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World Press Photo 2009: Trends

the world press photo exhibit showcases
the best photojournalism on the globe hi
I’m Rebecca Brayton and welcome to and today we’ll be
learning more about the role of press
photography today as well as how it is
impacted by changing technologies when
all the photos were brought in initially
did you see a trend in the photos that
we were submitted well there was a lot
about China the earthquake obviously
there were a lot of photos of of Georgia
the conflict between Georgia South
Ossetia so there were events last year
special events would you like to show us
some of your favorite reportages it’s
questionable we’re standing here in
front of MPs Wow winning image of world
for photo of the year 2008 it’s part of
the daily life series on the economic
crisis the financial crisis it looks
like you know it’s related to drugs or
it’s related to to crime or two to war
even the victims in this picture were
not you know they’re not guilty of more
than being able to pay their bills now
we’re standing in front of a reportage
made by Kelly shell he did it for time
it won the first prize and the news
category and obviously you can see this
about Barack Obama the new president of
the United States but there’s a whole
history in front of it she started off
as the photographer for John Kerry bird
she saw this guy Barack Obama is this
guy was totally charismatic got a lot of
humor and she felt it was something
going on he felt that that this man
could be maybe you know the next
president and she started following him
and time told her like what are these
images about i mean we actually just
shoot John Kerry so she said well you
know I feel there’s something going on
us I feel that he might be an important
guy in the future so they said well if
you think so then go ahead
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