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Lessons From a Seven-Day Voice Fast | Phil Sanderson | TEDxBeaconStreet

thanks I’m really happy to be talking to

you today since as you’ve just heard

I haven’t spoken for a week I just

finished a week long voice cleanse and I

wasn’t sure if my voice is gonna work

very well if it was gonna crack like a

thirteen-year-old boy or something like

that but seems to be working so let me

tell you about what I’ve learned first I

want to talk about my general philosophy

about big hairy audacious goals and how

we can incorporate them into our lives

for self awareness and self improvement

this year I set out to do three big

hairy audacious goals or be hags

the first was a seven-day food cleanse

where I cut out all food as taking away

one of my basic human needs of air water

food and shelter to put my life in

perspective and to appreciate the little

things I take for granted the second be

hag I did was running the Grand Slam as

was mentioned I’m a runner I run about

an hour a day and I set out to do the

Grand Slam ultra series which is a set

of the four original 100-mile races in

the United States and running them all

all within 11 weeks I did it in 109

hours which if you break it out is about

24 hours per race except for the last

one which was super hard had 29,000 feet

of climbing was at high altitude crazy

but I was able to test the limits of my

endurance and have some of the most

cathartic moments of my life

both of these be hags were painful

physical and transformative experiences

and so for my next be hag I wanted to do

something along the lines of sensory

deprivation specifically not talking and

we talk all the time and take it for

granted so I knew that not talking for a

week would require extreme discipline

and concentration

I also knew that I’d have to incorporate

this into my normal life as opposed to

going away to a meditation retreat for a

week or somebody that in order to get

the real experience that I wanted so not

talking was actually really frustrating

just a simple fact that I’m standing

here today probably tells you that I

like to talk and I have to talk a lot in

my job I’m a venture capitalists in

Silicon Valley and I hear a lot of

people talk and pitches and and calls

all week I’m on the board of a games

company in Finland called next games and

we had a board call with people around

the world and it’s really hard to do a

board call when you can’t talk but what

it was I emailed the CEO in advance and

told them that I would email him

questions as they came up and he read

them aloud and it worked pretty well

I’m also pitched a few times a day by

entrepreneurs who are raising money

similar to shark tank but in real life

and I had a small whiteboard and I was

just write down questions on it and it

worked pretty well what I found is that

communication became pretty efficient I

was very terse in what I wrote I

typically wrote in about 140 characters

partially because my whiteboard was

small but also because I’m a big fan of

Twitter and I think you’re able to say

what you want to say in less words in

many cases actually my twitter is at San

Francisco BC so if you want to follow me

you can follow me it’s a little plug I

also found that people talk less when I

was doing the voice fast and more

specifically they were very to the point

which was great and sometimes they

actually were able to look at my


and figure out what I was gonna say and

I didn’t have to complete my sentence

also I found I was a better listener by

not talking I had to listen more and I

always tried to listen more and be a

better listener when it comes to

personal and professional relationships

because when you really listen to

somebody you’re telling them you

appreciate them

and what they’re saying also better

listening is better business one of my

business partners always says you should

have big ears in a small mouth and what

he’s saying is that people often

negotiate against themselves when it

comes to business knowing when to be

silent in business is actually a pretty

big skill I think we can all appreciate

the importance of listening to

leadership skills as well I also found

that I had a much less stressful week

generally it was just quieter as I said

people talk to me less but also I didn’t

hear the sound of my own voice and on

average we speak about 15,000 words per

day that’s a lot and there’s a lot of

noise and there have been studies that

show that noise pollution activates the

amygdala portion of your brain which

causes a release of stress hormones

there have also been studies that show

that a few minutes of prolonged silence

throughout the day are much more

relaxing than listening to soft music as

shown by decreased blood flow in the

brain and lower blood pressure I think

the most stressful part of my whole week

though was trying to figure out how to

rehearse this talk without actually

talking it’s really hard but I had great

sleep and there been studies that show

that a few minutes of silence throughout

the day lead to lower insomnia and much

better sleep I found myself alone of my

thoughts throughout the day and one of

the hardest things was actually not

talking to yourself I don’t talk to

yourself yes you do we all talk to

ourselves even though we may not realize

it but it’s really you’re very acutely

aware of it when you do a voice fast I

also found that my other senses were

heightened I could really hear what

people were saying both literally and

metaphorically I could also sometimes

see what they’re about to say before

they said it by looking at the nonverbal


and their facial expressions I was also

really aware of my own breathing you

know we take about 20,000 breaths a day

and when you really focus on your

breathing it’s pretty relaxing it’s sort

of like a yoga class but without the

stretching and if you’re like me you

probably need to stretch more because

I’m totally inflexible

there are also some real medical

benefits to voice fasting extensive

studies have shown that a few hours of

prolonged silence lead to brain cell

regeneration in the hippocampus part of

your brain the part that’s responsible

for learning and memory also when you’re

awake but you’re don’t have external

stimuli your brain goes into default

mode which basically allows yourself to

process the experiences you’ve had and

convert them into learnings and key

takeaway it’s an important part of your

day so I don’t know if I’ll do a voice

fast again probably not it was really

hard and frustrating for a lot of people

but I had some key takeaways I became a

better communicator in many ways I was

better at listening I had a much less

stressful week I slept great

I relied on my other senses and I knew

there’s some real medical benefits but

more than anything I was really excited

to just set a goal and achieve it I

think it’s a really important thing that

we do in our lives for many people their

goals are to pay their rent or send

their kids to school for others goals

are less defined and sometimes they’ve

already been accomplished in some ways

these types of be hags are first-world

person’s problem of or manufacturing

pain in order to gain some wisdom for me

it’s about setting a goal and achieving

it as part of my lifelong goal of

personal improvement I highly recommend

setting a be hag in one of your lives

and for this didn’t see where it takes

you thank you [Applause]

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