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“Get AFTER It!” – Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (@TheRock) – #Entspresso

– Good morning Believe Nation, it’s Evan.
My one word is believe,
and I believe that you have something special
that when you unleash it,
it will be able to change the world.
So to help you on your journey
today’s message is outwork the competition.
Over to you, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
(Rooster crowing)
♫ I wake up every morning
♫ Espresso keep me going
♫ I wake up every morning
– Yes, I get up at crazy hours.
Whether it’s three o’clock in the morning,
by the way, when we were talking in London
I was getting up at three,
’cause I had to be on the set by four,
I’m sorry, by seven.
So, whatever time my call time is,
and I tell this to studios,
and directors, and my producers,
whatever time my call time–
so if my call time is at seven,
then you back your clock up four hours,
and then that’s when I get up,
and train twice.
I get my cardio in, then breakfast,
and then I’ll go hit the weights.
Clanging and banging we call it, jacking iron.
– But what time do you go to bed?
I mean, you might shoot really late at night.
– I’m averaging on,
a movie I’ll average probably about five hours of sleep.
All right empty gym, the way we like it.
It’s Sunday,
just finished my warm up.
It is family day,
it’s the Lord’s day,
it is also leg day.
So, this may not be fun.
Happy Sunday.
All right Saturday afternoon,
empty gym, the way we like it.
I’m tripping over here.
It’s leg day,
which means it’s going to be sweaty,
painful and fun.
– [Cameraman] Come on, get it.
Come on.
Four left, come on.
One more, come on. Up. Good.
– Focus!
All right workout number two.
I’m outworking all my competition.
All right empty gym, the way we like it.
Gettin’ ready to get after it,
me and my favorite training partner.
Let’s bring it on!
Let’s bring it on.
– I love the rock.
I love his drive, I love his motivation, love his ambition,
I love his work ethic.
There are two things that I took from this video clip.
One is you have to find the work that you love.
If you look at “The Rock”, you watch the video,
he’s working out Saturday,
he’s working out Sunday,
he loves it when the gym is empty,
he’s outworking his competition.
And that’s incredibly motivational to watch.
You see him liftin’ the weights and
it gets you pumped up.
But you should be doing the same thing in your business.
It doesn’t mean you have to go
and work out on a Saturday morning,
but you should have that same level of care,
attention to detail, love, passion,
that he has for working out
in your business.
So if I look at what I do,
I look at my YouTube channel everyday.
I look at the comments, I look at the stats,
I look at the videos,
the reactions that are coming in,
I look at TDS stuff
I look at what Lily’s working on,
I look at my website.
I love the stuff that I’m doing
where if it’s a Saturday morning and I’m waking up,
and yes, I’m spending time with Hayden,
and yes, I’m spending time with Nina,
and yes, we’re doing family activities
and barbecues and that kind of stuff.
And I’m not spending as much time
on a weekend as I am during the week
on my business in the grind
and everything that I’m doing there.
But I’m still…
It doesn’t feel like work.
I want to know what you guys are saying.
I want to know what the comments are coming in.
I’m looking forward to the life changing comment,
everyone that comes in.
I want to know how well this new video series
that we put up is doing.
I want to know how well TDS is doin’.
I want to know how well that class we posted is doing.
Did that marketing technique work versus that technique?
Or that slogan versus that slogan?
How is everything working? I want to know.
It fuels me, it gets me excited.
It’s not work.
It’s not waking up on Saturday like
“Ah, I got to check my
“stupid YouTube comments. These people!”
All right, it’s not like that, I love it.
It’s finding that thing that you love doing,
and this is a consistent message
across everybody pretty much that we profile.
You have to love the work so that
waking up on a Saturday to go
and do this thing whatever it is,
acting, working out,
doing SEO, making videos,
whatever it is,
you look forward to it.
You want to do it.
You’re happy that you’re there.
You’re not complaining that you should be
at this barbecue or you should be sleeping in
or you should be going to watch that baseball game
or whatever it is,
’cause you enjoy the work of what you’re doing.
Having that level of commitment and passion
to the crap that you are focused on
I think is really really important
to have success in any field.
The second thing that I really took from this video
is the importance of the morning routine.
And what I found really interesting was how,
if he was on shoot,
and he knows he needs x number of hours,
he would wake up those number of hours early
to then make sure he does his morning routine,
and being fanatical about keeping that morning routine.
I’m a big believer in having a morning routine.
I think it really sets you up for success.
If you find the thing that makes you feel
bold and confident and alive and excited,
and put that into your morning routine,
then you’re much more likely to have an amazing day
instead of randomly hoping
you get inspired throughout the day.
Most people fall out of bed
and just do a couple things
and then they’re off to work.
Kind of going through the motions
as opposed to having designed a morning routine
to really support you.
For me, I find myself–
If I get distracted,
I fall off the morning routine,
I fall off my schedule.
So the key for me, traditionally,
has been to eliminate distractions.
It’s why I don’t use a cell phone.
It’s why I have a rigid schedule.
It’s why I don’t have a number that you can call me on.
It’s why I have certain days for different things.
But, if I’m traveling,
or if something else is kind of falling off,
I’m committed somewhere that’s a little strange for me,
it’s not part of my usual routine,
then I don’t do my morning routine
or I’m not as consistent with it.
So that’s an area that I could be better at.
I think, even today,
I watched the “The Rock” video yesterday,
and so today I did.
Today is filming day for me.
So I’m coming in, we have to be here at 8:30.
We start filming,
and we’re going to make 60, 70 videos today.
If I woke up when I normally woke up
then I wouldn’t have time to do my morning routine.
So I woke up earlier today.
Woke up a little bit earlier,
I went through everything
that I normally do on a morning routine,
and I feel great, and I’m here,
ready to record for you.
This is a weird day for me ’cause this happens once a month.
It throws off my schedule.
I think that strategy of trying to eliminate distractions,
eliminate schedule changes can really help.
It really adds a lot of value to me.
And on 90% of the days
it works because I don’t have distractions,
I’ve eliminated from them,
my team knows not to distract me
unless it’s really important,
cut out all the things that were taking attention
away from me being able to focus on what I’m doing.
But for those 10% of the days,
it’s an interesting strategy.
When something unexpected happens
or when I’m traveling
or when I have to wake up to come to do this
or something like that.
The idea of waking up earlier and making
that morning routine an absolute must 100% of the time,
is something that I’m going to take away
and maybe apply to my life.
We’ll see how it works out.
So the question of today is, I’m curious,
what is the most important thing from your morning routine?
The thing that you know if you did every single day
you would set yourself up for an amazing day.
What is the one most important part of your morning routine?
I’d love to hear from you.
Leave it down in the comments below.
I also want to give a quick
shout out to Michael Johnson.
Michael thank you so much
for picking up a copy of my book Your One Word
and posting a picture on Instagram,
I love the smile.
Thank you so much for the support,
I really appreciate it
and I’m so glad you enjoyed the read.
Thank you guys again for watching.
I believe in you.
I hope you continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is.
Much love, and I’ll see you guys again tomorrow morning
for another shot of Entspresso.
♫ I wake up every morning
♫ espresso keep me going
– The choice you have as an underdog is
if you’re going to choose to fight
and choose to fight to win,
there are a series of strategies available to you,
but they are all more costly
than the strategies available to the favorite.
I give the example of a chapter about
a software mogul in Silicone Valley,
an Indian guy, who coaches his daughter’s–
12 year old daughter’s basketball team.
They are without talent.
By his own admission, they didn’t —
barely knew how to play the game.
He takes them all way to the National Championships.
He does it by,
he instructs them they’re going to play
the full-court press every minute of every game
and defend every inch of the court.
That’s actually a very effective strategy.
Particularly in age class basketball.
If you’re the underdog,
it’s really your only chance of winning
is to play a really really aggressive defense.
It requires, however,
that everyone on your team
expend maximum effort
every minute of the game.
You cannot loaf for an instant.
You have to be in really good shape
and you have to run yourself ragged
and you cannot let up.
Most people will not play that way
because it’s too difficult.
If I said to you “We’re not going to be doing
“elegantly designed plays
“and shooting gorgeous baskets
“and passing the ball.
“We’re just going to be doing this
“for the entire game
“and you’re going to be exhausted at the end.”
Most kids would say “That’s not why I signed up.”
That’s a kind of classic illustration of
that effort,
effort is the root,
one of the roots available to the underdog,
I can outwork you.
I may not be able to outspend you,
but I can outwork you.
Well, outworking is a tall order.
It’s not easy to do
as anyone who has worked in a start-up knows.
That’s one of the stressful parts of it.
But successful start-ups,
I’ve never seen any actual data on this, but,
do we think the people working for
successful start-ups work longer hours
than people who work Fortune 500 companies?
– But when you look at the business that you’re in,
do you find that your hustle
and your ability to outwork helps?
– Absolutely.
When I say that this business,
and I learned this from Luther Campbell from 2 Live Crew,
one of the first guys I did a record deal with,
he always said that it’s 90% business, 10% talent.
And if you see that in the most–
the ones that are the most talented
are the hardest to either get in the studio,
or are the ones that get up on stage
and they don’t know if they’re going to hit the right note
or if they’re going to do this right.
And I go “Hey don’t worry about it, come on,
“let’s keep it moving baby!” – [Ryan] Let’s go!
Let’s hustle it up!
– There’s opportunities out here, man!
Come on, man!
– The next thing is,
I would say
the hard work.
Hard work is really really important.
To be successful,
and to be at the top
10% of the population in terms of success,
all those people worked their ass off.
You’re not going to be successful without hard work.
And the reason, mostly,
is not even that you have to go out there
and build a giant empire,
Or you have to–
a mass amount of money or work long hours,
it’s not even so much about that.
It’s that you need to develop yourself.
Success is not so much an outer world state
as an inner world state.
That might sound kind of hokey and new age,
but it’s very very true.
Success is grounded within you.
You’re not going to be able to maintain
any sort of level of success
if you do not have the psychology
to really follow principles,
to know how to maintain success,
to think strategically, to think long term,
to delay gratification, to resist addictions.
All of these factors come into play.
So really, for me,
success is grounded in self mastery.
It’s understanding yourself
and then building on that.
Building disciplines, building successful habits,
which then move you towards where you want to be going.
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