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Shel Israel and Social Media

you’ve been in the tech business since
1986 how did you get into it I used to
be a PR guy I got there just after the
wheel was launched and that’s why nobody
knows who the developer is but I got
into technology marketing in 1970 i sold
my PR agency it turned out to be just
about the minute before the internet
bubble popped so I discovered that being
a startups jockey wasn’t as valuable as
a big than a month before and after a
few months of trying I realized that I
wasn’t going to make kind of money I
used to make and I had left journalism
to begin with because i hated the vow of
poverty and if it was going to be broken
might as well do what i wanted to do and
in the three years that i kept trying to
get a job as a newspaper person in north
america 75,000 journalists gonna lay it
off and only got worse one of those
times I went to Wired magazine where
Chris Anderson it would known me as a
tolerable PR guy said you know all the
clips you showing me about people who
died 20 years ago you might try getting
back into shape you should start a blog
and just get it back into practice so I
started blogging with something called
it seems to me in 2004 and I was just
doing it to update my resume to become a
journalist as far as Twitter goes I got
the moment of revelation in a huge light
bulb it happened in april two thousand
eight a guy named James buck who I’d
never met it was a grad student at
Berkeley UC Berkeley
posted a single word and he posted from
the age of the word was arrested bucket
started a blog and a subject a blog or
tweet Twitter account on the suggestion
of friends before going over to Egypt as
a to do a graduate journalism project in
photojournalism he was he picked food
riots and the Egyptian authorities
really didn’t want no Westerners taking
pictures of storming angry Egyptians in
the street so they arrested him and they
threw him in the back of a car not and
said I was okay when he whipped out his
blackberry had typed in that word
arrested and that were landed back in
berkeley where it was recreated and
retweeted again probably on the fourth
and fifth round I saw the word retweeted
and so did other people with
uncharacteristic haste US State
Department responded by getting Jim
sprung about 27 hours later he was back
in the same car with a ticket in his
hand and is being escorted to the
airport to fly home as a guest of the US
government and he typed another word
that work was freed I posted a tweet
that said that’s amazing somebody ought
to write a book about this somebody else
and I don’t remember who it was it how
about you shall and that became Twitter
thank you very much for your time she’ll
it was a pleasure being here Chris thank
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