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REDalimentación para el aprendizaje | pablo lizano | TEDxPuraVidaED

I’ve always liked to think that
education should be like a puzzle
and I want to ask you something at this time
I want you to raise your hand
that once in your life you have put together a
perfect do not lower your hand please
because now I need those who the
they kept it up like this until the
end of my talk
and I want us to think now
something that we like most about a
puzzle I know the answers
they can be very different some will say
who like it because of the beautiful image
it shows others at the end because the
entertain and I know there will be some that
they will say that a puzzle represents a
challenge to overcome but I know that many will be
agree with me on the aspect that a
puzzle has something to me
love and that allows us to enjoy
both the process itself and the
final result and is that if it should be
education because sometimes in
education we focus so much on the
result that we are leaving aside the
final process and to our students
we teach them to spend the whole year
thinking about the final result and
we forget to teach them to enjoy the
process of learning today I want to share
with you
a technique that will allow us
keep us focused on that process of
learn and it’s called feeding network
but to be able to understand this technique
I want to share with you two
stories the first one is from a young woman who
I met 15 years ago when I was his
professor of industrial arts in the
Susana school was a young
very intelligent she got 100 in
any written evaluation that I give you
realize however when we went to the
practical part their qualifications do not
they were so good I remember that in that
then and despite being a teacher
young and inexperienced to clear difference from
today that I am a teacher a lot
older and inexperienced I approached her to
comment because that difference of
susana in the workshop and she told me teacher
is that I’m scared I’m afraid to fail
It’s scary to do things wrong and that my
project is ugly and not earn me the note
then I understood that susana was
worried but I was worried about the
final result for its note and it was
to enjoy that learning process
so I also understood that I had to
do something and for the next election
that it was going to be welding I remember
I wanted to try something different and I brought them
videos of different people performing
the welding process so that they
they saw in the workshop and at the end
I asked Susana precisely what happened to the
front and that will explain to us that there was
understood of those videos I remember that
while Susana was speaking one of her
comrades came to the front and told him in
susana because you fold your hand
this way while using the equipment of
weld Susan saw him again and told him
I have no idea but that’s what
did the boy in the video and then
this boy came up again and
he said in that I never saw him and suddenly
all my students started talking about
what they had understood and how
they had understood and a debate was formed
that allowed them to socialize that
knowledge and that socialization of
knowledge was what allowed them
generate a learning experience
at that moment
all right
with respect to this subject of learning
and of socialization not only them
they learned I also learned and learned
what precisely when you see vegetables
sorry to the behrman hard in 1977 we had
taught with his theory of learning
social which explores that moment in the
that a student takes the role of
learner and by observing the
thinking and assimilation achieves
generate knowledge knowledge
which can be used as a reference
the next time he faces the
practical part
with respect to susana I will not tell you
who devoted the rest of his life to
industrial arts or that now has a
welding workshop but if I ‘m going to
say that day Susana learned
He learned to weld but he also learned
to not be afraid he learned that the
limits do not exist and that she is capable
to do more things than she does
I imagined
now I want to move on to the second story
and this story is a little more modern and
in the story of a young man who is called
Simon he came to work at the same
company for which I work and
I remember that first day while I
I taught my simon technology classes
I was constantly checking his phone
cell phone
I wanted to call attention to him in that
moment but with a little thought
I said I’m going to teach this guy a lesson
boy a lesson that you never forget
so keep going let a couple of
more topics and when I finish I told him
and I said you Simon could you please
come forward and tell us what you have
learned today
Simon took his cell phone and he
He led the class
and they know what happened
Simon is an excellent summary of everything
that we have seen until then and how
if it was not enough, he also told me
By the way, Pablo, I want to make you a
correction is that you had told us
that in 1935 he made the first
computer but at 35 only the
designed was not until 1938 when in
They could actually build and
this mischievous and jovial smile returned in
the rest of the class and told them what
I learned on the internet
and is that this new generation of
students represents a great challenge for
we the teachers because now
we must compete for your attention
we should be and make our classes
be entertaining enough
as to capture their attention and
they steal that time and as if it were
little we must compete against factors of
distraction in the classroom like for example
their cell phones and I want that
Let’s talk about numbers for a moment because the
sixth report on the state of education
Costa Rican tells us that a 28 percent
one hundred percent of class time the and the
students are dedicating it to
activities little related to the
learning as for example the use of
your cell phones
Before this reality I started to
ask as a teacher how I could get
something positive about this situation and what
first thing I had to do is understand
why did Simon do this and the
answer I found it in the theory of
piaget constructivism which exposes
that learning is essentially
active then I understood that Simon was
looking for that he wanted to have a
learning experience and not
was only active but also
it was an experience of the kind of which
he and his entire generation are
Simon wanted to have an experience of
interactive learning and is that what
difficult for teachers to think about
interactivity in environments for example
as a classroom where there are no factors
like technology or the internet
and justly
this mix of ideas this mixture of
concepts was what brought me an idea
which is based on a principle of
electronics that is called feedback
and I want to ask you something here
again how could we achieve
us that two different devices
that have been manufactured in a
different and have been programmed from
different way and they are part of a
same system deliver us the same
answer at the end
Well, the key here is the feedback
which is based on everything that
calculate or think if we can say it like that
this device communicates to this
another and vice versa we could even say
in other words that the feedback
It occurs when two different devices
within the same system they socialize
your partial results to achieve
reach a single final result just
as my students did in the
fifteen years industrial arts workshop
and this moment is in which a question
changes everything I wondered what
would happen if to that dream we were others
devices what would happen if those
devices we replace them with
people and right here is where the
food network and I want us to think
in a normal class let’s think about our
students because they are all like
different devices and all have been
programmed differently from their
childhood which makes it very common that if
we give an information each one is going to
process differently and this is
what the food network is looking for
seeks to create a calibration of
knowledge through the
socialization and learning in
I know you will tell me maybe or
some wonder good but that in
what time can I put it into practice
I want us to think about this there is a big
added value that gives me the
feedback and is that allows me
to integrate
both technology through the
cell phones like using the
internet in our class I’m going to put
this example is that it will never be what
same listen to the teacher talk about
the second world war that by
example was a video capsule of
history chanel or let’s say pablo
scribbling on the blackboard
while trying to tell their students
that is a cell when we could
have our students download models
three – dimensional cell
Internet to share them with
all his companions
I even dare to think of Simon
in physical education when the teacher whistles
criminal and suddenly simone and half a month in
home that your phone and says teacher
it was not criminal because rule 14 of the
fifa says that blah blah blah then
the possibilities are endless but what
What I like most about the network of
food is that it has no cost and that
uses resources that are already in
in the classrooms although we do not
let’s use
but I want us to go back to
puzzle with which initiates this
missing pieces you know what are
someone knows what is missing
for five points in everyday work
Exactly we lack, we miss the
teachers and we are very important pieces
in this puzzle because we have a
great mission and it’s that it does not matter if
we have 30 years of being educators or
we started last year we all have
that generate new ideas that achieve
change the education of our country already
our students we have to
empower them so that they learn
that there are no limits that there are not
barriers and what learning can reach
be fun too but also
we must apply this concept
because I want them to think about something not
it matters if you study is a student or
is a teacher if we are mommy dad or if we are
children both you and I all have
something from simón and susana thank you very much
do not
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