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Interview with The Salads

somebody i’m your host
asha and i’m here with a couple members
that are in a band called the salad how
long have you guys been a band for
actually legs just join the band last
year st. Patrick’s Day see buddies is a
big drinking day so he figured you know
what they got the best drinker in town
in all Toronto to come and fill in and
he just said he nailed the part kind of
all the people to choose how is it that
Ryan made the cut I gave her the beers
in the cruise
Ryan here the guy we called legs his
real name’s legs I don’t even funny I
just found out his name was ryan today
so this salads what is the next thing
that you guys have planned after work
for Alex alcohol musically as a band
they have two cigarettes in the United
States and we want to do that too where
do you see yourself in one year from
today swimming in a pool of native
cigarettes from Kentucky I’m right
beside him i’m going to be drinking a
bottle of vodka and i’ll be sitting
right beside him i’m actually i’m in a
band called the inner city surfers I’m
just filling in today for Mr D from the
solids and I just flew in this morning
we were playing out east and i got here
at 6am this morning I slapped behind a
tree and I’ve got about 14 beer and now
I feel good
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