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How Valuable is Our Attention? | Alex Rodriguez | TEDxUTampa

so there’s a milestone moment in every

Americans and a family’s life and it’s

not really getting married or having

their first child its owning a minivan

so a few years ago we owned our first

minivan and as I was driving my younger

son to his preschool I was taking him

without drinking my morning coffee which

I have been told is a crime in a few

countries and I drove to his preschool

dragging my feet closing my eyes and I

am signing him in I walked him out or I

walked out in myself I left the child

inside I walk out and I got inside the

minivan and I tried to turn it on but

the key wasn’t working so I took it out

I looked at the key again and I tried to

turn it in again and it still wasn’t

working so I looked at my surroundings

and I suddenly realized that the

interior of the vehicle wasn’t the same

one that I came in and when I looked

outside the actual owner of the vehicle

was crossing his hands crossing his arms

with a frown on his face wondering what

the heck I was doing inside his car so I

had to just apologize profusely and try

and convince him that I wasn’t trying to

steal his vehicle and that was the day I

realized the importance of paying

attention now you see I believe that we

are living through an economic crisis

today and it has nothing to do with the

crash of the stock market or the

devaluation of national currencies but

it has everything to do with an economic

crisis of attention you see I believe

that attention is today’s most valuable

currency and you might think that I’m

going a little bit too far by calling

attention a currency but think about it

for a minute the first characteristic of

a currency is that it is in limited

supply once you wake up in the morning

you only have enough attention to spend

on a certain number of things and are a


collectively as a society is limited by

the number of members in society and the

number of time that we each of one of us

has attention is also valuable it’s also

a desirable in the marketplace and there

are professions that are built such as

musicians and artists that are built

upon the notion of attracting attention

from others attention is also a a

commodity in the marketplace and there

are industries such as advertising and

public relations that depend on

generating human attention and finally

the last characteristic of a currency is

that attention can be used as payment

for value and in this context I want to

be very clear that I’m talking about

valuable ideas and experiences that can

be quote unquote purchased through the

investment of your attention now one of

the things that I want to just just

impress in your mind is that when you

wake up in the morning you it’s almost

like an attention wallet that you wake

up with you have a certain amount of

attention that you can invest in

different ideas and experiences and in

the best of cases ideas and experiences

that are valuable that help bring us

together that help move us forward and

this is our responsibility to invest

this attention wisely now in fact there

is a cryptocurrency project called the

BA tee or basic attention token that is

seeking to monetize or give it or give

monetary value to our attention and

creating a marketplace between users

advertisers and publishers so that they

may transact with one another with the

attention that primarily the users have

available so this notion of attention as

currency is gaining steam in today’s

fast-moving environment but what we’re

seeing is that the the our attention is

being exploited today

and their exploits that are causing

concern in people like us that are

paying attention to the situation there

are exploits that I’m gonna continue

explaining further but before I do you

might find it ironic that someone like I

who makes their living off of

advertising and advertising being a

commercialization of human attention is

the one standing here and warning you

about miss utilizing attention but I

want to believe that I’m part of a

movement of honest advertisers that is

seeing the problem for what it is and

seeing that some things definitely need

to be changed and needs to be fixed for

example if we look at recent stats we

can find that the average American per

day is watching 270 minutes of

television every single day now even in

an era of Netflix and YouTube and other

forms of video if we take that and by

the way for those mathematically

impaired like I am 270 minutes amounts

to four and a half hours of television

per day so if we count between 13 and 15

minutes per hour of television watched

that amounts to four years in the

average lifespan of a u.s. adult just

watching advertising messages and if you

agree with I that is not correct that’s

something that we need to look at

closely but is this enough to call this

situation of crisis just because there’s

an excess of advertising or the types of

messages well there are two phenomena

that I want to look at very quickly that

I believe are very concerning in today’s

environment and the first one is what I

like to call the spendthrift syndrome

now in personal finance a spendthrift is

a person who cannot have any money in

their pockets or in their hands because

as soon as they have it they spend it

it’s an addiction to spending and if

there’s anybody here in the audience

with that spendthrift syndrome please

don’t raise your hand we don’t want to

expose you

sorry little bit too late but in

personal finance that was that would be

a spendthrift but in the economics of

attention a spendthrift would be a

person that cannot hold their focus for

long they’re quickly distracted and

we’re seeing this phenomenon more and

more particularly in the younger

generations you’ve probably heard the

saying that today our attention is equal

to that of a goldfish and that’s what

some specialists have tried to just give

kind of a metaphor to the problem of

keeping focus and keeping attention and

in fact there are stats that seem to

support this for example the the level

of ADHD which psychologists call

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

the growth of cases in US children is

42% in the last eight years now this is

a concern particularly when nannies have

been replaced by iPads video games and

television screens and YouTube on

autoplay this is a concern and we’re

teaching our kids our kids the personal

finance equivalent of breaking their

piggy bank taking their coins and just

shoving it at anybody who passes by

that’s in the economics of attention

what we’re teaching them but the other

phenomena that I want to look at is the

plummeting quality of signals out there

the plummeting quality of content that

is competing for our attention right

there is a sociological phenomenon

called the Parkinson’s law of triviality

and this just spells out that we tend

our human tendency is to invest the

majority of our time on matters of very

low relevance and on the other hand we

invest very little time on matters that

are critical and they exempt of

exemplify this phenomena in a business

meeting setting where let’s say they

meet for two hours one and a half hours

are gonna be spent discussing the color

of the drapes which brands of coffee

should we buy and who is on vacation and

did you enjoy your holiday yet only

thirty minutes are gonna be spent

talking about the actual critical

matters that were on the

and for that business meeting and if

you’ve ever wondered why some business

meetings are so boring this is a hint to

that effect so it’s it’s irresistible

but one of the things that we want to

talk about is a way of example is the

2016 election period and I know it’s a

painful topic I know we all want to

leave it behind but stick with me for a

second the 2016 election might as well

been renamed 2016 fake news because this

was the keyword that were was heard even

to this day that was passed around again

and again and I want to be very clear

that when I talk about fake news here I

am NOT talking about pointing your

finger at a news entity that goes

against your political ideology and just

calling it fake news in this context I’m

talking about real fake news for example

Mark Zuckerberg this is a site site

called the shovel Mark Zuckerberg dead

at 32 denies Facebook has a problem with

face fake news so he’s dead and he’s

making a declaration from the grave take


another example Obama signs bill

forgiving all student loan debt any

students in the audience rejoice

this fake news says that you do not have

to pay and then the last example is one

of my favorites

fake news epic gamut epidemic turns out

to be fake news so fake news says that

there’s no fake news this is awesome

so this does not exist is not a problem

according to fake news sites however a

study by Stanford University says that

during the 2016 election period there

were a brought around 40 million shares

of fake fake news items on social media

40 million shares which led to about

seven hundred and sixty million click

throughs to fake news websites and this

impacted 70 million Americans that’s

about 21 percent of our US population

now I want you to let that settle in for

a little bit our last election period of

2016 election period was decided on

about 80,000 votes sprinkled across


in states and yet we have one fifth of

our population of our voting population

being impacted by fake news items that

are captivating their attention but it

only gets worse from here because more

stats show that the fake news items

actually reached a higher level of

engagement and in social media and

digital media we call engagement likes

shares comments etc etc by election day

the fake news items had more engagement

than items that were generated from

entities with journalistic integrity so

not only were the culpable party here

the fake news sites but people like you

and I were responsible for sharing this

information along and making the

situation worse

so in this attention economy we’re

seeing fraud we’re seeing counterfeit

we’re seeing the same situations that

we’ve seen any other type of economy and

this you’ll agree by now that is a

matter of concern now I believe in much

more than just complaining about the

issue I believe in much more than just

pointing our finger about at the problem

and I believe in doing something about

it but what do we do now if we had a

personal finance crisis we would boil it

down we can talk about many many

different tips on how to improve this

situation but we would boil it down to

two actions to look into and these are

the same actions that I want to propose

that we look into in the personal in the

nd crisis of human attention and it’s

simply looking at our income and our

expenses and I’m gonna talk about each

one individually in the context of the

economics of attention but first let’s

talk about expenses and by expenses what

I mean is the collection of ideas and

experiences that we are investing our

daily attention wallet into so what are

we investing what are we spending our

attention on right now I agree that we

have to keep news entities social media

digital media we should keep them


or containing in some manner the barrage

of fake news and misinformation that is

out there but I also believe that we

need to elevate our standards because

these news entities and and media

entities being for-profit organizations

they are driven by increasing

shareholder value and the way the

increased shareholder value is by

attracting more attention so if we as a

community we tell these entities that

we’ve had enough and that we expect

something higher we expect more pure

information than they’d sooner or later

will have to comply but the other aspect

that I want to look at is our income now

by income in this context what I’m

thinking about is the ideas that we

expose the idea that we share forward

the ideas that we pass along in exchange

for our social circles attention or

whichever circle that we have influence

over so what ideas are we selling

quote-unquote to others so that others

may invest their attention in us now in

this era in which we with a

supercomputer in our pocket which over a

double macchiato we can spend you can

spread ideas around the world in a

matter of seconds we have the power of

being many media entities and think

about the responsibilities that you and

I have in the moment of sharing an idea

so my question to you is

wouldn’t it be hypocritical if we demand

of social media of digital media of news

entities we demand a level of standard

that we as individuals don’t comply with

I think it would be hypocritical and I

think that the same standards that we

applied to them must be applied to us in

such a manner in which we think before

sharing before forwarding that

information we think about it one or two

times you think we could do that

so accountability certain certainly goes

both ways both in the media entities the

people the entities that have reached

wide reach to all huge population but

also we even on an individual one-to-one

basis we can all do better so to wrap

things up really quickly there are just

a few things that I want to say there is

a Japanese proverb an ancient Japanese

proverb that goes ino Nagano kawazu Tai

Chi Yoshida zu and what it means is the

Frog inside the well cannot see the

great ocean and in Spanish we have a

saying that goes

camarón Casa de where may say la joya la

corriente and that means the shrimp that

falls asleep is swept away by the

current and from very disparate cultures

for centuries and centuries it seems

like we have embedded this idea that our

attention and our focus is a matter of

prime importance and my hope is that we

invest our attention wisely so that we

do not get swept by the currents of

misinformation and bad ideas and we can

stand and look at the expansive ocean of

ideas that matter ideas that help bring

us together and help us move forward and

at the very least so that we don’t wind

up in somebody else’s vehicle so today

you’ve invested a little bit of your

attention wallet in my talk and for that reason thank you

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