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This is the Reason Why The First 7 Years Of Your Life Are So Meaningful for Everything

the brain is like the iPod consciousness
is the screen where I can create but if
I don’t have anything in the harddrive I
can’t create thoughts positive or
negative shape our biology and all of a
sudden says well now it’s time to wake
up because our negative thinking is is
manifesting a negative life experience
so nature makes the first seven years
how what kind of programs are required
to live on this planet I say how do you
get them theta is hypnosis you just
watch your watch your parents your watch
your siblings and your community because
you have to learn how many hundred
thousand rules think about it
the first seven years of your life puts
a filter on everything absolutely how do
you behave right millions of rules so
you and I can look at two separate
things or two things and completely have
different conclusion right and it’s just
based on how you grew up what you say
you know look this is not new I mean
there’s the famous book Rich Dad Poor
Dad and basically said you come from a
poor family and you could struggle your
whole life and try to get rich but
you’re not going to make it and if you
come from a rich family you could be
stupid your whole life Donald Trump and
make it not because it was thinking but
it was unconscious behavior that was
downloaded from rich families into kids
which is unconscious so they’re they’re
making the right moves
unconsciously if they engage their
conscious mind then they look stupid but
it’s unconscious and that’s the same
thing with poor people poor people have
beliefs from the family or you can’t
make it life’s a struggle things are
hard who do you think you are and if
that’s the program you get then 95% of
the day you will sabotage yourself and
that’s why poor people stay poor and
rich people stay rich because the
programming so we need to raise our
children differently is that what you’re
a hundred percent well just meditate
what do we do well we have to recognize
number one that ninety-five percent of
our behavior is coming from subconscious
so a child is going to record for seven
years and they’re gonna record you you
have a new baby that baby is gonna look
at you because you are the parent they
the first thing that baby learns in the
first week or two of life who’s the
parent very important because that’s the
reference point if anything goes in
their life they were going to look at
the parent first
thing a child on a playground is on a
swing falls off the swing on the ground
first thing it does is look at the
parent if the mother is like the kid
starts crying but if the mother goes get
up and get back on a swing the kid gets
back up on a swing its reflection so you
have to recognize a child is going to
observe every move of you and then you
also have to recognize well hell if 95%
of it is coming from my invisible
programming I’m going to pass on the
family pattern the things you like that
come into your life come in because you
have a program that supports them but
anything you struggle with work hard at
put a lot of effort into making it
happen why are you working so hard
inevitably you have a program that
doesn’t support that conclusion and
you’re trying to override the program so
you don’t need to do a lot of strength
and psychology stuff you just look at
your life and say where am i struggling
because wherever you’re struggling
inevitably is a program in your
subconscious that does not support that
destination you’ve been looking for
people read self-help books I go well
you read the book you got a lot of
knowledge they say is your life change
no but you got a lot of knowledge and so
here’s the difference the conscious mind
is creative and can learn in any number
of ways read a self-help book go to a
lecture listen to this program and
conscious minds going to get some
awareness and I go yeah but subconscious
mind doesn’t learn that way no Ryan
doesn’t subconscious mind learns in two
fundamental ways naturally hypnosis
which is the first seven years and after
age seven how do you put new programs in
repetition practice you want to drive a
car you didn’t loan learn how by just
getting in the seat for the key and you
had to practice driving the car you want
to learn the the alphabet how many times
as you go from A to Z you know trying to
Khoda it is that before you can complete
it once you’ve completed it you didn’t
have to go back and do it again so two
phases you want to train the
subconscious mind hypnosis repetition
the I like the last one because there’s
a new phrase that’s the bandied about
call fake it till you make it
meaning if you’re not a happy person I
said you want to be a happy person then
repeat all the time I’m happy I’m happy
I say well you don’t look happy all
right they say no I Who am I talking to
by repetition I’m talking to
subconscious if subconscious gets I am
happy and 95% of your life comes from
that subconscious there will be a point
once the subconscious got I am happy you
don’t have to say it again ok it won’t
be automatic and that’s why we people
see people do affirmations in the
gratitude journals and stuff because if
you do that daily rit’s repetitive it
that’s it that’s the secret part like
putting a sticky note on the
refrigerator is more like a suggestion
but it’s not a repetition so it doesn’t
work very well but you have to do
repetition is a habit it’s making habit
so you got to do something
religiously in a sense of repeating it
repeating it repeating it to make it
work [Music]
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