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the time to enjoy yourself is in the now
you are trying to get to that next level
it is your right to enjoy yourself and
now you’re probably looking at me and
you’re all thinking and some of you
might be saying you know what Steve that
makes sense okay make a choice enjoy
myself but how do you get to enjoy
yourself when you are trying everything
you’re implementing all the tools and
all the information you got but it’s
just not working I’m seeing other people
passing me by how do you get to enjoy
yourself Steve when some of the people
are having really intense problems at
home some people are going through a
divorce they’re having financial
difficulties maybe there’s an illness in
the family you’ll tell me Steve how you
are supposed to enjoy yourself and all
these things are happening to you in
your life here is how you can assure
yourself to enjoy yourself during the
process of whatever it is you’re trying
to achieve I want you to get this
because it starts as soon as you open up
your eyes in the morning or whenever it
is that you start today as soon as you
open up your eyes to greet the day you
enter into consciousness
it is at that moment that your
creativity is that its most powerful
right there and then you have an
opportunity to scare your thoughts and
your emotions in the direction that you
want them to go not in the direction
that they’re telling you to go in other
words you can literally choose to seize
the day or you can let the day seize you
that’s a choice I think you can all
agree that too many people too many
people today soon as they open up their
eyes the first thing that they focus on
is all the grueling stuff they had to go
through the day before all the stuff
that didn’t get accomplished all the
stuff that didn’t get done the irate
people that they had to deal with
and they can’t even understand that
they’ve just started they didn’t even
start to achieve their goals and their
energy level is down here with what you
are trying to do with what you are all
trying to accomplish man your energy
level better be cranked it has to be up
here so what I want you to do as soon as
you open up your eyes to start the day
is to immediately start focusing on
something or someone that you are
totally grateful for in your life your
only goal as soon as you open up your
eyes is to be to make yourself feel good
and to give yourself enough confidence
to get through the day don’t worry about
what needs to be done think about who
you have to be in order to get it done
and you do this by focusing on all the
things that you’re grateful for focus on
what’s working in your life rather than
fixating or what is it working maybe
you’re grateful for the person that’s
lying next to you maybe you’re thinking
of your children maybe it’s a dog lying
on the side of your bed maybe listening
to the birds outside your window it’s
the wonderful house you live in maybe
it’s the wonderful organization that you
belong to it doesn’t matter what it is
you just feel it with your heart and so
you build from there and you keep going
why do I want you to do this because
gratitude is the most powerful
connection you have to your higher-self
you always always want to start your day
connected to this higher self
and when you do when you do life becomes
easier you don’t take things personally
when you’re confronted with a challenge
you dis look at it for what it’s worth
it’s a challenge everybody’s confronted
with challenges and you know that
there’s something within you that can
lead it another comment to move forward
as a result of it and the next thing
that I want you do soon as you have this
attitude of gratitude going for you tell
yourself you’re going to enjoy the day
say it see stuff you know what I’m going
to enjoy the day this is gonna be a good
visualize how you want your life to go
visualize yourself having fun with your
fellow workers the people you’re working
for who are working for you doesn’t
matter just visualize yourself achieving
the goal and always always find the
laughter within you and around you every
day of your life and that should start
in the morning before you leave the
house all these things that I am telling
you is giving you a different thought
process a different focus to look at
life from a different perspective
scientists are all in agreement today
that our lives move in the direction of
our most dominant thoughts and what we
focus on day in and day out not only do
our lives move in the direction of what
we focus on what you think about but
these very things that we’re thinking
about me focusing on a moving closer to
us in other words people the more you
focus on your lack the more of that
you’re going to get back all right
listen and listen well because no truer
words are ever gonna be spoken you can
do anything you want without limitation
whatever it is that you decide you want
to make come true in your life you can
do that it is gonna take an inhuman
amount of work you’re gonna have to be
prepared to break yourself in half you
are going to have to learn more than
anyone has ever learned you’re gonna
have to push yourself harder than anyone
has ever asked you to push yourself
before you’re gonna go way beyond your
breaking point you’re gonna run until
you vomit you’re gonna study until you
fall asleep you’re going to push and
push and push and then you’re gonna push
more and when you hit the limit
you’re gonna push again beyond that
you’re gonna force yourself to an
adaptation response and why because it’s
Malcolm X said the future belongs to
those who prepare for it today so if you
don’t put the work in today if you don’t
do the unending back-breaking work of
developing yourself into something
greater the world is gonna pass you by
the people that are going to own it are
gonna be the ones that did that work and
the one promise that I can make you
right now is that somebody somebody out
there is out working somebody right now
is doing the things that I’m
somebody right now is doing the work of
failing and getting up and getting
better and pushing themselves and
triggering that glorious adaptation
response that makes humans the apex
predator someone right now they’re
putting in that work and if you don’t
the future is gonna belong to them and
as Martin Luther King jr. said you can’t
fly than one if you can’t run then walk
if you can’t walk then crawl but
whatever you do you have to keep moving
forward it’s not okay to make excuses
it’s not gonna slow people down it’s not
to ask the world to stop so that you can
step out front it’s not okay
to expect little of yourself and demand
great rewards the only thing that’s okay
is to be in line with the way that the
world really works and if you want to be
great you’ve got to become capable of
greatness you’ve got to develop your
skills that you’ve got to
what you have now and if that’s crawling
and crawl but you drag yourself ever
forward to a vision of yourself that is
so clear and so specific that nothing
could knock you off your path because
you my friends know exactly where you’re
going you’re willing to pay whatever
price it takes to get there and no
matter what anybody says no matter how
many hecklers come for you no
matter how many people try to flow dirt
on you try to stop you try to knock you
down no matter how many people come for
you at night while you sleep you will
rise and you will keep pushing forward
and you will get better every day and no
people chop it you knock you down knock
you up the pathogen get back on you will
crawl so you can walk you will walk too
you run and then you will run until you
fly and that my friends is the only path
forward so if you want future that makes
you happy if you want to warm that
you’re excited about get your ass out
there and earn it
one thing you learn very quickly is that
ambition is not enough and the reason is
all in love is because life happens
things fall apart disappointment mounts
enthusiasm fades and we become different
people where are you today with it can
you tell me something new about it how
much progress have you made how close
are you how much progress have you made
you see progress is how we measure our
ambition and if you haven’t made
progress then your ambition comes to
question people look at you and say
you’re not serious I mean in the
so progress matters but it’s not enough
if you want Taurus you got to move if
you want growth you’ve got risk if you
believe in what you do and keep doing it
I mean when I was young I had a lot of
people telling me you have to adjust to
the other ones you have to be like the
other ones
I was listening but I wasn’t always
following I dragged it in how do you say
I was listening but I did my own thing I
kept doing my own thing
and I believed in myself doesn’t matter
how how old you are how young you are
your age you can achieve anything that
you set your mind to
and I always say if I can do it anyone
can do it and the reason that I always
say that because I didn’t grow up with
things being handed to me I had to work
hard I had to dedicate myself and I had
to be determined and I was I think that
the number one thing is if they have a
very clear vision a very clear goal of
where you want to go because only then
you will get there you can have the best
airplane or the best ship in the world
but if the captain is never to go and
you just drift around if the pilot does
not know where to go here which is
drifting on with this plane so it’s I
think the key thing is that we know
where we’re going and that you’re very
passionate about that
did you see it always in front of you
the goal don’t listen to the naysayers
this is always people out there they
will tell you that you will not
you do that forget it it’s a stupid
dream that you have for a crazy vision
those don’t listen to the naysayers they
judge you even before you come you they
don’t even know you and that was outside
the pitch and inside the fridge but I
kept going I kept going and it got me
where I am today
confidence and believe in what you do
that is I think that is the game poker
if they can do it I can do it does the
mentality if somebody else can do it you
can do it and I said to myself this
thing you’re doing it for yourself
you’re not going anywhere
yes he finally supports you yes
Ukraine’s 40 40 you tune it for yourself
at the end of the day and you’re the
only one who’s going out there on the
track so you gotta motivate yourself you
gonna want that what do you wanna charge
I’ve learned that for it easier certain
people say this season all you saying
it’s not running as fast as you should
it doesn’t bother me
because I’ve been truly sorry and I know
what you’re gonna say all the time but I
know what I’m capable of I know what I
can do you’re not if you’re not training
twice a day you’re not dedicated you’re
not gonna go anywhere so when I do
something wanna be the best I will not
be happy being the second third or the
fourth I won’t miss pression is that
above everybody else just in everything
I do in my project like this in my
football and another thing whatever
everybody else says is not important so
if they tell you your past is not
important the important is that you say
you’re the best my dream is to be world
champion world lightweight champion in
the UFC have more money than I know what
to do it and have a great life for me my
kids my grandkids
everyone in my in my family everyone oh
that’s that’s come up with me
why don’t you call me my name man well
what’s your name you told me your name
was Cassius Clay
yes told you my name was Cassius Clay my
name is Muhammad Ali and you will
announce it right there in the son of
that ring after the fight if you don’t
do it now
I told you all in my clinic I told you
all that I was the greatest of all time
a soldier I’m the real champion I don’t
undertand a wall no one will believe in
you unless you do we’re supposed to be
different folks and when people look at
us believe in yourself now that you are
motivated it’s time to do something with
that motivation it really is the
ultimate one-two punch so I want you to
head over right now to
forward slash Tom bill you subscribe to
that for weekly episodes where you’re
going to learn from some of the greatest
minds on the planet people like Gary
Vaynerchuk Michael Strahan Tim Ferriss
Mel Robbins people that are going to
continue the motivation that you’ve
picked up here and also show you how to
take immediate action so no matter what
you’re trying to do with your life
whether you want to be the greatest
parent of all time and elite athlete you
want to build a business whatever it is
you’re gonna learn the lessons that
you’re gonna need to take that action to
build whatever it is you’re trying to
build so go right now to
forward slash Tom Bilyeu I will see you
there and until next time my friends be
take care
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