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you know these days that’s probably a
eighty five hours a week for a while
there was over a hundred hours a week
and that’s just it’s just – that’s a
very high amount of pain so it’s you
know the the difficulty in pain of of
work hours really increases
exponentially it’s not linear so but
when you know the financial crisis hit
in 2008 2009 you know it was just every
day seven days a week what you know
morning till night and dream about work
just horrible bad dreams – the Ignite
yes yeah and what time do you get up
normally in the morning me it’s usually
about seven seven okay but I go to bed
late so usually it’s I go to bed around
1 a.m. or so what I am yeah and you
start day with a real breakfast or just
with a coffee or with a water you know
that also varies a lot I think it’s
probably true that if you that having a
good breakfast is is a good idea but
usually I don’t have time for that so
sometimes sometimes it’s it’s made for
me but probably half the time I don’t
have any breakfast
I had to let’s have like coffee or
something like that one spot sure well
I’m trying to cut down on the on sweet
stuff so
but I think I mean I think I probably
should have like a an omelette and a
coffee or something like that that seems
like probably the right thing and
sometimes I do have that had for lunch
it that lunch yeah yeah those lunches
usually served to me during a meeting
and I finished it in five minutes
yeah I know it’s a bad habit didn’t that
dinner is where the calories really come
into play because there’s you know if I
have dinner meetings like dinner
meetings are the worst because then you
you know eat enough for like two people
I have those things because you have the
appetizer and main course and stuff so
business dinners are like the thing that
really you know where I’d probably eat
way too much but you don’t have problems
you’re probably wait I certainly could
be slimmer I think I know a workout once
or twice a week I mean I said well yeah
yeah once or twice you should I should
do it more often pusher what are you
doing running through the forest no I
usually just like a little bit on the
treadmill or on you know lifting some
on the way to the office it’s a all of a
five minute drive than doing it
somebody did something for the king and
the king said what can I do for you and
he said well let’s take a chess board
and put one kernel of wheat on the first
square and then doubled on the second
and double it on the third the King
readily agreed to it by the time he
figured out what to do the 64th amounted
to he was giving away the entire kingdom
so it’s a pretty simple concept but over
time it accomplishes extraordinary
things Berkshire is an amazing company
and fourth largest company in the
fortune 500 he is the only person who
has ever from scratch built a company
it’s a pretty simple concept but over
time it accomplishes extraordinary
as you know i’m known to be a highly
productive person i speak a hundred
times a year i write four books a year I
run three businesses I travel all over
the world
people say how do you do it well I have
a morning routine and I develop this a
long time ago and it really works what I
do is I always get up two hours before
my next my first fixed appointment so
let’s say I have a phone call at 8
o’clock then I get up at 6 a.m. if I
have to be in the office at 8:30 I’ll
get up at 6:30
there’s always 6:00 6:30 maybe earlier
if necessary but always 2 hours before
my first appointment then the first
thing I do for the first 30 minutes is I
exercise and I’ll do stretching
exercises all do yoga exercises
sometimes I’ll get up a little earlier
and I’ll do aerobic exercises on life
cycle or elliptical machine or treadin
or a swim and usually swim every single
morning but for the first 30 minutes get
your body working and then I like coffee
then I’ll do a little bit of spiritual
reading and I’ll just relax and get my
mind ready for the day and then I’ll get
started within 60 minutes of getting up
of exercise prepared my mind showered
dressed I’m ready to go then I have the
next hour to plan prepare have breakfast
and get to my first appointment so give
that a try get up two hours early
exercise for the first 30 minutes to get
yourself going read a little to prepare
your mind and then be ready to go one
hour before you have to be someone
playing around the latest technology
whether it’s new PCs looking at new
software sitting down with researchers
it’s it’s why I think my job is the best
Warren thinks is the best but I’m I’m
sure I’m right anyway I’m in meetings a
lot my calendar gets very full with
those and then at night after the kids
have gone to bed I’m on email a great
deal I get messages during the day
that’s my chance to give long responses
and then over the weekend I send a lot
of mail as well as well I take two weeks
a year to just go off and read and think
where I’m not interrupted by work or
anything else I’m just solidly trying to
think about the future and people get to
send me things
read as part of that so-called think
week so it’s nice mix of things about
25% of the time then I’m out traveling
around meeting with customers Europe
Asia and that sort of helps me think
okay do we have the right priorities
what what are people responding well to
and what would they they like to see us
then you can practice every morning is
to get up and read 30 to 60 minutes in
something uplifting and inspirational
each day when you get up in the morning
and instead of reading the newspaper or
watching television you read something
positive and constructive and inspiring
you set your mental stage or tone for
the rest of the day throughout the day
from the first day that you try this you
will notice that things go better for
you you will be calmer you’re more
productive you’re more creative you’re
more alert you’ll actually be more
resilient and will respond more
effectively when you face the inevitable
ups and downs of your daily life just
like vigorous physical exercise in the
morning will prepare you to be more
resilient physically during the day
positive mental exercise in the form of
inspirational reading will prepare you
what’s typical jay-z day typical
obviously there are no to I mean giving
give me your day yesterday viously you
you flew out here late last night or
this morning was you did time you got up
till when you end up with a night’s game
last night um I got up around 8:00
that’s some breakfast
when random mouth is really tough Aspen
you know I just wanted to touch it a
little bit right foot quite the marathon
yeah I mean everyone can’t be like you
man it’s gone it’s gone away so you know
random mal and I went to the office read
a bunch of emails with my emails
download music illegally had a meeting
with some great people I’m really saying
a name yet after that uh missus music
went to the studio at dinner
Oh went to the Mets game we won we’re
went to sleep good good day full day
great day great day you ever picture
yourself and go just doing that back
then you know Microsoft conference Bill
Gates invites me to speak and it’s
pretty rarefied place yeah amazing pick
up really early every day and I play
tennis with somebody who’s a lot younger
and a lot fitter than me and we play
singles and you know we give it
everything we can and and you know
sweating big-time and having a lot of
fun as well and then if the wind is up
you know go for a kite surf tithings
a lovely way just to get it get away
from you know the mobile phones and and
and just get you know get out on the sea
you know after that you know come back
have a sort of nice healthy breakfast
generally sometimes you know sometimes
the not so healthy
out of this deal with myself called
priming everyday
I said look you’ve got to have ten
minutes for yourself you don’t ten
minutes for yourself you don’t have a
life and I’m not gonna hope I feel good
I’d just got back six countries in 12
days I was in India two days ago Wow I
woke up here like feeling like somebody
ran me over the truck do this process
it’s ten minutes it put some music on I
do this massive change in my breathing
so it radically changes the way I feel
and then I do this three-step process
I do three minutes of gratitude or I
think of three things I’m really
grateful for and I associate I don’t
think of it open that I feel it and the
reason is when you’re grateful you can’t
be worried it can’t be fearful when
you’re grateful you can’t be angry and
anger and fear what screw people up most
in their relationships and their life in
their business so I wire myself I’m
saying to you that most people want to
be happy but they’re happen is to be
worried or pissed off or frustrated or
stressed and so they’re they’ve got a
high way to stress and they got a dirt
road to happiness
so I wire myself I’ve got a highway to
gratitude which changes all your
emotions and then I do
three-minute process have kind of a
prayer for my family and friends and
then I do a three-minute process at the
top three things I want to accomplish I
see it as done can I feel I’m done in 10
minutes so sometimes I go 20 but my deal
is 10 so there’s no excuse not to do it
you know what I think it’s a great way
to kind of set the tone for the day
does it change it changes listen we’ve
all had time so you snapped at somebody
and you felt bad cuz it wasn’t them it
was the state you’re in right well
there’s no excuse for that if you prime
yourself you set yourself up they’ve
been studies where they go to people and
they have a man walk up to you and say
could you hold this for me hand you a
cup of coffee it’s an actor and they
takes it takes a man’s pocket they takes
back and says thank you hundred people
they do it with iced coffee
how do people deal with hot coffee 45
minutes later and other actor comes by
and says listen we’re doing this little
test for $5.00 would you read this three
paragraphs and answer three questions
most people say yes it’s a little story
the questions are about the character
what’s the character like 80% of people
have got iced coffee say the person is
cold and mean 81 percent of the people
that got hot coffee say the person is
gentle or nice that’s how much we can be
primed by our environment we think we’re
just stealing what you’re feeling but
our environment if we don’t take control
of our environment it takes control of
us so Tony one of the critics actually
that I once met said yeah Tony’s
techniques they were great for about a
year and a half and then they wore off
what do you say to that it’s a real
simple if you don’t work out you don’t
get up you don’t get a muscle right so I
always tell people this is there’s a
daily practice like priming if you don’t
do that if you get up and you just have
no discipline whatsoever you get no
value of anything your diets don’t work
when you don’t do them exercise doesn’t
work when you don’t do them but most
people have some experiences that they
want to shift and once you shift those
things your whole life changes but life
is constant growth my life isn’t here
because I went to one seminar one time
and now my life is fit for life I I work
out I train my mind I train my body it
becomes a lifestyle it’s not just like
you’re depending upon somebody else I’m
gonna here to become somebody’s guru I’m
not here to give them a gift I’m here
them to open up their own gifts and
that’s really what my work has been so
okay I know you promise yourself every
day does it every now and then do you
get hit by depression are you upset
anxious I get frustrated I get angry get
all those things I just don’t stay there
I mean I used to be there for a month or
two I was I used to live in depression I
was 38 pounds heavier than I am now I
lost all everything I moved in a little
foreign it’s Griffith bachelor apartment
and then it’s California feeling sorry
for myself
but I got so near the end where you
think life has no meaning it scared the
hell out of me and I developed tools and
I’ve never gone back there I mean if I
got pissed or angry of course people
something you’re not happy all the time
all the time but I’m happy in the vast
majority the time because I’m doing what
I love with who I love and there’s a
meaning of what I do when you have those three things life is pretty magnificent
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