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How To Be a LEADER Everyone Wants To FOLLOW | Simon Sinek (@simonsinek) | #Entspresso

leadership is the acceptance of the
awesome responsibility to create an
environment in which people can work at
their natural best you really have a
choice when you go out in the world
every day you can be a victim or you can
rise and shine it’s an spresso time
what’s up believe nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s start your day
off right together grab your coffee and
sip on today’s message be a courageous
leader over to you simon Sinek also if
you want to know what simon and other
successful entrepreneurs have to say
about building unstoppable confidence
check out my 250 for confidence series
where every day for the next 254 days i
will send you a morning video for free
to help you build your confidence to
link to join is in the description below
you get the benefit of hearing what
everybody else has to think before you
render your opinion it’s like a hammer
you can use it broadly or narrowly you
can build a table you can build a house
it’s the same tool courageous leaders
are the ones who are willing to
sacrifice the short-term in order to
advance the long-term courageous leaders
are the ones who willing to say no to
the money because it’s coming from a
dirty source and rather say yes even
though they know they’ll have to tighten
the belt in the short term because it’s
the right thing to do having a just
cause if we don’t actually follow the
just cause we don’t actually make
decisions through the lens of the just
cause is just marketing it’s just
marketing I’ll give you my favorite
example right
the IOC the International Olympic
Committee they have a mission statement
what they believe is their just cause
which is to inva advance the world make
the world a better place through sport
but for the fact that they’re all
corrupt it’s a great idea
my point is is you actually have to have
leadership that desperately profoundly
believes in the cause and will make
decisions to advance that cause they
would sooner sacrifice their own
personal interests to take care of their
people they would never sacrifice their
people to protect their own interests
it’s called leadership
it’s called leadership we confuse rank
and leadership rank has nothing to do
with leadership I know many people who
sit at the highest levels of
organizations who are not leaders they
have authority and we do as they tell us
because they have authority over us but
we would not follow them and yet I know
many people who sit at lower ranks who
have no authority and yet they have made
a choice the choice to look after the
person to the left of them and the
choice look after the person to the
right of them and we would trust them
and follow them anywhere leadership is
the acceptance of the awesome
responsibility to create an environment
in which people can work at their
natural best now I’ve got a really
special bonus clip for you that I think
you’re gonna enjoy but before that it’s
time for a question of the day I want to
know what courageous act can you do that
you have been putting off leave your
I’ve spent so much of the past 20 years
of my life evangelizing a message that
leadership is not about a title
leadership is not about the size of your
office leadership is not about having
formal Authority leadership is a mindset
leadership is a way of operating through
your days leadership is a heart set
leadership is a way of a being and I
think you know we’re now in leadership
2.0 the old model of leadership said you
need to have a lot of money or you need
to be a prime minister or President you
need to be a CEO or a managing director
in order to be a leader leadership 2.0
is fundamentally different leadership
2.0 simply says if you can breathe if
you are alive you not only have the
opportunity you have the responsibility
to show leadership not only in your work
not only in your creativity not only in
your impact not only in your influence
but even in your personal life so let’s
get right to the first tactic for you to
be an even better leader install the
lead without a title mindset and again
that’s just a way of thinking it’s an
approach so what I’m really suggesting
is no matter what you do no matter what
your station in life is start thinking
like a leader because you really have a
choice when you go out in the world
every day you can be a victim or you can
be a leader but you can’t do both and so
the more you practice showing leadership
in your work showing leadership with
your family showing leadership in your
community showing leadership in your
private self practice drives performance
and the more you practice it the more
you start to step into the mindset of a
leader without a title raise your
standard Apple at the core its core
not one drop of my self-worth depends on
your acceptance man if you want more
Simon check out this start with wide
video that I did on him I think you’ll
enjoy it the link is right there next to
me continue to believe and I’ll see you
there it was born out of have a time in
my life where I had lost my passion for what I was doing
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