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William Shakespeare’s Play: Romeo and Juliette

welcome to i’m your host
leila today I have the pleasure of going
behind the scenes of a timeless love
story Romeo and Juliet so first of all
tell us how you got involved in this
project please I sing all over the world
so I’ll for my demo by alias of course
one of the bigger houses in the world
and and my agent been trying to get me
in your beef before I was a young artist
here at the Young Artists Program at the
piano al in 97 97 299 and since then I
almost every year sanks a role here at
the paranoia and this community I just
came under schedule are you happy
performing any rules any role that would
say no but this one yeah it’s it’s a big
challenge you know in the case of
homogenate we will say we are 10 12
principles but it’s all small role
whipped honey when Juliet singing most
of the time that’s fun you know it’s a
nice challenge and especially when you
have a nice chemistry with your shin yet
which skills would you say it’s
developed this particular show we cannot
cheat and suppose that we are both of us
like 14 years old but we just bring with
our own personality something to this
production this other production about
this unbelievable story and that’s it
this is the sixth production i think
i’ve done of us every time on stage
hopefully hones my skills hopefully it’s
more time to learn the craft to learn
more about the character to learn more
about being natural and real on stage
has this romeo and juliet production
what sets it apart from the others
who’ve done what’s different each time
is when you’re working with sanity
different you have a different pair of
eyes to look into a different soul to
respond and react with and have react to
you and respond to you and mark fu is is
truly one of the best if not the best
acting tenors I
or twice lastly what’s the most
rewarding part about being on stage it’s
a huge huge huge group effort you know
everybody is important you know for
example tonight we will be 200 working
on stage backstage in the in the pit so
it’s unbelievable and everybody counts
you know everybody has his own part and
I think it’s the most fun thing about
opera it’s a fabulous creative process
it’s a very human art form it’s it’s the
reflection of life of our society of
culture it runs the myriad of emotions
of humanity so its discovery its
creativity its exploration those are all
the good things
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