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The Power of Acceptance | Dylan Woon | TEDxKangar

in the past few years I’ve learned some

profound things about acceptance

what acceptance is what acceptance is it

and the power of acceptance in our

modern life let me share my personal

story with you

so two years ago at the age of 23 I

started my dream career as a business

analyst in a consulting firm now that

was an internationally known and

prestigious firm that was my dream

career because it was all I literally

wondered at a time

prestige fast hurry and paycheck and

challenge so to make sure I secure the

job I took all possible steps to realize

my dreams I read dozens of

business-related books and what hundreds

of related YouTube videos and tutorials

I also never extensively and prepare for

my case interview to realize my dreams

so when I finally secured the jobs I was

really proud of myself

I was just on top of the world you know

needless to say my friends and family

were proud of me too soon I started

joining my consulting team meeting my

client companies and started solving

interesting business challenges on top

of that my colleagues were exceptional

the job benefits were great and the

career prospect was promising now for a

young ambitious person like me that was

the pinnacle of success I just felt like

a Superman little did not know that

something unexpected would happen not

long after that along the way I was

eager to improve myself but I couldn’t

perform my career at all I was mentally

incapacitated if someone felt like

forcing myself to walk where my leg

muscles are cramping soon he became hard

for me to do almost and it

including greeting my own colleagues how


I left my so-called dream career in less

than a year the question is what

happened what can we learn from this

maybe I can handle the stress I kept

talking to myself but I knew that that

was not the valid reason

because I have been managing stress

reasonably well I was also well-read

that the working environment can get

pretty stressful and grueling at times I

was already mentally prepared for that I

also knew that I am NOT a lazy bum since

young I had been a self-directed

hardworking and disciplined person in

other words my inability to perform had

nothing to do with laziness and the lack

of discipline

there must be an underlying force at

play here I told myself that’s literally

what I told myself so as one most

self-reflective people would do I

started spending time to look into my

inner self after close self observation

I realized that all this happened

because I was lacking one key quality

acceptance and it’s not the acceptance

that most people think see I was

unwilling to accept that in order to

become a decent business analyst or

consultant especially in the consulting

firm I join I must go through steep

learning curve this may sound

ridiculously obvious to you but the

truth is during that time even though I

intellectually understood that I must go

through what I call the amateurish face

for the first few months if not years my

subconscious was resisting it rather

strongly soon all my inner resistance

surveys and showed up in my career I

couldn’t accept the fact that I was so

off the mark compared to the seniors in

my team they were sharp they were

efficient they were confident on the

other hand I was a complete newbie who

did not know what to do

of the time I made mistakes I produce

mediocre results even though I have done

my best to make things worse

I was harshly comparing myself with the

experienced associates consultants and

project leaders even though I should

have openly accepted the a matrix phase

and focus on learning instead during

those months my life was engulfed with

self-inflicted stress dramas and stories

although self-limiting and

self-defeating thoughts consumed me

really from the inside the good thing is

I’ve learned a lot from this experience

this experience was essentially my

valuable silent mentor what I learned

from the experience is that even though

competence is important in our lives

there’s perhaps a quality that many

people tend to miss acceptance

personally I think that acceptance is

one of the most important yet often

overlooks mental attitude in our lives

now looking back I did not treat

acceptance seriously because I used to

perceive it as a sign of weakness

especially in this modern world which is

perceptibly shaped by assertive and

visionary leaders i falsely related the

word acceptance with in action or in

other words passively allowing anything

and everything to affect our life

however the longer I contemplated the

more I realized they my understanding

towards acceptance could be inaccurate

also missing something today I’m looking

acceptance is not in action they are two

very different things

acceptance is not weakness

it is Schrank acceptance is not about

giving up our life it is about M

raising our life this is profound

by removing what acceptance season we

get with very essence acceptance is the

humble acknowledgement of things that

have happened without mental denial or

resistance and with the accurate

perception of life which is required in

the first place for all kinds of

positive change to happen in the future

in other words if you do not mentally

deny or resist something then you have

probably accepted it otherwise we have

not let us look at a few real-life

heroes and heroines who practice

acceptance in their life min n n is a

single mother and she earns a living by

being a hairdresser

so for information she has been trimming

my hair since I was a little boy well

about 15 years ago she was divorced and

during that time her son was just a

toddler besides having to raise a son

and earn for living and also had to

combat her nose cancer briefly those

days were definitely challenging and I

would say so crushing first photo today

and remains a happy single mother and

the only difference is that her son has

grown up as you can see in this picture

and they are both living a happy

contented life the point I’m trying to

make here is that essentially man

accepting her reality and coexist vivid

and actually regains a healthy amount of

control over alive

imagine if am denying everything that’s

happening to her life and decided just

to give up I wouldn’t serve it if that’s

the head if that is her attitude then

her life could get potentially much

worse right this is Eric he is a

successful entrepreneur his own

international watch company has been

successful for decades based on our

recent conservation

he mentioned that he remains successful

exactly because he accepts reality

wishes for him the ever-changing market

landscape and consumer preference and

then worked with it this is my beloved

grandfather well about six months ago he

was hit by shrew but the good thing is

he has been recovering really well he

was only reading to adjust his lifestyle

and retrain his leg muscles once he

accepted that stroke hit him in the

first place if he denied about his life

condition and takes no action about it

recalling from shock would be almost

impossible so as you can see acceptance

is practiced by people from all kinds of

backgrounds acceptance is not only for

the monks the fundamental difference

between inaction and acceptance is this

inaction is about not doing what’s

necessary Wow acceptance is the crucial

and a blur of doing what’s necessary

Deepak Chopra once explained that we

might want things to be different in the

future but at the present moment right

now right this second we must accept

things as they are so that we have the

power to change them in future and

basically that’s how we make our life

flow smoothly

instead of roughly now up to this point

some of you may realize that you do

resist a couple of things in your life

mentally maybe you resist the fact that

you are gaining weight or maybe you are

aging you are becoming old and some of

you may deny the fact that true growth

can be painful at times and the process

of mastering a skill or craft takes time

well that’s perfectly normal

as humans we instinctively seek for

security and this explains why our brain

is good at creating stories sometimes


that’s not good inside our brain why for

the security and from this point of view

you may think that yeah that’s kind of

natural to create for stories right and

that is the root cause of why people

tend to resist something rather than to

accept it and most people actually

resist something either subconsciously

or unknowingly because true acceptance

is much harder than resistance like

really think about it this is profound

it takes a lot of courage to accept

something as it is rather than creating

false stories about it and just takes no

action the good thing is acceptance is a

learnable mental attitude in three clear

steps and I’m going to show you how the

first step is to spend time with

yourself in this hyper-connected row the

last thing we would do is spending time

alone we have far too many alluring

distractions we have Facebook via

Instagram we have friends we have TV via

Verity well even though we are social

creatures spending time alone is crucial

because there’s a time when we can look

into ourselves without the interference

of others in other words we can become

our own observer without noise by the

way if you are alone in the room and you

screw your Facebook or reply email that

doesn’t count as being alone so when

you’re alone do not resist the fact that

you have no one around you just embrace

just accept the solitude have a bed have

a date with yourself instead right then

ask yourself the following questions

what am i resisting have the things


if yes why am i doing so is my

resistance bringing any benefits to me

all people around me like my friends my

family am i aware that my resistance

doesn’t solve any problems at all also

sup these questions truthfully and your

inner voice will guide you naturally now

up to this point some of you may say but

I’m busy this is taking too much time

and my response for that would be if

that’s your case then you have to spend

even more time alone see many people

actually sweep their resistance towards

something under the rock by engaging in

endless activities so that they don’t

have to face their inner self all of us

actually know it and bridges solitude is

likely toxifying

your body in the beginning it may feel

horrible but after some time you’ll be

able to feel light and clean and look at

yourself in a brand new light

so my friends do spend time alone at

least occasionally and with a clear

purpose the second step is to identify

the subject of your resistance let me

give you some quick examples maybe you

are covering your dissatisfaction with

your job

by excessive drinking or maybe you are

running away from a relationship issues

by binge watching television or just

binge watching YouTube’s or maybe just

maybe you are creating false stories

about your health inside your brain even

though you have been diagnosed with lung

cancer and your situation actually

worsens day by day before you really

take any actions to improve your life

your career your relationship or your

half make it a point to really accept

things as they are in the moment so you

can really unlock the power to change

them Williams James an American

philosopher and psychologist once that


is the first step to overcome the

consequences of any misfortune and I

think this is very true

the last step step three is especially

crucial after we experience an event and

we accept it we really have two options

we can either change our circumstances

proactively we change it or we’ll leave

it peacefully perfectly peacefully can

you do that make it your commitment

let’s go through a few examples once I

accept the bad weather which is beyond

my control

then I can change my outdoor plan to an

indoor plant or be perfectly peaceful

that our plan has been canceled once we

accept that we can’t force everyone to

like us then we can start behaving

authentically and truthfully once we

truly accept that anything will vow

requires effort then we will put in the

required work once I accept that the

amateurish phase is required for rapid

growth and no longer resisted today as

an educator and lifelong learner I

constantly immerse myself in different

necessary and oftentimes challenging

situations so I can really grow and that

is the power of acceptance so no matter

what you do in life be sure that you do

not spend your time on excessive

internal mental walls our life is too

short for that if you want to take away

only one things from this talk let it be


acceptance is all about the art of

coexisting with reality instead of

mentally resisting it and the ability to

coexist with reality is powerful thank


[Applause] [Music]

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