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La “classe renversée”, innovation managériale | Jean-Charles CAILLIEZ | TEDxViroflay

if I tell you that I am no longer a
normal teacher for five years and that my
class really became weird that
intrigue you and if I add that what
goes between the walls interested in
highest point companies that
call me our contacts and send me
emails almost every day about it
so here you die want to know
welcome in the class overturned a
class where students do everything and the
prof nothing we give them no
just document the titles of the chapters
charge to them to do everything charge to them
to write the chapters to search
the information on the internet to sort it out
with discernment describe these chapters
to illustrate them to find movies from
annotate them charge to them to prepare the
questions the scales to distribute
copies to fill out copies of
pick up copies of correcting
copies to make the notes
do it yourself do it all by you
even the dream
this case has existed for five years she
is experimental she is completely
transformed when you enter it that does not
looks like nothing or rather a little
company a start-up a company
who would make knowledge
students arrive at 8 am
morning sessions last 2 to 3 hours it
there is no break they can return
and go out as he wants to get organized
as they wish
in each team the students who
have no documents need to work
with their own computer tools
tablets digital phones and even
paper books
they are looking for information they
must the reference is what does not like
not the good students besides they
must also publish it on a
collaborative platform and discuss
together with the teacher except they
produce in each compound team
this student we differentiated different
level backgrounds of the good students of
means and students rather talented in
genetics as appropriate in order to
the mix that each team advances to the
same speed
there is a real organization between
they each take his responsibilities
responsible for the texts of a
iconography control publication on the
platform same discussions with
the teacher who has nothing to do
every day 1 if it’s small business
unit manufactures the course content
since they have no more books
the sessions always start with
exercises with weird names cusems
intelligent interrogations reversed
karaoke ping pong battle cheating
mandatory and turn table
tables turning a method
experienced by these students
particularly effective it replaces
the lecture course finally on a
time 15 minutes before for their
explain a fundamental I told them
here is listen me well I’ll go
explain something really very
important you are almost sure of
have it on the exam listen to me well
and after a quarter of an hour of my
explanation everyone had forgotten
or almost what I had explained then
that there I ask them a question and he
works on paintings he starts to
think about producing their answers and
every three minutes there is a
rotation that makes each group
continues working on a scheme
start with a precedent what makes
only after ten minutes
I get six to seven different paintings
co-built co written and we did
more than a few minutes to go for
check what is produced by the
students together and then in this
reversed class we apply the
motto well known to all
the best way to learn is
to teach
so dear students became the
teachers so I have 40 professors
in the class and there is only one
only student finally test what you
produce on the best student of the
the dream for a teacher 100% of the
promo consisting of the best student in
genetics – students build
the court he dispenses it they make their
table explanations and I pose some
questions finally today
for five years in my class there are
has more than one who goes home
with homework
it’s me more copies to correct
just exercises to prepare in case
I would be interrogated the next day
morning and note the students are organizing
the exam prepares the questions show
the scales if you ask them the
question is it difficult to question
a profile tells you yes it takes
know the court then to know
the short you have to know how to build
bars n and when the teacher answers you
you have to be able to correct it
so a very good method in you
telling all this he comes back to me in
two anecdotes two anecdotes
particulars which allow
understand why businesses
finally managers managers
are interested in these innovations
the first anecdote is that of the
two-chromosome bacterium
I remember very well it was a
Wednesday morning I was listening to one of
them with his friend explained on the board the
functioning of a bacterium she was
beautiful well drawn is all that
he explained was particularly fair
almost no mistakes one thing
disrupt there was in his bacteria
two circular chromosomes gold all the
world knows you like me there is
only one chromosome in a bacterium
after all I am the expert so I
let finish his explanation and I him
say I have a question why there is
two chromosomes in your bacteria it’s me
answer it’s like that there is no
so I try to help him while
trying to make him understand that he
had made a mistake and I said ah
I think I know why this
bacterium actually that has only one
chromosome is in the process of dividing and
to divide
she has to duplicate her chromosome by
two and when she will have two
chromosomes and will be able to give two
so I understood and he to answer me
but not at all look good he’s a
big and a little chromosome so this
not possible
elementary my dear teacher then there
I do not know what to say to him and everything
at once
his colleague with the computer in hand
said the professor
know that publication in support that
recently in texas in the university of
a team of American researchers has
showed that in 32 strains of the species
to the spheroid earth tank if we had two
chromosomes a big and a small
two days later in my lecture hall
medicine in front of my 500 students who
take word-for-word notes for
prepare the contest I tell them of a
your insured
you all know that bacteria have
only one chromosome and well know and
few people know it
that an American team recently at
texas in houston university has
showed that in 32 euros strain of
bather steroids s there were two
chromosomes a big and a little there at
first row jean tanus killing who says to
his colleague war the teacher what culture
and his classmate answering him
that’s normal it’s a researcher the
second anecdote is that of
the student who thought they knew nothing
I also remember very well it was
the first session I had just explained
the principle of the method is there a
student comes to me and tells me you
know sir your class method
reversed seems to me really interesting
but for me and my five comrades
it’s going to be very complicated, it’s 2 to 3
years we have not done any
biology then a chapter where a
program that talks about replication
transcription regulation mutation that goes
to be almost impossible mission
two months later when I had
divides his five students into five
different teams
I see my student on the board in front of
a schema almost as big as him
gave lots of explanations to
some of his colleagues
I approach him he looks at him
back and tell me what is it
no no nothing what do you do you see him
well I explain the regulation of water
lactose father in a bacterium in
lack of glucose and as you
notice on this diagram the fact that he
there is no glucose allows the
lactose repressor to be inhibited so from
do not focus on the operator near
moc promoters is to allow the
synthesis of hot beta galec a
envy necessary for the digestion of
lactose to produce glucose
elementary my dear professor
well then I look at it surprised
notice my astonishment he tells me
why it’s wrong there are mistakes
no no almost everything is good but this
is not you who told me there are few
time that you did not know what was
a molecule of adr and there you are
explain to me the regulation of a gene of
bacteria and he answer me but
sir I still do not know what
what is DNA molecule
but on the other hand this mechanism is top
awesome i really want to know
now these two anecdotes from so many
others shows that innovation
teaching may also interested in
beyond the class that companies get
ask questions about his
class inverted class methods
reverse collaborative work the anecdote
of the two-chromosome bacterium shows
that we can always learn from
other even non-experts that must
know how to tell his students sometimes I
do not know how to listen to them work
together you have to trust them
Its a question of confidence
trust in the students that the
students have confidence in their
teachers but also that students
trust each other to
work collectively
I said earlier that the best
way to learn is to teach
I think today that the best
way of teaching it’s also
to learn to try to learn from
others to change a little posture
the anecdote of the student who thought
to know nothing shows us that everyone
can learn at his speed and
work in complementarity with
others do coworking work
after all that matters is the
collective result of the team and not
necessarily the individual result
you have to know how to accept losing
time wasting sometimes it’s in
win I think back to these students and I
tell me if the first day I had him
said do not worry I’ll give you
level and after 10 to 12 hours of
course of molecular biology you will be
able to understand what the
maybe I would have it nauseated gold
there he wanted to go further in
acquiring knowledge
so a classroom with 40
teachers and only one student is this
reasonable bold I do not know
innovative at least innovative if one
agrees to take risks to go out
of his comfort position between 10
to agree to go to the students of
work with them so
different and ultimately produce
the knowledge of sharing it from a
other way that do not replace the
academic courses but that is
complementary work so
different be innovative in pedagogy the
pedagogy interesting from elsewhere
know that in antiquity the pedagogue
was not a pedagogical teacher walking to
side of the child
the pedagogue in antiquity was a
slave without special knowledge
who accompanied the master’s child to
the school where he was learning his lessons from
master the other then the pedagogue bring back
the child at home maybe him
wearing his binder of the time
maybe protecting him on the way
maybe the teeth do his homework
pedagogy is accompaniment
not surprising that it also interests
companies the human resources and
not just the school world then
forget a little this class story
inverted reversed and think about
the business at the institution to
the association maybe in which
you work and the daring hostel
take chances when I talk about
school do you think about the company when
I’m talking about the expert’s teacher
do you think of the director to the managers and
when I talk about the student of the student
do you think of fellow workers at
customers to suppliers pedagogy
it’s a business case like a
education case
we could not imagine
companies reversed or overturn but
simply starting a meeting
reversed an overthrown executive committee
40 director 40 director and only one
collaborator a single worker a single
technician dared to take risks on
world of education and that of
the business are not so different
the world of education and more and
more professionalizing that of
the business is learners so they have
vocation to cross to be inspired
so no wonder the overthrown class
also interested in the world of work
so tomorrow morning or week
everyone each of you when you
go work whatever the place
pmi pme companies institutions
why not school rethink this teacher
a little weird in the middle of these
students and tell you and why not
me too a moment
for a moment become a little
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