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How to BELIEVE That You Have VALUE | Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) | #Entspresso

that the darkness is spreading so fast
these days you must become a warrior of
the light what gets you the most upset
in the world awesome whatever the
opposite of that is going to be the
thing that will be your purpose for the
rest of your life while there’s plenty
of wrong and plenty of bright in the
world it comes down to one very simple
rise and shine it’s an espresso time
what’s up believe nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s start your day
off right together grab your coffee and
sip on today’s message be a warrior of
the light over to you oprah winfrey also
if you want to know at oprah winfrey and
other successful entrepreneurs have to
say about building unstoppable
confidence check out my 250 for
confidence series where every day for
the next 254 days i will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below i have paid
attention to my life because i
understand that my life just like your
life is always speaking to you or real
work is to figure out where your power
base is
everybody is feeding yourself on the
hysteria and the negativity you’ve gotta
stay in the light but one of the reasons
why I was so excited is about a wrinkle
in time because the message is that the
darkness is spreading so fast these days
you must become a warrior of the light
and the reason that’s so meaningful to
me is because that’s how I’ve led my
whole life and every moment in that film
I just felt like I’m just saying what I
normally say and for these times the
darkness is there to show you your light
look at what has happened so if you put
the focus on look at what happened with
the darkness it showed up in parkland
and the darkness it showed up on the
streets of Ferguson then the darkness
that showed up in many many many many
many many homes in Chicago with
shootings and senseless murders it
brings out the best in people it brings
out the best and so that’s what it’s
there we live on a planet where there is
darkness and light what I deeply believe
is not that do unto others as you would
have them do unto you what you do is
already done that moment in the color
purple where she says everything you
ever tried to do to me where Whoopi says
that I Seeley
everything you ever everything you even
try to do to me already done to you so
the law the third law of motion and
physics says that what you’re putting
out is coming back all the time
regardless of whether you know it or
acknowledge it or not so you got to stay
as a warrior why do I believe I believe
what gets you the most upset in the
world awesome whatever the opposite of
that is going to be the thing that will
be your purpose for the rest of your
life most people complain
most people they see negativity they see
the darkness around them and so they
complain and they succumb to it and they
live a life that sucks that’s your
purpose that’s what you gotta dive right
into and be the warrior right you see
darkness most people complain you’re the
warrior of light a quick example I came
back from vid summer not that long ago
big event for youtubers I was speaking
at it and I spent four days in the lobby
helping entrepreneurs I didn’t sit in on
almost any of the events I went to my
own I went to Gary V’s and I went to
Derral Eve’s and that was pretty much it
the rest of my time was spent in the
lobby helping entrepreneurs helping
youtubers one at a time helping them
with their issues what they thought
might be a five-minute conversation
became a life-changing cry fest you know
like it was amazing it was one of my
favorite moments at all time and the
most common feedback that came back was
that Wow even you’re so humble I can’t
believe that you sitting here with 1.6
million subscribers would sit here and
spend all day talking to me and talking
to us and that just blew my mind because
I’m not I’m not better than anybody I
have some knowledge that can help and I
think if you have the ability then you
have the responsibility and here in that
comment come up consistently not just
one person but consistently over and
over and over and over again it’s like
why is humbleness not cool I said an
internal goals like I need to come back
next year and be the biggest like I want
to come back and be the biggest of
anybody at the event and then do the
exact same thing over again and then
just spend four days meeting with
entrepreneurs one at a time startup
people helping them with their business
to be an example to say okay a lot of
people may be jackasses but you don’t
have to be one to show them a different
way and I think if you are massively
frustrated about something you see
darkness everywhere around you then it’s
your responsibility to be the wari of
the light to get out there and make a
difference and it inspires other people
to want to do the same thing like you
getting up and being the warrior you
picking up your axe and going to battle
will inspire other people to help you to
do the same thing themselves where they
saw hopelessness everywhere where they
saw darkness but they didn’t see a path
you’re helping create the path and I
think it’s crucially important I think
whatever the darkness is that you see I
think you need to understand that the
world needs you the world needs you to
and be the warrior of light the world
needs you to get up and and make a
difference even if you have no idea how
to do it not having the answers is okay
even you just going on a journey even
you just saying I don’t think this is
right and I’m trying to solve this
problem and I have no idea how I’m gonna
do it but every day I’m gonna get up and
do something that’s an inspiration that
will inspire other people to pick up the
axe as well to go to battle to figure
out ways for them to do it too and
they’ll rally support and help for you
and so I think people often only looked
at people who’ve accomplished a lot and
say well is there it’s Oprah’s
responsibility to do something I can’t
do anything myself wrong you can you may
not have as big a megaphone as Oprah
does but you can you can inspire people
you can show people you can inspire the
people in your direct community and then
as you start building a larger platform
you can help them as well I’ve launched
a new show every weekday morning on my
Instagram channel and I wanted to
interview local entrepreneurs and
actually have them ask me questions
right like I want to help I’m here to
help what could I do let’s let’s go live
together for half an hour to an hour and
whatever I can help with I’m here and it
was a local woman who is an entrepreneur
and needed help and she said I’d love to
take you up in the offer but I’m a new
mom and you know I may be when my baby
gets older I think I’ll be able to come
by and like if the baby is the reason
why you’re not coming by then then I
want to have you come on the air with me
just to show that it’s awesome like how
many new moms don’t go off and do
something that they want to do because
they feel they can’t because of the baby
come on my show and even if the baby
cries for the entire thing even if we
get 0 questions answered because the
baby’s not having a good time
I think it’s the best I think you going
out and even feeling like it’s a fail
right you didn’t go and get the
questions answered it wasn’t a great
show you going out and trying is an
inspiration and I want to be a part of
that and so that frustrates me when
people say that they can’t do something
because of whatever circumstance right
and so whatever frustrates you whatever
darkness you see in the world there’s a
lot of darkness there’s a lot of
negativity a lot of people
who don’t like their lives there’s a lot
of things that could be improved there’s
a lot whatever the thing is that means
the most to you for whatever reason
choose to make a difference choose to
take some kind of action again even if
you have no idea what that action is be
the Warrior of Light and you’ll find
that you’ll start attracting people who
believe the same thing you do you’ll
find that your small step even though it
was a tiny step actually inspires
somebody else to take another step as
well so just commit today find the
darkness that you want to conquer and
take one small step to making it happen
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
that I think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that question of the day I want
to know what is the thing that gets you
most upset what is the darkness in the
world that you want to help conquer and
go be a warrior of light let me know put
you find what you’re looking for I’ve
been giving a lot of thought to kind of
just watching what I’m seeing out there
in the social digital ecosystem and very
honestly just real life and I’m watching
so many people over the last two to
three years look for negativity look for
something that’s wrong
find where people disagree with them
fight look for what was me down side to
half glass empty and then I go to a
Twitter search or look around the world
and I find ridiculously beautiful things
every day every day thousands of kind
acts randomly by people all people that
I have conversations with who see the
opportunities whether it’s in business
like voice and AR or crypto or whatever
it may be just this amazingly
interesting thing that I feel the
majority of you are looking for the
wrong while there’s plenty of wrong and
plenty of right in the world it comes
down to one very simple thing what are
you choosing to look for because I
promise you if you right now and I’m
making this video for one reason 24
hours of trying to find the good
somebody saves a kitten somebody opens
the door somebody does a nice thing for
you bit somebody says thank you 24 hours
of looking for positivity could change
your life honestly making this for one
person’s one one person watches this
video chooses to do 24 hours of looking
for good instead of looking for bad and
their game changes d-roc heard somebody
at a convenience store saying mom you’re
always so negative you’re always so
negative I am blown away by the fact
that life gets real simple if you break
down into this are you looking for the
negative this sucks this government
sucks this person sucks this is or
you’re looking for the positive she’s
nice that’s remarkable I’ve got this
opportunity you choose what you’re
looking for because what you look for
you’ll find that’s how life works you
know I speak for the underdogs and I
speak for the young the young generation
of young dudes and young women
right now whoo I feel like you know we
live in a constant lifestyle I talk
about the lifestyle so I don’t make
music about you know just a bunch of
changing cars and because clearly you’ve
seen with a bunch of changing and stuff
like that is not my life but I do make
music about the real things that we see
on a daily basis and you know I make
music about the problems that we go
doing you know I speak for these young
kids okay so my message really is try to
bring like today situation try to print
a godly like today situation and
everything that I do because you know
that’s that’s that’s the side that I’m
fighting for on foot for the hopes I
decided hope the side that says no
there’s a little bit more than what you
think is out there I can help you know
his music is gonna be therapeutic see
that’s gonna get you to certain times
that maybe you may not felt like you was
gonna get through it out it you know so
that’s the message that I’m trying to
push is just I’m gonna bring that light
to the generation because that’s what
I’m here to do raise your standard Apple
at the core its core value is that
people with passion not one drop of my
self-worth depends on your it’s suppose
to mean if you want to know what Oprah’s
biggest life lessons are check out the
video right next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it continue to believe and I’ll
see you there I used to fear hearing the term who do you think you are
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