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It’s the thought that counts – The English We Speak

Feifei: Hello and welcome to The English
We Speak. I’m Feifei.
Neil: And I’m Neil.
Feifei: Oh what’s that parcel you’ve got in
your hands there, Neil? Looks exciting…
Neil: It’s a present.
Feifei: A present? For who?
Neil: For you! For Christmas!
Feifei: Christmas?
It’s a bit early, isn’t it?
Neil: Well, I saw these and I just knew
you’d love them so much – so
I bought them! I can’t
wait till Christmas to see your face.
Go on, open it now!
Feifei: You’re too kind, Neil. OK…
A pair of glasses… Harry Potter glasses.
Neil: Aren’t they brilliant?!
Go on, try them on.
Feifei: I look ridiculous.
And I don’t even like Harry Potter.
Oh well, it’s the thought that counts.
Neil: ‘It’s the thought that counts’.
An excellent expression, Feifei.
If someone gives you a
present which you don’t like, you can say
‘it’s the thought that counts’.
Feifei: It’s a polite way of saying you
appreciate the effort and
the kind thought a person had
when they bought you a present… but you
don’t like what they bought.
Neil: Let’s hear some examples of this
expression which is particularly
useful around Christmas time.
A: Wow! That Elvis Presley onesie
you’re wearing is pretty weird.
B: Thanks. My grandmother gave it to me
for Christmas. It’s the thought
that counts, I suppose.
A: I have no idea what to get my auntie
for her birthday.
B: Get her anything.
It’s the thought that counts.
A: Oh no, not more tea towels.
I was expecting something more exciting
for our wedding presents.
B: You know what they say – it’s
the thought that counts.
Feifei: This is The English We Speak from
BBC Learning English. Our expression is ‘it’s
the thought that counts.’ It means the
kindness someone shows when
they buy you a present
is more important than the gift itself.
Neil: A very useful expression for politely
saying that a present someone bought you is
really not what you wanted.
OK, Feifei, lean over.
Feifei: Ouch! What are you doing with
that pencil?
Neil: There we go. With that flash of
lightning on your forehead now you
really look the part
– Feifei Potter.
Feifei: Hmm I need a spell to make
you vanish, Neil…
Neil: Bye!
Feifei: Bye!
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