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William Shakespeare’s Play: Romeo and Juliette Opera

welcome to
I’m your host Leila I have the pleasure
of going behind the scenes of the
timeless love story Romeo and Juliet
being told in a contemporary opera
setting what may we expect in a work
adapted from shotgun oh it’s actually
one of the best French opera the
romantic operas and it’s it first it’s
full of beautiful music and secondly
it’s it’s full of duets because it’s the
the myth of Romeo and Juliet
so the opera tells you how it progresses
and how it changes in our love is strong
so we know composed this wonderful music
that it’s sort of like film music it’s a
complete complete experience you hear
voices you hear you see acting these
beautiful sets you see beautiful
costumes and a finalist production is
that the story starts with a masked ball
as the story goes along they take off
you know whatever elements like when we
go to a costume party if you all come in
and once everybody’s seen you then you
start peeling off the wig and the
costume and you look you get back to
your own self and this is what happens
through the first part what would you
like people to understand or grasp
before watching this opera love is for
everybody operas for everybody and this
story is really about love winning over
conflicts and opposition and feuds
between families so it’s a very positive
scenario people should just come there
with open mind in curious and just say
okay what’s what is this all about and
then they’re gonna follow it very easily
the plot and the intrigue about Romeo
and Juliet and and also they will
discover this beautiful music so that’s
basically that’s it and if you want to
prepare yourself but you can actually
read Romeo by Shakespeare or you can
actually listen to some of the main
areas of this opera but a lot of the
music by guna is known of this opera
because this is sort of this masterpiece
and what are some of your favor
aspects of the show the new direction
the companies has been taking is to
develop its theatrical aspect a lot more
than ever it’s really the sheer ability
of acting of all the the people involved
in this production that make you the
tears come to your eyes what I like is
that the stage is actually it’s been
updated to to take place in Verona right
after the Second World War we thought
that they would be interesting actually
to update this and present it to a more
contemporary setting this right after
the war so everything has to be
reinvented and recreated basically it
works pretty well because it shows how
our prop is alive
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