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Best 5 British Expressions That Students Don’t Understand! – Learn English Expressions

he’s always waiting these are bollocks
to it and I’m like mate so dawdle jamun
yep ah 20 beers tonight now I’m gonna
give it a Miss what just don’t find to
you yeah I don’t fancy it yeah yeah
bollocks I give it miss tooth stone so
you’re talking to a British person and
yes I know the accent is adorable and
lovely but you don’t really understand
us because we say weird things but you
still love the accent because Downton
Abbey so here are five weird things that
British people say that most people
don’t understand first one is bollocks
to it a great day
you want to go outside and explore but
remember this is England and it rains
everyday ruining every plan you have
when you want to say forget it I don’t
care or perhaps I don’t want to do that
thing now that is when you can say
bollocks to it ah bollocks to it then
but remember the word bollocks is the
British version of the American
version and therefore it’s very informal
so be careful in which situations you
use it you could perhaps say in a more
formal way this if for example someone
invites you to do something and you want
to save them no you can say this so to
reject an invitation or in general to
say I’m not going to do this event you
can say mmm I’ll give it a Miss what do
you fancy doing tonight a great question
for what does it mean if you want to ask
do you want something or do you want to
do something you can replace one with
fancy so of course the full question is
do you fancy it means do you want do you
want a beer how about with verbs with
verbs it’s very interesting in a normal
question like do you want to go out with
the verb want the next verb must have
two and the infinitive
look what happens when we add the word
fancy it’s not to with infinitive
it’s the gerund the ing form so you can
say the exact same thing in two
different ways
do you want to go out remember once to
infinitive fancy the meaning is the same
thing but it’s not to infinitive the
verb must change to ing do you fancy
going out and again Americans don’t
really say this one this one is more
British what do you fancy doing tonight
to whinge what does whinging me now I
know in my videos I tend to complain a
lot about Ben Affleck as Batman it’s no
secret that I’m not a fan of this Batman
stop whinging alley it’s only a movie
now you probably understand what
whinging means it’s the same as to
complain so she could say stop
complaining but in a more British way
she could say stop whinging I hate this
Batman Christian Bale was better and the
final one it’s a doddle you want to say
something is very very easy you can say
it’s a doddle a doddle it’s very easy
there is a much more informal way of
saying this it’s a piece of piss again
this is very informal because of that
word Pearce so be careful where you use
it and in which situation and with whom
you’re speaking and it just means this
is very easy if you’ve heard of any
weird British words of weird British
expressions of course you have let me
know which ones in the comments and I’ll
try to include them in a future video
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