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WATCH THIS EVERY NIGHT – Jim Rohn – Motivational Speech For Study & Success 2018

don’t major in minor things if you take

up major time to do minor things I’m

telling you you’ll be behind the curve

constantly time is precious life is not

just the passing of time life is not

just the passing of time life is a

collection of experiences their

frequency and their intensity life is

not just watching the clock tick away

life is a collection of experiences

their intensity their frequency when my

friend mark died at age 44 someone says

that’s young to die but what if he lived

four lifetimes in one might not be too

young whatever the span of your life

turns out to be here’s what you want to

fill it up with experiences and the

intensity of those experiences but now

let’s talk about the management of time

now doctors down approaches to the

management of time here’s the first one

ignore the subject I mean that’s good


don’t let anything overly bug you

remember now you don’t have to do


summer I got to get a handle on my time

the answer’s no you don’t if you want to

let it all go you can let it all go

I mean this is good advice somebody says

you ought you ought you ought jot this

down they ignore all the you arts or you

should only if they’re giving general

information we should it’s better to say

if you’re teaching we should not you

should we should then you let me listen

in without it being too confrontational

if everyone did this see that’d be great

and then you give a person a chance to

choose to do it or not to do it but when

you start the you ought you ought now

see if I don’t now see we got some

tension and maybe

problems so you arts seem to always

create problems because this is personal

dignity and you don’t want to destroy

somes dignity by doing all the arts and

they feel reluctant to do it now we’ve

got problems so if you want to just

ignore this subject on time management

now here’s the next one step down to

something easier the guys in sales and

he says oh I want to own the company

finally owns the company now he’s got no

time to play golf he said when I was in

sales I was making big money playing

golf three days a week heck with this

own in something heck with managing my

life was never my own after I started to

manage I’m going back to sales see this

is the key if you’re getting too pressed

you might consider stepping down to

something with a little easier time

pressure little girl says to her mother

daddy comes home brings his briefcase

and Pat’s me on the head and says hello

disappears and works on these papers how

come my daddy doesn’t play with me and

her mother said look your daddy loves

you very much but he’s so busy at work

he can’t get it all done he has to bring

it home he loves you but that’s why he

can’t play with you and the little girl

said why don’t they just put him in a

slower group so jot this down now if you

don’t have time for your kids you might

consider joining a slower group remember

when I said some things I went for cost

me too much so reconsider next key to

time management that’s work longer and

harder but see there’s a limit to that I

almost lost my health the first year I

went so crazy about personal development

and achievement I just went bonkers you

know I told you I was skinny but the end

of that first year I was a walking

shadow and then it suddenly occurred to

me what if I got rich and too ill to

spend it I mean that was a shocker

so I started developing a little more

reasonable because I said if 12 hours

won’t do it all work 14 if that won’t do

it I’ll work 18 I mean how many hours it

takes and sure enough it cost me too

much so see work

longer and harder for some might be

appropriate you know if you’re just

sitting around not doing that much this

might be good work longer and harder but

you can only work so hard here’s the key

not to work harder but smarter when

you’ve worked as hard as you can doing

the best you can in terms of physical

output in the time reasonable time now

here’s the ultimate in the management of

time and that is you simply become more

skillful when I first got into sales you

know I was around people that could get

you know nine out of ten eight out of

ten and when I first started I could

only get one out of ten but here’s what

I did I worked around the clock around

the clock so that I would make up in

numbers what I lacked in skill that’s

good in sales you got to jot that down

when you’re new you make up in numbers

which you lack in skill now when you

become more skillful the numbers can go

down because now you’re persuasive

ability and all of that is now so high

that you don’t need to put as many

numbers out but at first if you want to

compete or if you want to really get

good you’ve got to put in the numbers

but if you get more from yourself

develop more of yourself now the time

management becomes an easier task now

here’s the next thing either you run the

project or it runs you I found out when

you start something at first you’re in

charge all of a sudden a year later it’s

in charge some of the companies I

started I’m telling you I’m in control a

couple of years later I’m out of control

at first I’ve got it on the run two

years later it’s got me on the run

haven’t got enough time I’m dizzy with

trying to get it all done so here’s part

of the key that’s to get in charge teach

it to start something first thing you

know you’re out of control it’s in

control the enterprise you get started

now runs you ragged because I did that

when I had the whole 13 offices and the

big entourage I’m telling you it was

like short nights and long days and just

sort of the never ceasing demand for

time and activity which was fine at that

time in my life it was fine and created

a lot of good results and laid some good

foundation for a lot of future careers

that came from those unique times

there’s a pretty long list of people who

were inspired by it and educated by it

and participated in that program I had

going but then I reach ange the format

to sort of rearrange my own life

personally which is paid off for me now

I have a heavy workload but if you

finally get to the place where you have

most everything done for you I still

farm in Idaho but I’m what’s known as a

gentleman farmer a gentleman farmer

gives orders and other people do the

work it’s different than being a farmer

doing the work yourself I know that

because I was raised in the farm country

where I still have my farm but now I

have the luxury of participants who look

after my agriculture look after my home

building my daughter looks after all of

my accounts and my residences and my

real estate and I have good partners in

business that’s extra luxury where you

can do your specialty and other people

working make it valuable one of my

albums is entitled take charge of your

life take charge of your time take

charge of your resources take charge of

your health you’re the one that’s

responsible for it it’s not a

requirement of society that you not have

a heart attack and take care of your

family that’s not a requirement of

society but you must make it a

requirement of yourself

Society doesn’t require that you build a

financial wall around your family

nothing can get through that’s not a

requirement of society

it’s the requirement you impose on

yourself to build a financial wall

around your family nothing can get

through so impose on yourself the self

development of being in charge taking

charge of your life and your health and

your future and your responsibilities

and all

next reasonable time is enough time to

achieve all of your goals just stuff

that then reasonable time is enough time

I had to learn that reasonable time is

here’s why it’s not the hours you put in

that’s what you put in the hours if you

start depositing greater ideas in the

BRZ you’ve got later than now I’m

telling you later you can’t believe the

productivity that will flow the idea is

you can’t think of now a year from now

they’ll start to flow and when you

deposit those ideas in the hours you’ve

got productivity multiplies by two three

five ten next time management essential

a written set of goals and then do

priorities on your goals what’s

important this week what’s important

this month here’s the next one

often review just go over your goals to

make sure that your list is working for

you it’s got you inspired it’s got you

turned on so missus how come you’re up

so early see if you were headed when I’m

here did you’d be up early too if you

were gonna meet who I’m gonna meet you’d

be up early if it was gonna stock up for

you like it’s stacking up for me you’d

be gettin up early here’s the more time

management essentials learn to study

what we call majors and minors here’s

what you must say when you pick up the

phone is this a major conversation or a

minor conversation if it’s minor a few

pleasantries and you’re done if it’s

major maybe you’ve got to make a few

notes so here’s the next one

important conversations make an agenda

before you make the call just jot down a

little agenda it’s so easy now to just

talk out of your head – ever hear a

conversation ended like this let’s see

there was something else

see you don’t look that Swift I can’t

think of it right now I’ll call you back

see you look a little incompetent let’s

see there was something it escapes me

so we got this now make an agenda before

you make a call if it’s an important

call now later that saves you all kinds

of stuff you call John in the salesman

say John remember those four things we

went over said no we didn’t talk about

that and then you pull out your date

time or whatever and there’s the list

you made when you made the call he said

oh yes seems like I do remember and

you’ve got him with your list if it’s

just sales people especially can talk

you out of what’s in your head it’s true

no we didn’t talk about that and if you

don’t have a little proof I’m telling

you it’s gone so make an agenda before

you make a call so what’s a major what’s

don’t major in minor things if you take

up major time to do minor things I’m

telling you you’ll be behind the curve

constantly here’s what we learn in sales

training what’s major time on what’s

minor time

here’s minor time thinking about


here’s minor time making list of

prospects here’s minor time keeping

books on prospects

here’s minor time going to see the

here’s minor time evaluating the

prospect after you’ve been there that’s

all minor time

here’s major time in the presence of the

prospect that’s major time if you’re in

sales and you took a look at a week

you’d say my gosh I’m spending 90% of my

time on the minor stuff and so little

time on the major stuff in the presence

of how many hours in the presence of in

my day how many hours in the presence of

during my sales week because the time

that really counts is in the presence of

possible majors and minors

here’s another key time management

essential don’t mistake movement for

achievement it’s easy to get faked out

by being busy guy comes home at night

all exhausted falls in the chair and

says oh I’ve been going going going

here’s the big question

doing what it’s not the goal and go and

go and some people are going going going

and they’re doing figure 8 their

progress is small so don’t mistake

movement for achievement here’s another

one in sales we learned don’t mistake

courtesy for consent if somebody’s

Pleasant and they nod you say oh they’re

going to buy know they’re courteous you

can’t mistake courtesy for consent now

here’s a big one concentration I had to

learn this all those years ago I’m in

the shower trying to compose a letter

so here’s what I learned to do save them

work till you get to the office save the

work can you get to the work don’t try

to get to the office on the way to work

on the way to work enjoy the way and the

shower enjoy the shower then go to work

when you get to work I found this to be

helpful concentration here’s another big

one learn to say no I’m telling you in

such a social society we have now it’s

so easy to try to be a nice person

saying yes yes yes to everything find

yourself overloaded now you got to call

make the well gosh you know all the time

it takes to back out of something that

you should said yes to too quickly

here’s what might be better I don’t

think so but if that changes I’ll call

you little things you can use not to

overcommit yourself my friend Ron rental

says don’t let your mouth overload your

back it’s a good one now here’s the big

one on time management when you work

work when you play play don’t mix the

two don’t work at play now here’s one of

the most important ones don’t play at

work work is too serious you don’t want

the reputation of being the office Joker

it’s not a good one yes there’s time for

some Pleasant stories yes there’s time

for a little humor yes best if it’s a

happy office of course but I’m telling

you got to be serious about work because

you’re parting with a piece of your life

for the work you do your work costs you

a piece of your life here’s what it’s

called serious business not grim not

don’t play it work

the only person I don’t think we use

anymore horse around with the office

play around play jokes play tricks no

place not at the workplace at the

beaches at the bar use not you’ve got to

treat work with all do conservative

auction because it’s leading you to your

future next analyze how you are and if

you have some weaknesses it doesn’t seem

like you can change here’s the key get

it covered I used to keep promising

myself I’d keep the books keep the books

keep the books finally I gave that up

and back then it only took me an extra

50 60 bucks a month for some accountant

to keep the books as a no I’m going to

save the 50 bucks you can’t believe what

I started losing in productivity’s

because I tried to save the 50 bucks so

the key is a lot of times you can stay

like you are but just make sure you get

it covered okay next

beware of the telephone and all other

systems of communication especially the

telephone at home and systems of

communication at home let all

communication system serve you but don’t

let them intrude when it comes time to

have dinner with your family you shut

off all systems unless the ones that can

take messages silently

don’t let the phone ring don’t let

anybody intrude come through the front

door nor the back door nor through the

telephone or any other device so you

can’t reach John and his family when

he’s having dinner the President of the

United States couldn’t get through if

you develop that kind of a reputation

father mother when we have dinner when

we’re visiting and have this time with

our family nothing intrudes so don’t let

these clever little devices keep

intruding you’ve got to have a place


Sanctus it’s valuable you don’t let

anything in for that period of time I

ask your government debt has been many

years ago I said what did your

television cost I knew it was a great

television watcher he said four hundred

dollars I said that’s not true he said

no I paid $400 for this television is it

I said well let me tell you what I think

it’s costing you because I know what

kind of talent and skills you’ve got I

think it’s costing you about forty

thousand dollars a year not to own it

but to watch it it’s not owning a

television set that’s expensive it’s

watching it that’s expensive what else

could you do at that time one if you’ve

got plenty of money in terms of

lifestyle but if you haven’t got plenty

of money what if you took the television

time and properly employed it by

learning a couple of extra skills no

telling what would happen to your income

I mentioned this to this guy he got so

inspired and convicted with my little

talk there that he had his

brother-in-law bring over his pickup and

haul away his television set he said

well you could just take it away

yourself that no I don’t want to do that

you know I want to do it right now come

and get this thing and take it away he

said I’ve got a new philosophy

I’m gonna take my TV time and turn it

into fortune all it takes is an idea and

doesn’t have to be that radical but he

wanted it to make a statement let’s get

this thing out of here

and later you know he had another

television but now he learned to shut it

off and use time wisely but at the

moment he wanted to prove to himself

that he was ready to do something

radical said Jim Rohn is right this

television has costed me a fortune not

to own it own it is cheap watching it so

it’s expensive so you just have to learn

to ration the time television is useful

but you got there wisely uses it’s like

food you must wisely use food in

leadership we teach enough food to be

healthy and gather strength and no more

so you just have to learn the no more

make that your philosophy how much rest

enough to be healthy and gather strength

and no more why would you spend any more

than just enough to gather strength and

be healthy on both food and rest but if

you over indulge in food and rest they

become a detriment now not a support I

think if you look at things that way let

them serve but not intrude it’s like a

television set if you let it serve fine

but if you let it intrude on everybody’s

time the average family watches

television who had seven hours a day see

that’s probably too much it’s not that

the television isn’t good it is good but

it’s too much time devoted to one fairly

intrusive instrument in your house so

let it serve not intrude that’s a good

philosophy I find if you come up with a

philosophy and an attitude it helps to

set the tone of things you do don’t do

correct rearrange turn upside down try

it another way until something works

better for you I think that’s good

advice how many stories do we hear now

some people that are addicted to the

computer the wife says honey let’s go he

just he can’t let go we can’t shut it

off then you know you’ve got a problem

right so I think everything doesn’t

matter whether it’s alcohol or drugs or

a computer

I’ll being online I found out not from

my own experience but mother’s I know

so you got to make sure when you’re

online that you’re not off track but

it’s not difficult to be online and off

track in terms of time allotment what

absorbs your attention if all of your

thoughtful time is used for busy time

rather than creative time then the

encroachment on your creative time is

just probably too heavy we need time to

Napoleon Hills book says think nowadays

they say get online Napoleon says no

think thinking let’s grow let’s all

think and grow rich think of better ways

to do things think of a better time a

day schedule think of better ways to be


one of the great time management savers

is to learn to ask questions upfront

sometimes you talk to somebody for an

hour and then you ask questions and find

out if you would have asked those

questions up front you could have saved

yourself an hour asking questions up

front helps you to get to the problem

now but if you just launch into some

discourse you might waste thirty minutes

waste an hour when here’s what you

should have been talking after you

finished an hour you say John what’s

really the problem is that well is

something personal

see that’s what she could have been

talking about this whole hour next learn

some ways to think on paper one solving

problems take it out of your head and

put it on paper another one is setting

goals here’s another good way to think

on paper it’s a projects book each

person you’re working with and each

project you’re working on get a

loose-leaf binder and a tab and some

pieces of paper behind the tab and do a

little continual summary of how it’s

going between you and that person and

between you and that project I call it a

project book it is so useful to me

what’s going on between you and this


when you last got together what did you

talk about and you got a few notes there

here’s what we talked about the last

time we got together now when you get

together again you can review that so

you’ll know better what to talk about

when the president gets ready to travel

and he’s going to meet some important

people guess what they bringing all

these briefing books right the last time

you were with Khrushchev Kennedy is

informed here’s what he said nears what

you said Kennedy said oh that’s valuable

I need to remember that if a person is

important it’s worth a little running

account you might even have a project

book for your children here’s what’s

happening between me and my child we’ve

talked about this and we’ve talked about

this and we talked about this next add a

timer keeping track of all of your

appointments you know mine is all filled

with you know when to catch an airplane

and when to do a seminar when to sit

down and have a conference all the rest

next is a game plan you know if you’ve

got a house and the you know insurance

is going to come due and some other

things are going to come do you just put

it on a spreadsheet make sure it’s taken

care of

key phrase take things out of your head

and put them on paper and the key is to

just experiment with different ways that

helps you to do that now here’s the last

one thinking on paper and that’s to keep

a journal one of the things I’m known

for around the world have been now for

39 40 years is keeping a journal now my

journal is not necessarily

diary it might be part diary you know

I’m flying over Ireland and write down a

few little things that impressed me

today I met this person wow what an

extraordinary event today the scent I

conducted this seminar in Rome thousand

people stood up and saying for me I’ve

got a little bit of a diary in there but

here’s what primarily your general is

for collecting good ideas a journalist

to collect good ideas on your health and

good ideas for your business good ideas

for your future good ideas for time

management because I used to take notes

on pieces of paper and torn off corners

and backs of old envelopes and

restaurant placemats and I threw all

this stuff in the drawer it did not

serve me well I found Lea learn to get a

bound copy right and just keep a journal

write five is here I had my journal I’d

be taking notes write these two days in

my journal now if you’re caught without

your journal you just take the notes

when you get back home you put those

notes in your journal throw the paper

away because we don’t usually go through

paper to review but see my journals now

make up a significant part of my own

library my journals all reserved

privately for my children and my


can you imagine what I’ve collected over

the years unbelievable

there are three treasures to leave

behind here they are number one your

pictures don’t leave the event

unrecorded takes only a fraction of a

second to say here’s who I was with when

I travel the world we take all these

pictures and here’s one of the gifts

people send me the pictures they took of

me and them it’s part of the treasures I

have on the farm incredible a picture’s

worth a thousand words to describe the

scene the emotion what happened say wow

this was an extraordinary day for me

when I met these people here’s what they

told me happened to them when they went

to my seminar 10 years ago wow the drama

comes back if you’ve taken the pictures

it’s one of the treasures to leave

behind when

you go remember the old photographs that

we have now you know hundred years ago

seventy eighty years ago just a few

photographs what would it be like if you

had thousands of photographs of the past

of your history your mother your father

my grandparents so change all of that

now for your children leave all your

photographs as a record here’s what’s

next to leave behind and that’s your

library the books that changed your life

the books that change your health the

books that rescued you from oblivion the

books that you passed on to other people

they were so exciting for you the books

that made you financially independent

the books that developed your leadership

the books that gave you wisdom to ponder

when things were tough the books that

got you through the winter the books

that helped you to plant in the spring

I think you have to pay attention to the

details don’t let too much time pass

without staying in touch if we partly

took a survey right now here are the 20

most important people in my life how

long has it been since I sat down with

this one or called this one or wrote a

letter to this one we’d probably say wow

the man is right

just that little comment making a list

of 20 and saying how long has it been I

can see where some of them has been too


you know there’s considered very close

friends we just have to pay more

attention and I just now thought about

that make a list of 20 and say how long

has it been we try to think of it we

make a phone call I think wow it’s been

too long I got to have lunch we got to

get together and some that may live in

your own community where it’s a little

easier to stay in touch but you know

some of our friends are not close by

staying in touch is just a vitally

important part of developing a good

relationship take care of those things

that matter what doesn’t matter to you

say if nobody calls me on my birthday

that doesn’t matter but for someone else

it does matter so you just make sure

that gets done those kind of things it’s

easy especially in a busy society and

like myself you know getting on an

airplane flying off to some of the

country and be still busy doing that and

the preparation for doing it and then

recovering when you get home it’s easy

to let things slide but we always later

have some regrets that we didn’t stay in

touch more often especially somebody

older that passes write to say when I

should have made more phone calls and

stayed in touch but whatever it takes to

keep a good relationship going

it’s like tending a garden you can’t let

it go too long without tending the

things that matter making sure the


something well-nourished which is true

of all of our daddies we must protect

them like a father and nourish them like

a mother make sure they give us full

value and then be a full value to

someone not that you have to be around

all the time but to be available there’s

an ancient phrase here’s what it says if

you try to save your life you will lose

it but if you will lose your life

meaning if you will invest your life

that’s the best way to save it and to

multiply it many times over so here’s

the phrase investing life into life has

the potential of creating miracles

investing life into life investing life

into life creates a new baby but

investing life into life with ideas

information Association influence can

create Enterprise can create a

corporation can create a business can

create a movement can create something

that benefits many more people than just

those few that might have invested in

each other’s lives so that should be one

of your goals is to be valuable enough

to invest in somebody else’s life

starting first if you’re married with

your children and then invest in each

other marriage and friendship these

associations are a chance to invest in

each other a business enterprise Bill

Bailey and I’ve been involved in other

enterprises but the enterprise you know

fortunately was successful and we had a

chance to affect a lot of other people’s

lives but guess what happened over those

years and which continues to today we

continue to invest in each other I come

up with a great idea I get on the phone

I call him he comes up with a book he’s

read just said this is a masterpiece

you’ve got to read it so we have this

chance to invest each other and while we

walked the farm country of Kentucky we

invest in each other we walked the

beaches of California and he has a habit

of grabbing your arm when you’re walking

and talking so he would grab my arm

until listen when we get sore and then

we’d trade places so he could you know

grab the

for a while while we’re walking and

talking but a chance to contribute to

each other and what I share with him he

shares with others in what he shares

with me I share with you and others

around the world that contribution of

sharing with each other being

influential leadership making a

contribution to someone’s life that no

telling how far it may go from the time

it starts friendship is one of the most

valuable possessions in the world good

friends relationships you know what

really matters when we all get right

down to it is that inner circle when we

should spend as much time as possible

maximum time maybe borrow a little from

other things that aren’t quite that

valuable that are essential but not

quite that valuable and spend more time

family inner circle close friends

because that’s where a lot of the drive

and ambition to do well comes from

making dreams come true for that inner

circle you and them furnishes the fuel

for high ambition not to be ambitious

just for the name or for the fame or for

the money or for the useful things you

can do like generosity for the future

but at least to do as much as you can to

nourish that association and

communication inner circle conversations

in art whether it’s with a child or

whether it’s with husband and wife or

friends used to be years ago we wrote

letters that only got sent or you know

received once in a while now we just

jump on the phone and talk but back then

people seem to take thoughtful care

about putting into words how they really

felt and it’s easy to be a bit too

casual and not put as much how you

really care into language especially

when we’re talking all day long and all

day long it’s hard to be that unique

when we really would like to be unique

say something extraordinary about how we

feel but it gets lost in sort of the

mundane ordinary conversation rather

than taking the time to say something

unique about how you care and about how


each new occasion is a chance to be it’s

one expression called born again a

reborn we have a father for the first

time as well as a new baby we have a new

father so it’s the new baby’s life to

work out now it’s also the new father’s

life and probably as a father best

instruction would be to study and

practice and work hard it’s in if you

couldn’t be a class a father if it’s the

mother’s first time we have a brand new

baby but a brand new mother now that she

has a chance to live a brand new life

different life experience than ever

before shouldn’t she study and practice

and learn listen try to find ways to

become a class a mother about 16 years

ago I became a grandfather and I have

practiced diligently now the last 16

years of being a five-star grandfather

to my two grandchildren Nathaniel and

Natalie they’re exceptional highly

talented I just published a book of my

granddaughter’s poems that she wrote

when she was 12 and the art illustration

by her brother Nathaniel I love what I

see is the title by Natalie pan gracio

now she’s 15 and she’s written now a

collection of ten stories for children

and her brother Nathaniel is an

accomplished classical pianist he writes

music sends it off for competition these

are talented kids artists writers and

musicians at such a young age so what

I’ve done is tried to specialize helping

my granddaughter publish this book when

she was like 14 the poem she wrote when

she was 12 it’s really good I’ve got to

read you something I told you about my

granddaughter Natalie she wrote these

poems and we’re publishing them and

here’s one when she was 12

from those whose imaginations love to

take flight they will use even a flower

to determine wrong from right an iris is

like wisdom the deep color like the

depth of knowledge and the yellow like

the bright ideas one receives the

knowledge spreads upwards as do the

irises leaves a lily is simplicity like

the whiteness of its flower but in

simplicity there is beauty like the

yellow stamens tower truth is like a

dandelion which is bold and has not

sinned and truth is spread far and wide

like dandelions seeds upon the wind they

soon find a place to rest and grow in

someone’s heart and the cycle begins

again just as it did start a daisy is

like happiness and spreads its face to

the Sun it loves everything around it

and in everything finds fun hate is like

a thistle

which is awful and sharp to the touch it

combines envy anger and most of all

disgust and finally best of all love

represents a rose love the sweet to your

heart as a rose is to your nose love

combines trust hope faith and integrity

there are good paths and bad paths and

no matter which one you chose love is

just as sweet as the loveliest rose my

everything you can think of to dazzle

your grandchildren and have them

thinking you’re the greatest and the

best ever but it’s pure joy and you have

to pay attention it’s some work involved

from the course and making a good

relationship like that work but the

payoff is incredible for the small price

to pay one of my dear friends asked me

said I’ve got teenagers now what else

can I do to influence their life and I

said maybe not that much but here’s two

good words to consider now that they’re

teenagers the key is to be available and

capable capable of good answers when

they need them capable of counsel when

they need it available when they need to

make a call but trying to daily

influence somebody’s life you know after

they’ve become especially teenagers

right it’s a tough job to do but if I

think can you settled for that being

available and capable I want to be

well-read have good command of language

be able to translate my own feelings and

experiences into useful conversations so

that when the need arises I’ll have

something valuable and wise to say

however short or long it may be it’s

like fishing you know you can’t jerk too

hard or you lose them and you can’t

leave too much slack you know let them

off the line they’re gone so it’s called

pull pull pull easy easy

pull pull easy easy to learn how to fish

to catch fish it’s kind of the same with

communication strong enough but not too

strong it can’t be weak or the point

doesn’t get across it has to be strong

strong without being rude I say in one

sense that’s more a presence but in

communication as well well chosen words

mixed with measured emotion not too much

not too little when the actor gives a

performance if the script is well

written that’s part of the structure the

rest is delivery part of it is style but

part of it is enough emotion for the

point not too much and I think parents

have to do the same sometimes kids have

a valid objection to

it’s not that big a deal

and in the parents mine you know they’ve

made it into this monster deal when it

really isn’t but if you always make

everything into a big monster deal when

it isn’t kids get a bit misled by that

the key is to save up that emotional

content of making something a big deal

if it’s a big deal and be a little more

rational and emotionally contained when

it isn’t such a big deal more thoughtful

than volume more caring than loud I

don’t know it’s an art it’s a bit tricky

dealing with kids right you got to tell

them what you love and what you hate I

love you but I hate what’s happening

they need to know both how do you put

those strong feelings in the same

sentence love and hate but we’ve got to

do it because we have to deal with both

you know what’s right what’s wrong

what’s better

what’s okay what would be better we all

struggle with the language words are

clumsy sometimes when you try to express

what’s going on in your head let alone

here’s the best I can give you I’m not a

counselor but this is great stuff here’s

number one if the parents are okay the

kids are okay chances are high odds are

high if the parents are okay the kids

are okay your own self development is

the best contribution you can give to

your children not self-sacrifice self

development and contribution self

sacrifice usually earns contempt self

development and self investment earns

respect I used to use the old phrase

I’ll take care of you you take care of

me I found out how short into debt was I

changed it in Bob Cummings the old movie

star help me to change it here it is

I’ll take care of me for you if you’ll

take care of you for me the best

contribution I can make to you you’re my

friend is my personal development what

if I become ten times wiser ten times

stronger ten times better ten times more

unique think of what that will do for

our friendship if the parents multiply

their own personal value by two by three

by five by ten what would that do for

if the parents are happy I’m telling you

the kids will be happy if the parents

engage in unique lifestyle don’t miss


drink deep of the cup of whatever’s

available I’m telling you if the parents

are okay the kids are probably going to

be okay Wow

if you’re on an airplane the stewardess

says if we run out of oxygen these masks

are going to drop down and then she says

make sure you take care of your children

no would you underline no would you

underline no no have you got that you

should take care of your children first

no it says put your mask on first you

take care of yourself first then you

assist your children and I just

mentioned that would be a good title of

a book wouldn’t it for parents put your

mask on first isn’t this good

information I couldn’t wait to get here

that’s contribution to your company is

your self-development the best

contribution to your husband or your

wife is your personal development to

become all you can become as wise as you

can and as kind as you can and as unique

as you can that’s the best contribution

not self-sacrificing self-development

and self invested here’s one more on

that with your family or whatever

decisions you have to make if you’ve

made the decision best decision you can

but it’s gonna cause some pain here’s

what you must learn to do accept the

pain but not the guilt there’s part of

our heads sometimes it tries to make us

feel guilty if we’ve made a decision

that’s been painful not just for us but

maybe even for other people but it had

to be made so here’s the key to accept

the pain but not the guilt because it’s not pain that destroys you it’s guilt

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