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Change Your Thinking, Change The Molecules

imagine living in a house without lights
24 hours a day 365 days a year for 30 or
40 years of your life in total darkness
but you’re still eating sleeping try to
wash your sheets and everything imagine
that after 40 years you turn your lights
on you probably become very overwhelmed
and the first thing you probably say is
oh my god how did this happen
I don’t remember doing this but the
first thing that you will experience is
overwhelmed why can’t you just be a
little more real why do you always feel
you have to say these things to be this
way if you want to up the stakes and
play a bigger game the first thing you
need to up the stakes mister drop the
facade stop trying to be something that
you’re not fake it til you make it is
almost like carrot-and-stick motivation
if you want to offer the states it’s not
about faking it anymore
it’s about being real authentic and
genuine wearing your heart on your
where does self-sabotage show up most
for you what is self sabotage self
sabotage is a conflict of values if self
sabotage is a conflict of values what is
it that creates that conflict it really
is very easy not to succeed where you
don’t know what you’ll do me but here’s
the challenge when you know everything
that you have to do then all of a sudden
guess what where but then there’s only
one thing stopping you so we make the
decision to become more conscious and we
turn the lights on the first thing we’re
going to experience is an overload of
information we’re going to feel
overwhelmed that it’s going to trigger
what stress and stress
is going to have a biochemical effect
now I’m not going to go into all of the
biochemical responses that the body has
to stress there’s one in particular you
know what it is
it’s corty soul what does cortisol do
it’s the worst hormone ever it makes you
fat it makes you old it makes you
carcinogenic it makes you stupid
your IQ will be cut in half literally
the average IQ is about eight 200 points
the moment you have cortisol you’re
going to take roughly 50% of your IQ and
it’s going to be diminished within seven
minutes within seven minutes of you
experiencing a higher level of
consciousness within seven minutes of
you being introduced to a higher level
of consciousness you’re going to
experience overwhelm which is going to
trigger stress you’re going to have a
tremendously great chance the
probability is very high for you to lose
half of your intelligence in the next
several minutes how do we make sense of
all of this we take responsibility first
of all we need to be aware that when we
become more conscious we will experience
information overwhelmed and we will
experience stress in most cases when we
experience the stress as a result of
overload we label we give the authority
we’ll give the power to someone else in
that creation so in order to be
conscious must be willing to accept full
responsibility for everything we see
when we turn on the lights if we’re not
we’re going to experience very high
our goal is to see more but when we see
more what is the biological response
overwhelmed what’s the biochemical
response stress what is the
psychological response stupidity which
then comes back and counters
consciousness so the very thing that we
are chasing in many cases is the result
the lowers unless we develop a
relationship with stress that is
different than the one you have right
now when I say a relationship with
stress what do I mean use it as a drive
let me ask you when you feel stressed
imagine for a freakish moment instead of
feeling any one of those emotions you
train your psychology to experience
gratitude when we change the meaning to
change the molecules when we change the
meaning you change molecules so what I’m
suggesting is when we turn the lights on
we need to accept full responsibility
for what we’re now starting to see we
need to expect that it is quite normal
and we don’t need to provide the
information overload on the overwhelm we
can be aware that often one would feel
overwhelmed stress will become present
but this is where we need to interrupt
we need to intervene and go okay right
I’m not choosing to feel anxious anymore
I’m not choosing to feel anger
frustration panic I’m now choosing to
feel grateful the consciousness without
responsibility equals pain you must be
willing to own your [Music]
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