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Dandapani Shares The No. 1 Thing That Will Change Your Life Immediately

meditation is something that’s becoming
really popular in today’s well but very
few people have a good understanding of
what it actually is you know a lot of
people quite often approach me and say
you know dhandapani I lead an extremely
chaotic life do you think if I started
meditating in the morning for you know
for three or five minutes will that help
my life and my answer to them is that
meditation is not a sweet sauce you add
to life to make it taste good and it
really isn’t you can’t eat a carrot in
the morning and then eat hamburgers and
pizzas and drink beer throughout the day
and expect to have a healthy diet it
just does not work that way and that’s
how most people turn to meditation as a
solution to their chaotic life and
meditation is not a solution to your k/d
chaotic life if you want to meditate and
actually make progress in meditation the
first thing you need to do is actually
fix your lifestyle you need to get your
lifestyle in order then your lifestyle
supports your meditation practice your
meditation practice becomes stronger
then the process reverses then your
meditation practice supports your life
now lifestyle and makes your lifestyle
really strong but it begins with your
lifestyle first not with meditation and
in meditation you want to work on the
same goal over and over and over again
quite often people will say you know
today I’m gonna sit down and meditate on
love tomorrow I’m feeling a little
stressed so I’m gonna meditate on being
calm the next day I’m gonna meditate on
patience the day after that on tolerance
you’ll never ever make progress do you
go to the gym and work on your right
bicep today on and in your life left
bicep tomorrow and the day after that on
your right leg and the day after that on
your left leg and a month later come
back to your right bicep how long do you
think you’re right before your right
bicep builds up probably never right the
same way with meditation if you’re
meditating on something different every
you’ll never make progress you meditate
on the same thing every single day or at
least five days a week which is what I
then you start to make progress and you
meditate on it till you actually attain
it it’s extremely important to be
unwavering in your focus concentration
is a necessary ingredient in meditation
I hesitate to say this because so many
people can’t concentrate these days but
if you cannot concentrate you cannot
meditate so if you want to learn to
meditate you need to learn to
concentrate first and you need to learn
to concentrate throughout the entire day
and this needs to be part of your
routine most people can’t concentrate in
today’s well for two reasons
true some people might have some kind of
chemical imbalance that prevents them
from concentrating but most people can’t
concentrate for two reasons one nobody
has been taught how to concentrate how
many of you in this room had been
formally trained how to concentrate in
school when you were growing up can I
see him show Vance like actual formal
training and concentration nobody right
I travel all around the world and I
speak and I always ask this question
nobody raises their hand and if you
don’t practice you don’t learn something
and then secondly if you don’t practice
it how can you be good at it right how
do you become good at something you
practice right it’s unending repetition
you practice and you practice and you
practice in order to be successful in
meditation you must develop unwavering
focus you must develop concentration the
best way to develop concentration is to
integrate this practice into your
everyday life make it a part of your
life how do you practice concentration
you practice concentration by doing one
thing at a time the mind cannot
multitask it searches so quickly from
one thing to another gives you the sense
that you’re multitasking so bring the
practice of doing one thing at a time into your life
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