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Top 10 Foods You’ll Be Eating In The Future

the way things are going we might just
have to change the way we eat welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top 10 foods of
the future
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for this list we’re looking at all the
strange and interesting innovations in
food technology that are in the works
right now as well as some alternatives
to popular foods that are poised to
become more popular number 10 nano foods
what is nanotechnology well it’s exactly
what it sounds like
the science of really really tiny things
so how can that be relevant to what we
eat well using nanotechnology it’s
possible to add nutrients to foods that
are lacking them effectively creating
lower calorie options that pack a
serious nutritional punch in 2011 Helmut
Kaiser consultancy put out a report
predicting the by the Year 2040
nanotechnology would be part of every
single mass-produced food product
seeming to lend credence to the idea
number 9 sonically enhanced food we all
know that we use several senses when
enjoying a meal the foods aroma affects
our dining experience and so does the
way the food looks but did you know that
your hearing can also have an impact a
study out of Oxford University showed
that the taste of food was actually
changed by the sonic properties of what
eaters were listening to Russell Jones
of condiment junkie has claimed to know
which frequencies can make foods taste
sweeter a finding he says could
translate into a reduction in a meals
actual sugar count with sweet music
making up the difference number 8 GMO
everything it’s hard to miss the ongoing
discussion on genetically modified foods
GMOs can either be considered helpful or
a huge hindrance to the way we’ve come
to eat as technology moves forward it
seems inevitable that the genetic
engineering already taking place in our
food will continue to advance some
proponents like professor Daniel Shama
Betts Dean of life sciences at Israel’s
tel aviv university claims it’s nothing
to worry about
comparing the process to crossbreeding
he’s however disagrees asserting that a
quote takeover of the world’s food
resources by a small number of strains
will do more harm than good
number seven edible water bottles it’s
been made clear in recent years that the
popularity of plastic water bottles has
become a huge problem so the
environmental trend has been towards
using reusable versions instead one
london-based company however has made
news for creating a totally edible water
bottle it’s a seaweed based product
that’s relatively inexpensive to produce
and the even cooler fact is that while
these nifty little things will be on the
market soon enough you can actually make
your own DIY version at home right now
there are tons of tutorials online
that’ll show you how if you’re so
number six camel milk you ever thought
about the fact that for the most part
adult humans only really consume the
milk of one animal cow milk is a huge
part of the modern diet as is to a
lesser degree
goat milk what about all the other
animals out there in some countries
camel milk can already be found in
grocery stores but we’re predicting that
as time goes by it’ll become more and
more popular because of the ecological
impact that farming cows has on the
number five farmed fish two most wild
salmon probably seems more appealing
than farmed but as fish consumption has
been increasing producers have had to
change their ways because there simply
aren’t enough fish in the sea to satisfy
demand in fact in 2011 there was more
fish farming in the world than there was
beef farming it may seem hard to believe
but this practice is already on the rise
in a major way the fish farming industry
hasn’t been without issue however so if
you want to be a smart consumer it’s
good to look into exactly where the fish
you eat is coming from number four 3d
printed food a lot of the trends we
foresee in the food world in the coming
decades will be born out of necessity
due to demand and in the interest of
being more environmentally friendly
others however are just plain cool 3d
technology often gets bad press due to
sensational things like the technology
being used to manufacture handguns but
the concept can also be used for
something less controversial and
universally good 3d printed food won’t
cure world hunger by any means
it seems likely that it’ll be used
moving forward to create foods for
quantities that would be impossible by
number three algae okay back to
efficiency would you believe that algae
could be the solution to our food
shortages and even to our greenhouse gas
emission problems yep
algae that grows green stuff that you
avoid while you’re swimming could
actually become pretty important in the
future algae can easily be farmed in the
ocean which is beneficial if you’re
worrying about fresh water shortages and
if you’re imagining chowing down on
something icky and slimy
think again algae can be used as a food
in ways that would make you completely
forget what you’re eating
number two lab-grown meat many people
assert that going vegetarian or even
vegan is one of the most beneficial
things you can do if you want to help
the planet and with the number of meat
free eaters growing technology is
advancing to create more and more
cruelty-free and eco-friendly options
lab-grown meat isn’t technically
vegetarian but it could appeal to people
looking to improve their ecological
footprint even lab-grown fish is
becoming a thing this technology is
advancing quickly and we can expect to
see products on the market pretty soon
number one bugs of all the wacky things
we’ve suggested in this list so far
we’re guessing there’s none you’ll hate
more than this one surprisingly enough
one thing that scientists are predicting
is that eating insects will become more
popular and more necessary as time goes
on from crickets to grasshoppers to
mealworms there are a wide variety of
bugs that are both abundant and
nutritious the idea may be unappealing
to some ok most but there are actually a
lot of nutritional benefits to adding
some creepy crawlies to your diet do you
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