s just this day that creates the
charge within us so walk around take
your laps do whatever you have to do in
the morning but ask yourself what is it
that I’m excited about today or it could
be enthusiastic about today this is a
really good day my vortex is full of
manifested potential my vortex is a now
reality that I can feel my way into
today I intend to feel exhilaration
about things not yet manifested because
I understand the reality of them you
must come up with a morning routine that
you do every single morning or at least
more mornings than not that puts you in
control of yourself and in control of
your day this is what I do and I cannot
explain the power that I get from
starting my day off and being bigger
than my excuses and being in control
first and foremost wake up on time when
that alarm goes off get your butt out of
bed 5 4 3 2 1 go why is that important
for persistence the reason why is
because the first decision that you’re
making of the day is to actually get up
and get moving
that means you are persistently bigger
than your excuses you are persistently
bigger than feeling lazy
don’t carry negative baggage from
yesterday into today you won’t live a
victorious life if you’re always
reliving what didn’t work out who hurts
you the mistakes you’ve made the reason
it’s called the past is because it’s
over it’s done its history now do your
part and let it go
[Music] you
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