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“If You Have a DREAM, You Should GO FOR IT!” | Rich Roll (@richroll) | Top 10 Rules

if you have a dream or you have a big
goal that you should go for it I’m
happiest and most alive when I’m butting
up against the outer edges of my peen
threshold for the last two years I’ve
been sleeping outside in this thing need
motivation what stops and leave nation
what’s that believe nation it seven I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
on today’s lessons from a man who went
from being 50 pounds overweight and
being a lawyer to having a major health
scare changing his life around to come
in an ultra athlete and being known as
the fittest man on the planet
he’s rich roll and here’s my take on his
top ten rules to success
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one embrace pain you know we’re so
conditioned tom to avoid pain every
message that we see every billboard we
see every advertisement that we’re
exposed to is telling us that happiness
can be can be purchased through comfort
through luxury through ease and that’s
sort of implicit in that is that that’s
how we find happiness and I can tell you
that I’m happiest and most alive when
I’m butting up against the outer edges
of my pain threshold and I’m not afraid
of it and so when I start to feel that
sensation rather than shirk away from it
I realize that’s an opportunity to
experience a heightened sense of myself
and my environment to to really be in a
position where everything else falls
away and it’s just you and your ability
to take one step forward there’s a
purity to that that again is another
great teacher and so in terms of
techniques I’ve just learned through
experience that just like David Goggin
says when the signals that you’re
receiving are telling you to stop that
you don’t necessarily have to pay
attention to that that that you are
capable of so much more if you can
develop the acuity the presence of mind
and the wherewithal to then take that
next step and when you’re on the other
side of it to realize you’re still okay
and you can take another step and a
whole your horizon extends and you
realize that there’s a whole world of
potential and possibility available to
you that you weren’t previously aware of
rule number two find your true purpose
it’s great to derive inspiration from
superstars but what’s most important is
that you choose the right path the right
goal for you not everybody can be LeBron
James or even Dez Landon who I just had
on the podcast but we all have something
special that makes us uniquely who we
are and I think and believe I feel
strongly that our purpose is to really
express that because we need everybody
to be more of who they really are there
is value in setting big goals and no
matter what the obstacles are that you
face on a daily basis and no matter how
many times you get kicked down how many
times it’s two steps back for every step
forward that you just keep showing up
and keep showing up and keep showing up
how do you know that you’re supposed to
do an Ironman how do you know that
you’re supposed to be a millionaire I
think a lot of people are setting those
goals reactively without that kind of
internal inquiry that’s required to
figure out what is the right or best
goal for you rule number three improve
your diet if someone is looking to
improve their life and transform their
life and they wanted to get started with
one aspect diet nutrition physical
exercise and meditation which one do you
think should be obviously all of them
are equally important but if they could
only start with one for whatever reason
which one you think is the most
important to start with focus on your
diet at first you know I think changing
your plates and cleaning up the the the
vibration of what you’re putting into
your body is a portal to the soul and if
you are intentional about that and you
know really focus on trying to eat real
foods as close to their natural state
you know in my case I eat a 100%
plant-based diet if you’re not ready to
take that entirely just try to eat
mostly fruits vegetables nuts seeds
legumes and beans things like that I
think that that will be a catalyst for
future growth in
other areas and that was my experience
like I wasn’t ready to meditate or to
you know return to becoming an athlete
or any of those things I started with
changing my relationship with food and I
think when you change that frequency of
what you’re putting into your body it
impacts you on every level not only
emotionally spiritually etc and it is a
catalyst for progressive growth from
there so I would start with that and the
more you kind of refine that then
suddenly you get interested because you
suddenly have the vitality you’re like
oh I feel like going out and moving my
body I haven’t felt like that way and so
the fitness will naturally follow and
then you’re like wow my body feels good
and I’m taking care of it in this way
like how do I tend to my spirit and my
emotions in my mind well I guess I’ll
start exploring the world of meditation
rule number four be present you’re
overweight and you’re walking up the
flight of stairs and you think you’re
having a heart attack and you said that
was the moment where you said and I
remember you using your hands like I
knew if I could you didn’t grab a hold
but if I could leverage this pain that I
could make the same kind of change that
I had made in going through rehab what
what is that like the thinking process
or the the Meccan Nations that you go
through when you have a big change in
front of you now you’ve done it multiple
is it goal-setting is it imagining the
world that you’ll have if you don’t do
it like what is that process for you
that’s a great question I think for me
it’s really anchored in awareness and
presence you know on that staircase I
was able to really understand that I was
having an important moment in my life
and the reason I was able to recognize
that was because I had that moment so
many years prior when I decided to get
sober it was a very specific moment in
time where I made a decision and that
decision set in motion a series of
events that changed my life so
completely that I couldn’t imagine my
life had I not made that decision and I
was able to see and understand and
recognize that once again I was being
visited by just such
an opportunity it was something that I
could feel inside of me and and I think
it’s because I’d learned to be present
to be aware of myself and my environment
and one thing I always talk about is the
fact that you know I’m not anything
special with this I think we’re all
visited with moments like this in our
life that if we can develop that the
wherewithal to have the awareness around
the circumstances surrounding whatever
event it is that you can leverage that
crack you know in the door to make some
significant changes rule number five go
for it and as I was getting ready this
morning and packing up I was reflecting
on 2008 when Julie and I were just
absolutely broke we didn’t know how we
were gonna make it we were on the
precipice of losing our house we could
couldn’t really pay our bills but
somehow we were able to pull together
with the help of friends and family the
budget for me to participate in Ultraman
my first big ultra endurance race and
I’ll never forget when Julie took me to
the airport to drop me off for that
experience like we just both liked
hugged on the curb when she dropped me
off and we were like falling like it was
so emotional because I knew and I think
she knew in that moment that on a
symbolic level the fact that I was going
to do this race was setting in motion
something we didn’t know what but
something that would ultimately shift
things for us
it’s this weird crazy spiritual equation
I talked about in my book that when your
heart is true when your spirit is true
that ultimately the universe will
conspire to support you and that doesn’t
mean it’s gonna be overnight it doesn’t
mean it’s gonna look like the way you
want it to look and it’s just crazy that
10 years later I mean it took a decade
but that 10 years later Here I am going
to Dublin in London getting paid if you
know to go it makes no sense none of it
makes logical sense so what does that
mean well I think it means that if you
have a dream or you have a big goal that
you should go for it
life is so short it’s so precious
it’s so easy to just fall into our
routines and get into a rut and then we
become myopic almost like we’re living
Philander’s and we can’t see outside the
box that we’ve created for ourselves
rule number six delegate my Achilles
heel is that I’m a bit of a control
freak and I and I try to like you know I
get to in the weeds on the details and
so I’ve done a better job of delegating
and building my own team and and also
you know focusing on the things that are
most important that only I can do and
letting other people handle the rest
and then batching the work like I wasn’t
very systematic in my approach to it so
I ended up sort of working on it a
little bit every single day and I felt
like I was just drowning you know so
I’ve now created a schedule that allows
me some flexibility with my time rule
number seven go all-in on something
we’re taught from a very early age that
we should live a balanced life
that we should eat a balanced diet but
what does balance really mean and I put
a lot of thought into this like what is
balance mean for me if I am spending all
this time out on the trail
then I’m not attending to other areas in
my life at the same time when I reflect
back on my life the moments when I felt
most alive training for these Ultraman
races participating in epic five the
training that I’m doing now writing the
books that I’ve written that’s when I
feel most alive and those are not
necessarily balanced activities those
are activities that require an
unbelievable amount of devotion
dedication and focus and tunnel vision
so if you were to look at my life in the
micro on an hour-by-hour basis or on a
day-to-day basis it may not look that
onced because I’m spending more time
training than the average human being
but if you zoom that telescope out and
you look at my life from 10,000 feet and
evaluate it over the course of several
months or the course of a year I think
you will find that it is very balanced
it’s just that that pendulum swings back
and forth it will swing all the way to
the side as I go in deep to do the work
that I do ultimately that’s fine as long
as it swings back and I make sure that
the important things in my life again my
relationships my finances my profession
my children all of the really key
ingredients to living a fulfilling happy
purposeful life that those are in check
so I think it’s the approach that you
bring to the activities that enrich your
life and there’s something to be said
for casting aside the traditional idea
of what balance is and embracing the
idea that going all-in on something is
not necessarily a negative thing in fact
that might be the one thing that will
bring you back to life and engage you in
your journey in a way that you may have
never experienced and then gird your
experience with purpose with meaning in
a way that you can then get
I can be of service rule number eight
seize every opportunity how did you stay
true to the vision when it it just I
mean you’re literally getting picked
apart down to not being able to pay for
your marriage I worked my ass off and
exploited every opportunity that
presented itself I did a ton of speaking
gigs for free I did anything that was
asked of me anyone who would want to
talk to me but it was really just a
function of showing up working my ass
off saying yes and having a strong core
belief that I was on the right path
rule number nine help others the thing
I’m most proud of is is that I know in
my heart of hearts that I have shaped
and impacted the way people lead to lead
their lives in a meaningful way
that’s one person a hundred people a
thousand people however many people it
is just the feedback that I get I know
and I know you get emails like this as
well you know to receive really intimate
heartfelt letters from people saying you
know I tuned in to your podcast or I
read your book and this is where I was
and these are the obstacles I faced and
here’s where I am today and thank you I
mean that’s a gift from the universe you
know it’s like it there’s nothing
there’s nothing more meaningful or
valuable to me and like I said you know
it’s it’s a blessing and rule number 10
the last one before a very special bonus
clip is prioritize quality sleep rich
why do you sleep in a tent for those
that don’t know for the last two years
I’ve been sleeping outside in this thing
a lot of people have been asking me why
do you do that and it basically boils
down to three fundamental reasons the
first is I just sleep better in a tent
outside the second reason is that it
really has helped me connect with nature
and the outdoors and I think our primal
disposition and the third reason I’ve
been doing it
is because fundamentally it’s a stoic
practice a couple years ago I started
struggling with trying to get a deep
sleep unless I was training SuperDuper
hard I just found it difficult to get
the restfulness that my body and my mind
need and at the time our bedroom that I
share with my wife Julie was either too
cold for her or too hot for me then I
had an experience where we as a family
all slept on our roof one night we have
a flat roof and we did it just for fun
with the kids and I had the most restful
peaceful night of sleep in recent memory
being outdoors breathing that outdoor
air sleeping under the stars is a very
simple and basic way of reconnecting
with what it means to be fundamentally
human we live in this super fast-paced
culture you got to get your hustle on
you gotta like work 24 hours a day and
if you’re not being productive in every
moment of your waking existence then
you’re wasting time and you’re falling
behind and with that comes a deep
prioritization of sleep sleep is for
slackers right and nothing could be
further from the truth I know that I
can’t perform at my very best unless I
get eight hours of sleep and it’s not
just the amount of time that I sleep
it’s the quality of that sleep it’s the
caliber of that sleep it is my opinion
that everybody should be doing
everything they can to enhance that
quality of their evening hours and I
found that by sleeping in a tent it’s
almost like this hack towards improving
the caliber of my sleep so that I can
show up throughout my day and excel be
totally focused be totally present have
good energy be in a good mood and all of
that derives from sleep so if you really
take the time to prioritize the quality
and the
time that you’re sleeping every night
you will realize quantum gains in your
productivity in your output throughout
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
from rich on how to meditate that I
think you’re gonna really enjoy but
before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions time to
move from just watching another video to
actually taking action in your life or
your business and if you’re feeling bold
leave your answers in the comments below
here we go question number one
how much do you prioritize sleep number
two what can you try tonight to sleep
better and number three can you commit
took me a long time to realize that I
didn’t have to judge myself if my brain
was attacking me it’s just showing up
for the meditation you know and once you
notice that to just bring it back to the
president bring it back to the breath
without judging yourself for your mind
wandering off because that’s what it
so people who think like I can’t
meditate my mind just runs too quickly I
can’t sit still
that’s actually an argument for why you
do need to meditate because you need to
develop mastery over that the most
important word ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
that sums you up or that would be like a
if you like this video check out the top
10 I did on Jessie its allure the link
is right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it continue to believe and I’ll
see you there
and we sets we set something up in our
brain we program our brain one way and
that’s our limit and until we can get past that
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