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“STOP Trying to Be PERFECT!” | #InstagramLive

today quickly want to talk to you about
momentum momentum momentum momentum is
so important momentum is the gain like
as soon as you get an idea you got to
find a way to do it expect it to be
terrible expect it to not get results
expected to to not be perfect stop
trying to be perfect stop trying to be
perfect your stuff will not be perfect
you are not successful you are not
reaching your goals because you’re
trying to be perfect as soon as you get
an idea you need to find the fastest way
to get started
idea start I was I had a mask my meeting
last night and I’m listen I’m sick right
like I’m trying to get better it’s not
it’s not happening I’m working on it I’m
working on it and I’m meeting with an
entrepreneur a friend of mine and we
ended up staying up late I see Clifford
we’re gonna do an interview one on one
coming up soon with Clifford Starks I’m
doing a meeting and we’re connecting and
he’s given me some ideas for his for my
business and I love him I love the ideas
and so I’m up till midnight with him you
know here at my condo working on these
ideas and then he’s like okay we should
meet up to talk about next steps when
you want that to happen I don’t know how
about tomorrow right like immediate
while I’m meeting with him I’m messaging
my team I wake up this morning most of
that first project is already done I’m
meeting him at 2 o’clock today so like
in an hour and a half to go over the
next steps like it’s not gonna be
perfect but by the time most people are
are going through the thought process
thinking will this work or not and what
are all the variables and everything I
have to worry about you’re thinking
thinking thinking like we’ve tested it
it’s done and we have an answer it’s
good or it’s not good like you’re your
success will come from the speed of you
going from idea to action and so I want
you to let let go of the perfection and
just get used to that it’s so important
you guys are just trying to be too
perfect and you have zero momentum in
your business and that’s why you’re not
reaching your goals also if you want to
know what I think and what others
social entrepreneurs think about
building confidence check out my new 250
for confident series where every day for
the next 250 4 days for free I will send
you a 30 second to 5 minute video
in the morning to help you build
unstoppable confidence the link is in
the description below if you want to be
more confident you need to surround
yourself with things that make you feel
confident realizing that any big
endeavor is the collection of a lot of
small steps that came before if you’re
doing work that you love you’re more
likely to follow through you’re more
likely to do it because it doesn’t feel
like work because you love doing it
raise your standard Apple at the core
its core value is that we believe that
people with passion not one drop of
myself work depends on your it’s
something serene if you liked this video
check out the one we did on the 5
morning routines that will transform
your life the link is right next to me
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there you won’t have a strategy you
don’t have a real plan you kind of just get up and say I’m about to tackle today
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