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Fire Employee – Should you fire people who are arrogant?

should you fire people who are arrogant
now this all depends on how important is
that quality to you or not okay when
you’re hiring somebody you don’t want to
look at just their skills because the
cultural fit is so important you need
somebody who believes the same thing
that you believe in and acts the same
way that you act and has different skill
sets has skill sets that you need his
comes with a question from one of my
readers on YouTube
Ares Ivan one who wrote in hi Evan I’d
like to ask your opinion should I fire
or remove employees that they become
arrogant or should I try to explain to
them their their attitudes and just
train others to change them with hope to
hear your opinion thank you so this is a
great question and it really comes down
to how important is it for you that if
somebody is arrogant or not okay you
have to have a defined culture and if
being arrogant is is not good in your
culture then you need to fire them and
if being arrogant is okay in your
culture then you can keep them so
there’s no right or wrong answer here
but it depends on the culture that
you’re trying to build so if you look at
my business I believe in entrepreneurs
right that comes across in every video I
make you guys might be sick of hearing
believe at the end of everything I
create but that’s what I believe you
take it or leave it and some people love
that and the people on my team love
helping entrepreneurs if you don’t love
entrepreneurs if you don’t believe in
entrepreneurs you’re gonna feel out of
place here you’re not gonna enjoy your
time working at my business but if you
love entrepreneurs you believe in them
there’s no better place for you to be so
that’s that’s a deal-breaker for me if
you don’t love entrepreneurs you will
not work here how important is this for
you you know if you’re trying to brand
yourself as being a place of nice people
right if that’s if that’s what you are
you know you treat people like family
and and you only hire nice people people
who are nice to each other nice to
customers then someone who’s super
arrogant probably is not gonna fit in in
which case you go find somebody else
somebody who believes the same thing
is nice and has the skills you’re
looking for because the difference
between a mediocre employee and a great
employee is is it’s unbelievable okay
there there is somebody out there who
badly wants to work with you and has the
skills that you need and most of us as
entrepreneurs we settle we settle for
the for the first person that comes in
that has the skill set and we barely
look at cultural fit you gotta have the
cultural fit it’s just as important I’d
actually prefer to have cultural fit
because you can teach skills you can
teach somebody what to do but you can’t
teach them to not be arrogant right
somebody is arrogant somebody is a nice
person or not you know I don’t want to
teach somebody to believe in
entrepreneurs they’re gonna they’re
gonna see that and either love it or
they hate it and that’s great
so you need to be upfront in your hiring
right you need to say something like we
only hire nice people
because nice people are gonna look at
that and say wow that’s really cool I
want to work there and arrogant people
are gonna look at that and say but they
serious this is stupid
and that’s okay cuz you don’t want those
guys anyway you want the nice people so
it starts with you being clear about the
types of people that you want in your
business understand what is a deal
breaker and what isn’t and if this is
really important to you then get rid of
and I know it’s hard this isn’t an easy
like firing somebody is is one of the
worst things that you have to do as an
entrepreneur it sucks I hate doing it
but it’s necessary if you want to be
you have to have great people on your
team and you have to have a great team
who work together and if somebody
doesn’t fit that then you need to get
them a better opportunity I mean it’s
better for them to they’re moving on to
something that they’re gonna enjoy more
and be a better fit in because they
don’t like coming to work for you either
right you don’t like them and they don’t
like you nobody wants to make a decision
let them go let them find something that
can be happy in and let you find
somebody who’s gonna be the person that
you need and it’s hard and and it’s
gonna keep you awake and you’re gonna
stress over it if you’re a nice person
this is what’s gonna happen but it’s
necessary and almost every entrepreneur
has stories about people who they they
took too long to fire they were too nice
and it didn’t help them and didn’t help
the employee either so fire quickly and
hire slowly believe for those of you
watching like the video please give a
thumbs up below then we don’t you think
leave a comment ask a question I’m gonna
give you a response thank you so much
and I’ll see you soon
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