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Una historia de genialidad y talento | Sebastián Pérez | TEDxCalzadaDeLosHéroes

Today I am going to tell you about my story
I was born on Friday, October 30 and I’m going to
meet 71 if it’s comfortable and the
nurses already said it was very
naughty and for daughter the cables of the
devices and they moved me from a place
to another and west and I made faces as if
people saw seven months
I learned chiclana to the new cabin
and to the feet to run if you wanted another
because I had to run first word
it was shining because I always like bowl
I liked the buttons of those of the
appliances when he was four years my
dads sent me to a montessori
the first year was very fun
second year the teacher changes too much
I no longer had friends because the teacher
you were taking out and taking the ball
because he wanted me to play with the letters
but I already knew how to read and believes that
they called my parents because they believed that
it was medicine but they said no and
they sent me to do and there I
they diagnosed as gifted and a
high IQ
at four years everything changed by
sheen had many friends and being
curious restless and creative on the coast
author of hopefully this way
all schools because when we go to
a place they tell us we do not have
discipline because we ask questions and
we build with everything we do and I
study even if it’s not big robotics
Chinese English whatever
and if I want and and I want to learn a subject
the help to many people believe that
when we ask difficult issues
they just believe that we do not learn them from
memory without understanding
I want to tell you what my brain
wants to do with everything he learned
I want to do a project to help
to the children of cerebral palsy and what
I’m going to do
I tell you when I was little
he liked to take the pressure and that’s what
leaked always wanted to go see me to
my pediatrician is in school I learned
first aid and so on and many subjects
of medicine does not know a child with
cerebral palsy and he said he does not
Mom consisted
blood sausage of wheels and there
it calls studying itself those of feeding
as those of the mother train were already less
resistance at higher speed
I want to be a device so that
moms do not have to push them to
children and they move avoiding and that
they feel that they fly as you can see
This is all I intend to do the
our console is up here and
these two pieces that are next to
she sends the signal to all the others
parts of the brain knee pads
well in a signal to the body so that it
can move and the electro shoulder pads
they make it possible to move the arms
even if he has cerebral palsy,
can move and that’s what I need
to be able to
for this to work the electro
console and I preserve levitation 2
caleros os and five rivers detect the
reactions of the body and has a
infrared camera to detect
electro body reactions
peru knee brace has reserves of
50 avoidance of the room
two red wires and four yellow letters
bracket 702 boundary five
corpses red and you have yellows and
green every action can make it
move each part of the body
still with the disease those who
install green make a reaction
here what does that send the signal
just where the child wants to move it
the three yellows that are these three
They make the electro kneepad can be
fold even if it is not flexible or
and we have a mechanism of
levitation make it bend the
electro kneepad all the hills of
food that’s there so it’s
move everything especially the electro
knee brace because that is not not that it
move that but it makes a reaction
that sends the signal here with the
Europeans in the room connect to
the wires and that’s my way and this is going to be
my project when I grow up should
Thank you
we asked them if you won ask them
to me
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