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Arnold Schwarzenegger – The BEST Motivation – Motivational Video

why do you want to work out what is your
call the most important thing is that
you have a vision did you have a goal
because without that vision and without
that goal again you’re drifting around
and you’re never gonna end up anywhere
people don’t become successful just by
accident you know I mean maybe the guy
that found gold in California and
started the gold rush but don’t count on
that that’s a one-in-a-lifetime kind of
a situation so you got to really have a
specific order to me to have that vision
that I want to be mr. universe they
didn’t want to be the greatest party
build of all time that was a great
vision and that specifically to look
like reg Park and to be up down that
stage and to lift the trophy overhead
and to win the championship over and
over and over again so that was a great
core you have to have a corner it
doesn’t have to be that specific code
but it has they have some core this is
why I always recommend to people sit
down take your time instead thinking
about why do you want to work out what
is your core and it can’t be as crazy as
this it could be you know I want to
impress gross if that’s your call so be
it but it motivates you it could be that
you’re emulating a certain you know
bodybuilder or a certain football player
a certain parks or whatever it is half
those pictures put all over the wall
like I did when I was a kid I put
pictures of rich pocket of Sonny Liston
of the boxers and of Ali and of power
lifters in weight lifters all over my
bedroom you know a wall so that everyday
when I go to sleep every day when I wake
up and look at those pictures and they
motivate me you need that motivation and
then therefore you have this kind of
imprint in front of you all the time and
you know exactly what you’re chasing
people always come up to mrs. why are
you smiling you’re working out five
hours a day you’re doing the same as the
other guys but the other guys have a
sour face they’re pissed off the Deaf to
do another rep or another set or
something I looked forward to I looked
forward to another thousand seven reps
of sit-ups I looked forward to another
500 pounds of a leg press o squad I
looked forward to a more and more curls
until my arms fall off
why because I knew that every rep did
that did and every set that I did and
more weights that are lifted I get one
step closer to turning that vision into
reality so I was turned on but that I
was excited I couldn’t wait to get to
the gym
I remember that when I weighed 245
pounds and Bob Rafelson the director of
stay hungry said to me that I’m
interested in having you come in for
reading and working your acting and
orders because I’m interested in having
you in a movie to start with the Jeff
Bridges and meet Sally Fields I was
delighted about that that was excited
that’s at pumping up one more and then
he said but I don’t wanted to weigh more
than 210 pounds he want me to be in the
movie but I’m going to 45 to 46 I say I
just won the Olympia I say in 1970 was
1974 and I was really at my biggest and
but he demanded that and he says look
it’s very simple and the day we start
surely this is I’m gonna put you on the
scale and if you don’t make the to turn
you out because I have someone else in
and I worked on it I said that
visualizing myself very clearly as a
lean athlete because that’s the only way
I could lose that weight and all of a
sudden get interested in running more
because up until that point I ran like
three miles after training or before
training over there but now I said it
was five miles six pounds seven miles
eight miles in there even ran mini
marathons in order to lose the weight
and I did everything with high reps that
was watching my diet whether he’d notice
kind of things and for the day the day
before I remember we went Birmingham
Alabama the day before was at the YMCA
with Bob Rafelson he was swimming and I
was working out and I was running there
was a tractor that was running he says
let’s step on the scale
and I stepped on the scale and then 209
so it just shows fear what is possible
if you visualize exactly what you want
to look like
and there was no room for any kind of
like about I can get my act together
anything is because there’s only a
certain amount of time but the key thing
again is have the clear vision have the
specific goal of what you want to
accomplish because then you never cook
at the gym and you say the day I fell
down a little bit I don’t know what it
is all about all my life I’m confused no
I tell you that I was a perfect example
of someone that was not confident at all
I mean when I was a kid that was just
like any other kid that had hang-ups and
problems and orders but when I joined
the weightlifting Club and I won my
first little trophy because they did the
best clean jerk and they move into
another meet and they want another
little trophy I started feeling like
somebody but the bottom line is everyone
can use the same method because I used
it in politics I used it in making money
I used it in everything that I’ve done
in the movie business when you have one
little victory little victories add up
and that is what gives you then
ultimately confidence well for me the
most important thing always to have a
deadline so when I for instance had a
competition and let’s say the
competition was in the middle of
September and it was now beginning of
summer so there was no more time to
screw around so there was the time now
to get going on a diet to get going with
the training to not slack off at all
because it was a deadline there the day
of the competition I had to be in the
best shape possible and I knew that if I
come to the company
and then lose because I did not schedule
my training the proper way or I didn’t
have the right frame of mind oh I didn’t
give everything delivery worked my butt
I will be just so angry so I never
wanted to be in that situation so this
is why it was very important to pick
that time and to say this is when I have
to be in top shape then the work towards
that but it’s not just with the
competition I mean they’re always the
same in the movie business
I mean to me was always a big advantage
when I said okay my movie starts on
April 1 and I have now three months so I
have to get really in great shape so he
picked those times he could also be that
there’s no movie and you have no mr.
Lampe oh no Miss America no mister a
universe coming appointee of those
things but you say to yourself the
summer starts in June I’m gonna go to
the beach in June and at that time I
want to be in great shape so that
creates an urgency that makes you really
start to training I’ve been taking it
seriously because if you don’t have a
specific plan then you wander around
them and you can have as I’ve told you
many times the best ship or the best
plane in the world but if you don’t have
a specific goal where you want to go and
when you want to get there you just
drift around and you never get anywhere
so this is why this is important to
create that urgency you have a specific
time when you want to be in shape well I
everyone has a problem with time but
today is 24 hours and we sleep six I
know there’s some out there that say
Baba Wawa
I need eight what I say to sleep a
little faster because the bottom line is
we have six hours of sleep 24 hours are
available so if 18 hours now available
do your work
your family your hobbies and also to
learn something new or to do something
new which could easily be that you want
to learn a new language or that you want
to read and as a you have a new year’s
resolution I have to read a book every
week or where you say I’m gonna go and
reshape my body so you’re gonna go and
take this hour out of your schedule and
say I’m gonna train an hour every day so
this is for most people if you a huge
challenge but it is totally doable I can
tell them because the kind of things
that I did when I came to this country I
mean I went to school I was working in
construction I was working out my five
hours a day I was taking acting classes
from 8 o’clock at night to 12 midnight I
was doing all of those things I wanted
to make sure that out of the 24 hours of
the day that I don’t waste one single
hour those hours were too precious and
so they’ll just want to tell people
don’t give me this thing I have a
difficult time with the time and I don’t
have time for this none of that you have
time you make the time
never ever think small if you’re going
to accomplish anything you have to think
big you have to go and shoot for the
the biggest challenge most people have
is because they think small and the
reason why people think small and why
did you choose small little goals is
because they’re afraid to fail they know
that if you shoot for big goal then the
chances of failing are very high and
they’re afraid of failing is one of the
most common things why people are frozen
and by the kidman make a move in life
because they’re scared of failing I say
to myself hey I’m not worried about
failing because that’s part of life
you’re not gonna be going win everything
and how far can you fall look at this
this is the ground that’s as far as I
can fall and you know something that the
only time you really consider the
failure is if you fall and you don’t get
up but if you get up you’re never
considered a failure so I never
considered myself a failure I always
consider myself a winner
even though AFL every so often but I
always got up and I always move forward
this is the important thing I never had
any patience of course for Smita
thinking small it was something think of
all out and do it well this is not just
the case in bodybuilding I didn’t just
want to be a bodybuilding champion I
wanted to be the greatest bodybuilder
four times I wonder if the most muscle
then the most muscle of all times the
most definition I wanted to win the most
trophies the most World Championship
titles I just wanted to be the best and
the same is also in movies
I didn’t you think about being in movies
no I wanted to be a movie star I wanted
to have a BAFTA
title building I wanted to become the
highest paid entertainer I basically
wanted to be another John Wayne what’s
wrong with that
there I go people ask me all the time
what is the secret to success the thing
that can give you the long version here
the long version is that I actually
always had five rules and everything
that they did always use those five
rules and those five rules helped me to
become successful in various different
areas and I think I believe that those
rules can be applied to almost anyone
and everyone you don’t need to be a
bodybuilding champion you either need to
want to be a Governor of California or
there be an action here or anything like
that if you want to excel in whatever
you do those rules are for you it’s that
I think that we all here like to be
successful and we are driven so that’s
why those rules apply to you
so my first rule is find your vision and
follow it you see I think it’s the most
important thing that we have a very
clear vision of where we go a goal where
do we go because you can have the best
ship in the world you can have the best
cruise liner but if the captain does not
know where to go
that ship will drift around the world
and out there that sea and we’ll never
end up anywhere this is exactly the way
it is in real life if you don’t have a
core if you don’t have a vision you just
drift around you’re not gonna be happy
this is why it is so important to have
that vision now I created that vision in
Austria because I grew up after the
Second World War the problem was that
everyone was so depressed because they
lost the war that there was alcoholism
everywhere there was of course
depression there was a terrible economic
situation there was famine there was
starvation and all of those things and
also it was kind of a little place in
narrow I felt kind of I wanted to get
out of there I wanted to escape and I
couldn’t see myself really do work there
in the stadia to work in the factory of
the work and the farm although even to
follow my father’s footsteps and to
become a police officer I couldn’t see
that either some I think that’s what my
parents wanted me to do but that’s not
what I saw this was the vision of my
parents but not mine and luckily one day
in school I watched a documentary about
America and I found myself I knew
exactly that is where I wanted to end up
I wanted to be in America everything
that I saw that the commander just loved
everything was so big I remember the
tall skyscrapers the monstrous bridges
the giant freeways filled with beautiful
the huge jet liners movie stars Muscle
Beach and all of those things I could
not wait to get there
the question was just how do I get there
how do I get the America I mean it’s
just not a common thing to do way back
in the 50s no one had the money to
travel or anything
but one day I was fortunate enough to
see a magazine and Dead magazine showed
me the path to America and it was a
bodybuilding magazine and on the cover
was this very muscular guy that was
standing there like Hercules with the
Hercules outfit
his name was reg Park this reg Park was
on the cover and I remember the cover
said mr. universe becomes Hercules star
I read the article as fast as I could
learning about how he grew up in Leeds
in England poor in how he trained five
hours a day every single day and trained
and trained and trained and lifted
weights and then he finally became mr.
Great Britain and then he became mr.
universe at any one a second mr.
universe title in the third mr. universe
title and then all of a sudden he landed
in Rome in kinoshita doing Hercules
movies and yeah he made millions of
dollars and this this money he took he
bought himself a gymnasium chain in
South Africa he became a successful
gymnasium owner in a syrette I became
more and more certain about my own
future as I read this story I was so
excited so interested I knew exactly
that I wanted to become another reg Park
I know he laid out the blueprint for my
life basically I could see myself I
could visualize myself clearly to be a
champion on that same stage where he
wanted mr. universe and then the move to
America then get into movies and then
become rich and famous I had that vision
very clearly laid out I was so happy
that I knew exactly where I was going
from that moment on everything that I
did no matter how hard I had to work or
how much I had to struggle it didn’t
it was a wonderful joyride because I
knew what the purpose was and I found my
passion the simple truth is if you don’t
have a vision
if you don’t have a goal if you don’t
see your future laid out in front of you
you’re just floating around without a
purpose and I think that the numbers
speak for themselves this is why so many
people around the world are unhappy with
their jobs I mean in America 74 percent
of the people hate their job and would
like to change jobs now think about that
that means that only a quarter of the
Americans love their life’s work I mean
that is a very depressing statistic I
always smile when I worked no matter how
hard I work I always had a great time no
matter what I did it didn’t matter what
was in bodybuilding
or it was in the movies of it was as
governor I remember in the pumping iron
days people asked me in the gym all the
time why are you smiling all the time
why are you so happy you have to lift 50
tons of weights you have to Train five
hours a day I mean I look at the other
bodybuilders faces and lifters faces and
they look kind of depressing
they look sour they’re miserable that
they have to lift weights you don’t look
miserable you look happy and I’d tell
them always they say I smile because I
know exactly did every rep that I do
there every set that I do every weight
that I live they get one step closer to
turning that vision of mine into reality
and becoming that mr. universe I could
not wait to lift another 500 pounds in
the squats I could not wait to do
another thousand sit-ups I could not
wait to do bench press more bench
presses more curls until I couldn’t move
my arms anymore because I knew that
every rep got me closer to standing on
that stage as a champion as a matter of
fact when I lifted weights I didn’t
really feel like I was lifting weights I
felt like I was lifting a trophy over my
head each time I lift it and they have
all those bodybuilders around me and
thousands of people screaming
and I tell you that this vision didn’t
just help me in bodybuilding he’d help
me in everything like I said I remember
in the movie business there was many
times stunts that they had to do we I
got hurt that was in pain in agony had
to do it over and over again I remember
one incident specifically and Conan the
Barbarian there there I was crawling on
all four on rocks over rocks and gravel
holding my sword right in front of me
and as I was crawling the camera
followed me it was around thirty feet
that the crawl unders rocks in his
gravel and eventually after ten takes my
elbows my knees started bleeding and
hurting and the director came to me
sheepishly and said to me sis do you
mind if we do another take I need a
close-up of you and I said him no I
don’t mind at all I said going to as
many takes as you want this is none I
don’t want to do that because I know
you’re in pain you’re bleeding I said no
no I don’t feel any pain I say the only
thing I see is the finished scene
this is why I did not feel that pain I
did not care if I was pleading on my
knees because I know that pain is
temporary but the film is permanent and
I explained that to the director so this
is why I try to tell you always discover
your vision and the rest will follow
I’ve always believed in numbers in the
equations and logics that need to reason
but after a lifetime of such pursuits I
ask what truly is logic
it’s no good and you need to dump it
look the most powerful supplement that
you will ever have all of you no matter
how much money you have to pay personal
trainers the most powerful tool you will
have to succeed most powerful tools your
fucking mind
you know science has come a long way yes
but there’s something science can’t
explain and this whole idea that you
need to have you know carry a cool
around all day and have meals every
three hours you’ve got to have seven
eight nine hours sleep you gotta have
this kind of rest before you go to the
gym you’ve got to have this meal three
hours before you go to the gym you got
to take this supplement 15 minutes
before you go to the gym at intervals
during your workout you got to take this
got to venison need to be cautious all
that stuff it’s all bullshit it was very
important to me to build the rest of the
body up to that level and then
eventually after ten years of training I
got to the level that really felt so now
there’s the perfect situation perfect
body the symmetry was right and all that
I didn’t want to just be a movie star I
wanted to be a great movie star as the
highest-paid movie star never bought the
title building
you never want to fail because it didn’t
work hard enough
give me a guy who’s got the mindset I
didn’t get any sleep last night but it’s
time to work out let’s go the gym let’s
kick ass give me a guy like that who
isn’t thinking about those things but
gets to the gym and becomes one
he didn’t get as much protein today as
much sleep as making sure they have
those type of things what does a fucking
matter what does it matter
don’t fuck it step down to beat somebody
else’s silly ass fucking standard and
it’s not backed up by fucking a
real-world experience
you will always be worried you always be
starting over the greatest fucking
champions I’ve ever been still I always
wanted to be very intense I always
wanted to be number one you’re thinking
too much about the small you too much
attention as well
and you’re not
not the teaching of the big
water or basic things
ask yourselves who do you want to be
I’ve always figured out that there’s 24
hours a day you sleep six hours
they have 18 hours left I know there’s
some of y’all denounces but wait a
I sleep eight hours or nine hours well
then just sleep faster I would recommend
you never want to fail because you
didn’t work hard enough and ask
yourselves who do you want to be you
can’t climb the ladder of success with
your hands in the pocket
I was poor because it didn’t have
anything I had no money I had no things
with the TV Vietnam future with nothing
as kids but it was rich because I had to
dream dream of becoming the greatest
bodybuilder and had a dream to use
bodybuilding as a means to get into
films dig deep down and ask yourselves
who do you want to be not what but who
and I’m talking about that with your
parents did you wanted to be but you I’m
talking about figuring out for
yourselves what makes you happy no
matter how crazy it may sound to the
was trust itself no matter how what
anyone else thinks
I didn’t want to just be a bodybuilding
champion I wanted to be the best body
build of all times
he said I want to be the biggest
bodybuilder in the world the greatest
bodybuilder in the world the richest
bodybuilder in the world which I want to
be a film star and I want to thank
but I had no idea that it would go as
far as it did that it would go beyond
the body walls beyond the muscles and
then through movies like Germany the
predator end of days and stuff like that
that was like you know I had to kind of
reinvent my dream after a cheap left
bodybuilding has been a beautiful
experience with me that will continue to
the rest of my life I only stopped
competing but I’m not stopping
bodybuilding the greatest thank you
there’s absolutely no way around hard
hard work none of my rules by the way of
successful work unless you do
he talked about him winning mr. universe
you said to me now is the mr. Olympia
and then when he competed in one mr.
McCain’s goal was to win it mini titles
which won at seven titles I love feeling
like an outsider I never wanted to be
one of a million if I want to be one of
a million I would have never got the
body that I got I want to be one of a
million I would have never wanted to
become the biggest star in the world
I never wanted to lose a competition or
lose an election because I didn’t work
hard enough are always believed leaving
no stone unturned
Muhammad Ali one of my great heroes and
a great line in the 70s when he was
asked how many sit-ups do you do he said
kind of countless in the town the cell
counting when it starts hurting when
they feel pain that’s when I stopped
counting because that’s when it really
counts that’s what makes you a champion
that’s the way it is did everything no
pain no gain
I mean how many times have you heard
that you can’t do this you can’t do that
and it has never been done before
dissymmetric I love it when someone says
that never no one has ever done this
before because they mean I do it that
means that I’m the first one that has
done it
so pay no attention to the people who
say it can’t be done there must be a
time in your life before that when you
didn’t have any thoughts of bodybuilding
at all
what’s a child way well I grew up in
Austria after I was born after the
Second World War 1947 it was poverty
there was no food around no really
nothing and I think there was the reason
why I developed search and tremendous
desire a desire to get out of the and a
desire to make it in life to achieve big
trust yourself break some rules don’t be
afraid to fail ignore the naysayers work
like hell and give something back
don’t be afraid to fail anything I’ve
ever attempted I was always willing to
fail he can’t be paralyzed the fear of
failure or you will never push yourself
you keep pushing because you believe in
yourself and in your vision
and you know that it’s the right thing
to do and success will come so don’t be
afraid to fail each year you live it’s
one year less when you’re out there
partying horsing around someone out
there at the same time is working hard
someone is getting smarter and someone
is winning just remember that
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