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Demain, un monde sans propriété et sans paiement ? | Jerome TRAISNEL | TEDxViroflay

do you know the french tech the french
it’s a label that brings together all
young innovative companies
led by
bold entrepreneurs and funded by
former entrepreneurs who in turn have become
advisor and investors I do
part of the first generation of these
internet entrepreneurs tracking
now by two other generations
I focus today on
digital transformation of finance
and more particularly the payment I
heads the professional association of
innovative players in payment in France
pillar of what’s called the fintec
fintec what are these companies that
regroup finances and news
the thread of my daring
it’s the search for breaking the
disruption and disruption any thought
the opposite of common thinking and that’s
in general the best way for
to innovate to be disruptive is to leave the
framework get free of the constraints it’s
dream then tonight I propose you
for a few moments to dream with
I imagine a world without leading without
money no checkbook no tickets
no credit card this world has existed
for ten million years could
change men was bartering
they exchanged apple against them 20 20
against coal with the advent of the era
agricultural man has specialized his
production he settled down he’s
become more and more dependent on his
exchanges with others then
quickly barter became a
constraint he had to invent another
thing the man then did an invention
extraordinary probably the most
great invention of humanity a
purely mental revolution he invented the
it was only five thousand years ago
and money all that people everything
that men want to give like
exchange value
at the beginning the currency was
shells of wheat grain I have here a
shellfish in my pocket
yes then it’s a shell is but
we are in a dream to exchange
the sums given these shells
these grains of salt these grains of wheat but
also this cattle today in our
prisons the prisoners are still trading
things worth cigarettes
it’s not that they are exchanging
cigarettes is that they exchange
objects in value of cigarettes
today of course we use
coins and notes like this
this has existed since 2007 100 years the
currency for the past 50 years has
undergone two profound mutations
the first is the abandonment of the stallion
the gold standard is this gold part that the
currency represents on the assets
deposited in bank
the gold standard was abandoned in the
70’s because of financialization
of the economy and especially because of
inflation but more importantly
in the 80s the arrival of
the computer has completely revolutionized
our exchanges and had a request
acceleration of these exchanges
fundamental the traditional controller
coins and banknotes could no longer keep up
so we invented the currency
electronic and bank cards
do you know that today only 10%
money supply persists under
shape of coins and notes the rest
is only electronic but that the
currency be real or electronic is there
somewhere erase our values ​​and our
human exchanges money in drunk
some must be judged by others
as an entrepreneur I am something
little saddened by the perception of
many French on the entrepreneur the
business leader we do not blame
quite often to make money I
can you say that as
as entrepreneur all my earnings
and the overall gains that was my
company are reinvested I can not
not stop I can not not
take risks I will win
certainly more money in
working in a large group and all
the entrepreneurs who surround me oms at
virus so maybe it should be in
this money reintroduce a value
morality a human value a little when
when I donate to an association
I would like to be sure this gift hay
really serving the cause that I
want to bear then it would have to
reintroduce a tracer that makes that
the money generated by the company
ouch only to entrepreneurship and
that the money that I give to
only the service associations ouch
social associations
Well, it’s quite possible with
technology and especially thanks to
currency crypts and technology
underlying which is called the blocks
string the chain lock allows in addition
a value of money
to add a human value a value
exchanges a chain of trust and
traceability lablaude chain is
as if we did not really open it here
evening a book on which we would write
all of our ills of our exchanges
and book this duplicated in raid
hundreds of millions of other books
around the world so that the
book we write here tonight we
can not change it because it is already
re-registered elsewhere that’s what we
call a chain of trust
distributed it’s probably the future
trusted scout chains and
which will therefore allow the currency
to register destinations and
human values ​​that are not today
more present
but there may be other ways
also to meet the limitations
today’s payment and currency
that we know is rather related to
the use of this currency and I
would say use with caution
a use that could almost
call organic ie a use
reasoned money first example
this reasoned use is
the sharing economy today on
share his car we share these tools
we share his parking place is
sharing service reintroduce
human values ​​the driver of the
car will you be reliable the passenger
will it be nice the sharing sites
introduce social profiles for
meet his expectations
each individual will be able to say if he wants
to be driven with someone who speaks or
not or whether he wishes to be in a
car of such category or painted or
go through the side roads where
take that highway
the sites have therefore introduced more
exchanges of human values ​​that
no longer existed and for that we use
the internet the mobile that in addition to the
exchange currency the platforms of
share introduce social profiles
there is also another application two
uses resonated from our exchanges
and our deeds of payment it’s
the economy of the usaj or called
subscription economy I do not buy
the more my movies I do not buy anymore my
Knee discs use on a
download platform the economy
of usaj is at the heart of society that
I lead
who are involved in the
digital transformation of the main
means of use and in particular payment
to act repeat his possession of the
it’s very interesting for the
consumer and for the economy in
general since it’s really very
circular finally we will use the
product only for what we need and
we will only pay for the use we made of them
what is the purpose of the disc that remains
in our display in our
if we do not use lyon do not
do not listen it is better to pay just
that its use
this society of usaj she is in
going to spread everywhere she responds
also to a need of the suppliers of
goods and services since it allows
to perpetuate an offer and to make
hit the recurring revenues and
predictable for providers of
so that’s something we look at
very closely today it does not exist
a company that think about
transform its business model for
transform it under the model
I will take some examples with
which companies with which we
have worked so the train
the subscription besides an unlimited but
also the subscription water bottles to
baby diapers with baby milk
cars because in fact today more
50% of cars are now
rent less than 50% so drivers
buy their car
it’s a fundamental transformation to
which we also associate our
reflection we create what’s called
ab fab lab substation which is actually
a platform for exchanges between all
companies to think about a
change in consumption patterns
and monetization models
so finally if the payment is born
thanks to our exchanges
today our exchanges are forced
because of our payments the act of
payment is really a constraint and
so you have to think about
how to change our exchanges we would dream
both delete this crate where
we wait and where we really take no
nobody takes a pleasure to pay on
would like to run away from this store when we see
a huge back row and on
which one says to oneself that it is really
not possible to wait as long
so of course now have paid in
contact let it take a little bit
faster but it’s still very
binding we all dream eventually of
something that our grandmothers that
this is the so-called contract
the groceries we go the prices three we take
all we want and it’s fantastic
until the end of the month or in fact our
grandmother was going to settle the grocery store for
of course today with the
technologies we can do everything in
but in fact these are not ideas
very wacky she already existed so
since a long time
you see this payment chain from
shellfish up to mobile one
incredible transformation that has
operated at a speed of acceleration
incredible also we had recently
a seminar in my company where we
thought about what could be
tomorrow’s payments and that’s enough
fun one of my collaborators
foreigners master French well
but still with a little bit of
naivety finally told me jérôme I
would like to pay with my body
well yes finally it’s not so stupid
in this chain I am the act of
technology recognizes me cameras
see my face my iris but my fingers
why should I use
plastic terminations to pay
the future of payment is we thank you
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