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¿Somos o no somos? Equidad de género en educación | valeria lentini | TEDxPuraVidaED

well that’s my family between
I come from a family where my
grandmothers worked and at home inside and
and they worked just like my grandparents
they went to primary school
but they were also inserted in the
working market
that was not very common at that time the
next generation my mom takes up
university education and like my
dad also worked all his life
this pension
I third generation also arrived
until university work
I’m going to tell you this because we’re going
to talk about higher education
and what about women in the
higher education but before that
I want to tell you an anecdote that
happened when I was at school when
I was at school when they arrived
the math tests had
colleagues who always asked me for help
because he was explaining to him now he will help
a little bit with this and a day out there
fifth year while I was explaining
He told me if you keep going like this you never go to
I really do not belong to me
acting at that moment puzzled me
a bit like you would have said it was going to
drop a meteorite in a couple of years the
children of something like misplaced
the thing is that it was not important in this
moment the comment but with the years
I started to understand that there they were
playing some stereotypes and roles not
were my background were my
background and his family had other
other figures other roles
all this to tell you that today we are going to
talk about equity gaps in
higher education is relevant
because we are talking about 30
hundred of the boys from 18 to 24 170,000
more or less
young boys
one of the aspirations that we should
have as in higher education is
that is a mechanism to close gaps
intergenerational reproduction
say poverty and inequality
that could matter to us equity
educational because this improves the
individual welfare and cohesion
and when I talk about inequality to what we
we actually refer differences
we can have many different we can
have different capabilities that is
well it is what it is but the inequalities
inequalities are said when you
differences exceed what can be
individual capabilities and are we say
related rather to belonging
to a group that favors one with
regarding another truth then there is
if we can express talking about
inequalities that are depending more
well of the origin of the person also
that hold up through time
They remain true through
time there we could be talking about
inequalities and are of such magnitude that
with the individual effort of the
people will be difficult to overcome
so what do we have to do to
support let’s say those groups that would be
being more vulnerable to present
Costa Rican higher education has
compensated for some of those differences
these inequalities and in other let’s say
has been working but has not achieved
maybe compensate the way
enough we will talk about so
minus three examples of inequalities to
which we have been able to follow up
because we have data in education
higher for example inequalities
socio-economic groups in the
society that by its conditions
socioeconomic are having less
probability for example of with culminate
the secondary and that’s the first
barrier that we have to then access
higher education does not end
secondary there is no possibility of entering
once they access education
higher there are affirmative policies scholarships
who are managing to make those
people manage to enter then there are
compensatory measures other equality
what we could talk about is inequality
regional regional inequality also
we can observe it in pre levels
university students when we observe that
outside the central region there are regions
that also present less
probability of completing high school
there maybe we are not making a
enough compensation because once
that students manage to complete the
secondary in certain regions the offer
education of higher education in
those regions is more limited than in the
central region and also has a
different quality then we have homework
to do and one last let’s say it’s the
what we are going to talk about today is gender
this inequality does not really
reveals but until the doors of the
higher education when people
choose the race
yes this graphic that I have there
above you will find that on the side of
the right are mainly the
careers that women choose and
left side the races that
they choose more men and in the center
there is like crossing the X because
they are the races that we would say more
parity if I had covered the
races that appear down there and they
I asked you to guess, I’m sure
that I would have guessed because it is very
and if with and in addition it is as well as how
you could see there there is a concentration
mainly of women in the
areas of education and health and
more men in engineering and technologies
because we should care about this good
we should care about this because that
what we do in education that we have
and what can serve us as tools
to insert us in the labor market
is going to have an impact then on the
employability is to say the possibility of
get a job
in income on wages and the
paid income is the main
income sources of households from
costa rica and the world we live from
our work is practically that yes
the main the main source of
income then it matters that suddenly
women are choosing and what is it
who are choosing and if they are what
conditions are happening so that
choose some careers that
eventually they present less
employability at times and also a
remuneration eventually also less
attractive and that nothing else to give them are
ideas for example in the area of
engineering women are on shore
rich more or less mate graduating in a
30% compared to men 70 this
number may seem low but in
reality has been increasing especially in
industrial engineering in other areas
as the health area or the area of
economic Sciences
there is more parity in science of the
sorry, if it’s more feminine than
male and in education is more the
female enrollment but also in health
and in education I told them that in
engineering women have gone
inserted in the case of education and
health where men have started
several years ago to venture into these
areas the participation they have in
these areas is different from that of the
women just for giving them an example
in the area of health
half of the women are recording
in the case costa rica in the middle of
nurses and the other half of doctors in
the case of men when they
inserted in the health sector are more
doctors that nurses will see before in a
60 to 40 ratio
slightly more than 60 when we see
in the education area men who
they are inserted in the educational area they have
more likely to occupy positions of
headquarters that women
and this in the management positions
when we see the graduate degrees
which is a level that also opens me
more possibilities of employability and more
possibilities of a wage income
better there is also more priority in the
men than women in the case
Costa Rican to obtain positions of
address or management that in the case
of women same ages and same the
educational level and it has to do with the
subject of the sectors where they are
playing what are the factors that
they could then be influencing there
multiple factors we have done studies
good with my students at school
economy also in the state of the
education and what he did was
extract more or less three elements that
could you mention the first one is that
they tend to choose those
careers that looks more like roles
that society gives them
a second element is the experience
I already told you my background and
my partner’s background
and a third that is linked with the maté
phobia that they saw a little while ago
self- perception about performance in
math skills of women
that self-perception was not this when
internalized has effects let’s say in
the also real effects on those in the
performance and then tend to avoid
some races that have more included
this kind of stuff and this has good
been investigated since the 70s at the
world also in costa rica in the
school of psychology there is a
investigation of how this has going
having an effect studies also that
my school students have done
economy observe that suddenly up
this effect could be sometimes
overcoming the impact of the effect
of the roles of those in the assumption of
roles the issue is that in the case
Costa Rican women have gone to
camila in accumulating through the
years more and more years of education
even more than men are you
lines reflect that evolution in the
higher education percentage
amounts of people with education
superior in costa rica from 25 to 34 years and
we see that women have been accumulating
one more scream but the women have
inserted less in the labor market
that men their participation is
relatively lower and it’s even in
the fourth lowest place in america
latina is below average
world was growing yes but we have a
couple of years that has stagnated about
five years in which they have stagnated
the men have rather come
practically a maximum because they are by
above the world average in the case
Costa Ricans are at 85 percent
that is almost as we have come to
a roof but then if we have
intention to incorporate and grow
let’s say in our productive systems
we have to grab women
this is a paradox because we are
having half the population that
has is accumulating years of education
but at the same time lower employability
then this brings us to see
ask ourselves what can be
happening in the case of men are going to
see that regardless of the level
here are three educational levels
secondary school and higher the three
lines are pasted up because the
I participated since the nineties to
here it is high outside it is not that the
educational level condition that
participation but in the case of
women are going to see that women with
primary education are incorporated less
in education then superior there
would have been say my grandmothers of
that’s why he said it was a case
it was not so common at that time but
neither was it and it is not so much in the
present secondary education me
offers more opportunities to join
to the labor market and finally the
higher education in which I go to
reach although it’s always below
of labor participation
of men and see that it’s not just the
issue of participation but it happens
over time women in the
eighties you’ll see the late eighties
they interrupted their insertion in the market
labor at certain ages that came out
of the labor market what we do not have is
tracking if coming in and out or
if they just went out but that’s not what
we can see with the data we have in
Costa Rica for the moment
now this is less common to see that the
Red columns are all higher than
the gray ones because there is less interruption
you will see less intermittency and less
interruption but it’s still lower
it will be seen that participation in all
the cities of those of men
the issue is that because women in
higher education are not participating
at the same level as men on the coast
rich what happens to us and this is a
phenomenon actually also quite
quite common in other countries too
is that the labor policies that
We can observe in countries with greater
part participation rates for example
Norwegian finland where the policies
Paternity and maternity jobs are
more generous then we reach there
let’s say participation levels of 75
in the case of costa rica when we see in
household surveys what is the
time or who are dedicated to the care
when there are elderly people or people
minors in domestic work we are going to
see what is 73 percent of the
adults who are dedicated these tasks
they are women and also when they are dedicated
are devoting 183 percent of the
time dedicated to this type of work
in what opportunities then we could
have to solve this paradox of the
choice and participation good
let’s think that when women are
studying the career in reality and the
roles and stereotypes were assumed
quite before then do measurements
that attend from the educational system
to balance these inequalities to
doors of higher education already
it would be too late this kind of
measures must be taken before the
idea would then think about how the
roles and with responsibility you can go
build by building from the system
education will see from early ages of
way that is going to work from that
era and also work in the
stereotyping and self – perception
women in math skills and
scientific so that when
are going to make their demands or they
perform during your
during school or during school
have more security to work in that
type of subjects and finally once
that are inserted into the labor market
importance of looking for a
university in the care not only of the
most vulnerable populations but also
of women in the middle class
finally the message that I want them
leave is that the differences that today
we see do not imply inequalities of
opportunities thinking about our
future generations thank you very much
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