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React license drama – Talking Open Source Licenses – Fun Fun Function

good Monday morning today I’m taking

some questions from the fan fan forum

what’s your opinion on the whole react

license thing holy Shh all right a fair

warning here this is gonna be probably a

little bit R and T and a little bit

disorganized because I’ve tried to make

a proper episode script about this and I

fail every time because if things just

blew but I’m going to give you like to

my best of my ability is an overview of

what happened so let’s first talk about

what software patents are and how they


software patents is imagine that you are

a start-up right

you create a tech product and it over

the years it starts becoming successful

and you start getting revenue and as you

as soon as you do are people start suing

you you get all these kind of frivolous

lawsuits for patents that you haven’t

even heard of that you didn’t know that

you violated and they want money from

you and you look at these patterns and

you’re like this patent will probably

not hold up in court but there is a

small chance that it will and if it does

they they will get a kajillion kabillion

dollars from us and our company will go

bankrupt and even if it doesn’t hold up

the lawsuit will be very very costly so

it it will just it will just drain us

and distract us and it’s just easier to

just settle with this with this patent

troll and tell them like ok we gave you

this much smaller amount of money and

you will be I we are we just basically

agreed to by usage of your patterns and

that is how these patent trolls operate

it’s basically some kind of weird

extortion thing going on it’s it’s

absolutely dreadful and as your company

grows you start getting patents of your

own to defend against this you have like

a huge pile of patterns try to penalize

much as possible so that patent trolls

can’t patent these things and also so

that your competitors can’t who have

been doing the exact same thing can use

those patents against you and if they do

you just if someone sees you like

harassing you with their patents I like

saying that go you violate the to our

patents then you just look through your

huge pile of patents and you find three

Pakistan by like their thing and

you saying that you are violating three

of our patterns and then you just

perhaps they back off or you back off

and and or you settle some money but

it’s basically it’s this weird

stockpiling of legal warheads basically

software patents and patents is what

this whole shebang was about I’m gonna

talk about three types of software

licenses here we’re going to talk about

the MIT license which react uses now and

which is also very common software

license open source license I mean and

we’re going to talk about the license

that react used to use which is the BSD

license plus a patent grant and we’re

gonna talk about the Apache $2 license

because Apaches though started this

whole drama those we’re gonna talk about

those three and what happened a few

months back I think was that react no

sorry Apache has this blacklist of

licenses that they have that they where

they say that these if you have an

Apache project licensed under the Apache

2.0 license you cannot pull pull in

other libraries into these libraries

because they are incompatible with our

license they just don’t work and

if a license is on this blackness that

doesn’t mean that that license is evil

it just means that it’s incompatible for

instance that the GPL GPL to license

that we’re WordPress uses is on this

blacklist because of complicated reasons

and but it’s not compatible with the

Apache tutor old license and what apache

did was a day put the react license they

all react license the the bsd plus

patents license on this on this

blacklist and that did this because the

apache toodaloo license has a has an

explicit patent grants they they give

away their patents and patents that the

apache license Apache foundation has or

who whomever is using the apache license

to give away their their software they

say that you are allowed to use our

patents related to this product what the

apache license also has a revocation

clause which says that if you have you

have patents and you sue us for the this

product race and let’s say that we are

licensing a database let’s say that you

are suing us for like because we violate

some some of your patents in our

database then the patents that we have

given you regarding this database or

automatically rescinded because of the

lawsuit because we are going to need

those patents to defend ourselves from

you we have basically saying that we

have weapons we will not use them

against you on the condition that you

don’t use your weapons against us so

they haven’t the apache license has an

explicit patent grant included in itself

and it’s conditional on you not using

your patents against them on their space

cific the specific thing being licensed

now react had this license they had the

bsd license which is almost exactly the

same as the MIT license they are for the

purposes of this discussion we can call

them exactly the same RIA but what they

also included was an explicit patent

grant the beam what I mean by explicit

is that the MIT and the BSD license

which are again pretty much the same

have an implicit patent run because they

sort of imply that you’re getting the

patents the way they are worded they say

that hey you’re giving rights to this

software you can use it maja and you are

yeah that kind of implies that those

patents are included and this has been

tried in court

so this for most cases not all there are

like accept is especially the sublicense

thing if you like include software like

let’s say that you include some in my

MIT license thing inside of your

software which is Apache licensed that

is called sub licensing and the MIT

license allows that I think that the BSD

license allows it to I’m pretty sure and

in that case the patent transference has

not been been been tried like it’s just

that is why that’s part of the reason

why people some licenses also include an

explicit patent grant because they you

want to make that case clear as well but

I digress the point being is that react

shows not to rely on the implicit patent

grant of the BSD but they included an

explicit patent grant again again this

is not not uncommon this is this is fine

but they

and also just like the apache license

does a revocation clause like like you

get the these patterns but weird some

strings attached and it was not quite

the same as the apache license because

the apache license says that okay we are

licensing this database to you if you

sue us with patents of yours regarding

this database we we withdraw your

patents that’s what the Apache Apache

License says now the react patent grant

is a little bit different it said that

we give you our patents related to react

however if you sue us with your software

patents not sue in general but sue with

software patents any of your software

patents then you will lose the right to

our patents so basically they’re saying

you get some of our patterns but if you

sue us with any of your patents you you

like we would withdraw them because and

we will probably use them to counter see

you know the completely unreasonable

thing but in in my opinion but it’s it’s

not as generous as the Apache License

which will like only withdraw the

patents if you are suing on things

directly related to the to the database

that is being licensed word of a product

like let’s say like if I sue Apache for

something completely unrelated to rocks

to the database that they are licensed

and they have licensed me they will

still not they will not withdraw that

and those licenses but Facebook they

would and Facebook’s idea that like

Facebook is facing like a lot of

lawsuits they they face these things not

probably not daily but at least weekly

and they’re spending a lot of money

fighting software

in lawsuits and they’re probably not a

huge fan of the whole patent thing so

their idea with the with the patent

grant was to basically create this

lock-in effect between everybody that

you said and just prevent a lot of

lawsuits because then everybody will

would be using everybody everybody’s

patents and everybody would be like less

likely to sue everyone and primarily I

guess Facebook because everybody used

react and Facebook then then they would

create a bit of inertia to suing suing

Facebook or whomever is using the patent

in this this patent grant style of

giving away their patents oh but the

whole thing what’s like they I say I

personally think that they this is

perfectly reasonable from Facebook

standpoint and it’s absolutely not a

dangerous license that is just hugely

alarmist and especially to be honest

like what WordPress did and said that

all we’re not gonna use react because of

this license like ah that’s not a

responsible thing to do especially when

you’re not yourself that you they are

using a pretty dangerous license like

the GPL 2 is not a license that you want

in your like that’s a license that is a

bit dangerous if you’re looking through

your licenses in there like an

acquisition or something like that it’s

a kind of then you want like the MIT

license or the even better the apache

license is very nice but mjpl forces you

to like disclose the source of

everything that you that you that you

license away and that can create very

complicated things we might be sued by

the Free Software Foundation because

you’re not providing the source of your

commercial product to the people it’s

hmm yes I would think that word

would have been a bit more chill with


it was hmm I don’t know that aside I

think that Facebook could have done a

better job communicating around this why

they did it like when they did it they

should have been very clear and they

would should have been they it given the

sensitive nature and that people don’t

understand patterns I certainly did not

understand any of this before I I

started reading about it I think that

they could have done a lot better job

around communicating this and I think

that they realized that themselves they

realize like yeah we have not managed to

pull this this off people don’t like

this people yes patterns and they just

decided to drop the entire thing and

just license the thing under the the MIT

license and it was clear from the like

if if I’m looking at how the Facebook

team and Dan Abramov which is a super

nice guy conduct themselves online it’s

it’s clear that they they were just

super distracted by this entire thing

and they just want to get get back to

work and they’re happy like okay we

didn’t convince people about this

license now we think still think is

better but we we just going to drop it

and use whatever we think that the

community would approve of and and go

with that

and they are now on the MIT license and

everybody is pretty happy I guess you

just watched an episode of fun fun

function I release these every Monday

morning Oh 800 GMT you can check out

another episode of the show by clicking

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I am mpj until next Monday morning stay curious

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