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TIGER Trailer (2018) Mickey Rourke, Janel Parrish Movie

I remember the first day you walked it
all pissed off and angry you want to
punch somebody huh reminded me of me so
luckily it come on everybody’s gotta
have a reason but it’s like well why’d
you come back I want a box box but why
do you want fight we get a few issues we
had to discuss yeah American boxing
commission they don’t want you to fight
they want me to shave my beard there is
one way to fix this
what’s that do as they ask I couldn’t
it’s a tradition the ABC will argue it’s
their tradition that fighters my shave
this is who I am I have to fight this is
maintaining the health and safety of
their fighters is the ABCs primary
concept is the ABCs clean shave rule
prejudicial yes it is this meeting is
keep training we’ll get you to regionals
nobody likes change me have done the
matter how a fighter look it ain’t gonna
knock me down I don’t want to be that
guy that was a sport he loves or ruins
it for you at the other fighter you want
to quit be a quitter
there’s only one way you gonna be
anything do they work harder than the
you’d up discipline and to do that gotta
love yourself you do
you chose to fight you are a heel
there’s so much to admire in you you
can’t even see it for yourself the
question is does the American boxing
commissions tradition trump that of mr.
nog restate don’t all ward knows about
you they call you the Punjab tiger
any last-minute advice hit him more than
you [Music]
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