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Video Game Review – 25 to Life

hi and welcome to my name
is philip and today we will be reviewing
a game called 25 to life this game had a
lot of hype behind as people due to the
fact that was supposed to come out in
november it was the late till january
because of core content now certain
organizations had made complaints of the
games settings and a lot of cop killing
in this game so therefore it was put
into january 17 this game is rated M for
Mature in our parents may be very
attentive to the M on the box because
this game adds a lot of blood a lot of
cop killing please take notice 25 to
life will start you off in Los Angeles
as a criminal obviously you walk into
your own a house to your wife and kids
only to know that your wife is
threatening you to leave you if you do
not leave the game which is the drug
game now you end up going to see your
main guys which are your criminal
friends they do not accept the fact of
you wanting to leave the business which
is all the familiar story we’ve seen
before they offer you the option to be
able to have one last deal or one last
gig before you run out of the game soon
realize that the deal has gone bad and
the cops are all over the place now the
rest is yours to discover this is my
favorite part of the show where I give
my opinion on 25 to life first off as a
positive thing I will have to admit that
I do like the blood before I do love the
sex I do love the drugs in the game I do
love the realism I love the hip-hop
this game as an incredible soundtrack of
the apart artists even though you’re not
a hip-hop and this game will make you
like the hip hop because it gets you
into the team of the game which is a
lake which is the hood which is
gangsters it has to do everything with
him also another positive note i found
was to be able to customize your
character more and more we’re getting
personalized into our gaming where we
like to create a character to a liking
or maybe appearance nevertheless I
really like that option in terms of
negative aspect I did not like the
effort they put into the engine ah you
obviously have the option of going in
the first or the second person shooter
but it feels a lot like an old game its
a mix of certain games like I’ve said
before dead to rights and tomb raider
obviously made by itõs but not
impressive at all in our day and age of
gaming and there was so much hype
surrounding this game that it was very
hard for me to accept that standard
quality of graphics the in between
scenes where are usually companies come
out of nowhere and give out a good
quality nevertheless when the game is
bad was bad in this too depending if
you’re playing on PC ps2 or xbox you
will see that the cinematic in between
the gameplay is not up to scale that you
would see in most games today another
thing too is that the lunch of video of
the game is not long you will not get to
play this game more than two days if you
play it on a constant basis if you play
it maybe two hours a day I even consider
one week being the tire length of this
game before you do finishing we have a
rating legend here at for
the game
you it goes like this its ninth 10 is a
purchase meaning very very good game
purchase only no renting 728 will be a
late fee you know the type of game that
you rent you can finish in one week but
you don’t purchase it because you got
away with $15 of rental fees and third
one being from six to five would be rent
only and this is exactly where I place
25 to life and five to six because this
game is only a rental it’s only a rental
I do not encourage people to go on
purchase this game you will be very
deceive if your serious gamer
nevertheless if you’re a big fan of the
shoot-’em-up be kind of debt to right
and your big fan of the tomb raider old
tomb raider engine then it’s all up to
you but anyways you be the judge this is
philip from and you
remember it’s just a game
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