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Performance: audience activation | Nora Kersten | TEDxZuriberg

I’m really happy to spend four minutes
with all of you and we will start right
now because this is four minutes for you
so you can actually stay seated and just
bring your feet on the ground and if you
feel comfortable you can close your eyes
and just trust your ears we start with
bringing the awareness into the body and
then just take first a deep breath in
and maybe it’s the first one since you
arrived here and then fully exhale bring
the awareness to your feet and notice
the floor beneath your feet travel up
and notice your legs and then notice the
weight of your body on this chair notice
your back and elongate your spine lift
your chest inhale and lift your
shoulders up to the ears on the exhale
relax your shoulders then just soften
your face and your jaw and take another
couple deep breaths notice on the inhale
that you’re getting more and more oxygen
into your body which is gonna give you
more energy and notice on your next
exhale more lightness relaxation and
then from here let’s get started with
some movement a little flow bringing the
chin towards the chest move the chin up
towards the ceiling to stretch the front
side of your neck and again move the
chin down and then move your head over
to the right shoulder and from there go
half circle over to the other side of
the shoulder and then just go for a
slowly come back to the center
chin parallel to the ground and if you
like you can open your eyes and then
just the shoulders a little bit
releasing the tension stress and yes
smile if you can it’s always good shake
your hands out even though they’re not
doing so much today but it’s always nice
to get the energy flowing in the fingers
now make fists with your hands open your
fists and open again let’s do it up and
down up and shake it out again okay now
bring your hands together to your heart
and take a deep inhale reach your arms
all the way up extend your spine exhale
bring your hands back to your heart
inhale is this watch right exhale hands
to the heart okay let’s take another
deep breath in and then let’s twist over
to the right side just grab the back
side of the chair not the hair of your
shoulders down take another inhale and
come back to the center extend the spine
exhale let’s do the other side so this
is gonna be really nice for your spine
especially if we sit a little bit longer
breathe deeply into the belly and smile
at yourself take another inhale and then
slowly come back to the center exhale
hands onto your lap now bring the weight
onto your feet and stand up everyone
good alright ten more seconds to breathe
inhale reach your arms up open your
mouth and exhale like this out in out in
out in out in out and that’s it give a
high-five to that person Xu
right namaste thank you thank you [Applause]
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