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Top 10 Worst Things Sasuke Uchiha Has Done

wait he’s supposed to be Naruto’s best
friend I’m Ashley with WatchMojo and
these are the top 10 worst things Sasuke
has ever done yeah 13 update on your
dang and that at all it’s Turkey where
do I get it before we begin we publish
new content every day so be sure to
subscribe to our channel and ring the
bell to get notified about our latest
videos for this list we’ll be looking at
some of the worst misdeeds perpetrated
by Sasuke Uchiha from the Naruto
franchise because many of these actions
affect the plot there will be spoilers
for those who aren’t caught up you
haven’t changed
you’re still annoying number 10 didn’t
Sasuke is one of Naruto’s best friends
and Naruto is probably the closest thing
Sasuke has to a friend to so when the
knuckleheaded ninja finally gets married
to he nutter
it’s quite the slight when Sasuke isn’t
there for Naruto on his big day instead
of attending his friend’s wedding
now we’ll grant that Sasuke isn’t
exactly everyone’s favorite person in
the village at this point in the story
so some foreign visitors would probably
be angry with his presence but when as
diplomacy ever been the concern of
number 9 tried to capture killaby upon a
line with the rogue ninja organization
Akatsuki Sasuke and his crew were
charged with capturing Killer be the
host of the eight tailed beasts while he
ultimately does not succeed the fact
that he’s trying to capture someone with
the intent of killing them via the
tailed beasts removal technique it’s no
what it does capture however is a
tentacle from the Beast that be
disguised as himself which is pretty bad
in itself since that small portion is
more than enough for Obi toad to summon
the ten tails during the war later on
which nearly leads to the end of the
shinobi world
despite his many admirers
Saskia’s personal issues often leave him
withdrawn from his emotions especially
love so when he and Sakura got married
not a lot changed from when they were
kids only now he seems more distant than
ever he spends years away from home
doesn’t contact her for a large
stretches of time and rarely spends time
with her when he is in the village so
good on you oh my god stay together
it’s mother guy we know expecting
romance from a guy whose first date with
Sakura only lasted around two minutes is
a bit much but you’d think marriage
would mean something to the guy Imahara
delgo need an O’Conner number 7
after learning the truth about his
brother’s massacre of their entire clan
Sasuke pursues the man he holds
responsible Danzo as it happens the
self-serving power-hungry man has been
temporarily appointed as the leaf
villages Hokage during a summits between
the various ninja villages cog a in
order to get him Sasuke infiltrates and
attacks the summit’s killing several
guards and engaging all five carga in
though not all at once I’ll admit to you
that it does leave quite a pain in my
heart to see such a handsome men
but you must die that’s like somebody
trying to kill every country’s leader at
a g8 summit after being caught trying to
assassinate one of them number six he
during Sasuke’s ever mentioned attempts
to assassinate Danzo he’s aided by his
team known as Tucker one of its members
is Curran one of his obsessive admirers
who helps him locate Danzo during
Sasuke’s confrontation with the corrupt
man Danzo takes current hostage as a
last-ditch effort rather than trying to
save her
to add insult to injury he attempts to
kill her afterwards stating she’s no
longer of use to him even if currents no
saint herself
Sasuke turning on her like this is still
extremely jealous
number 5 tried to kill Sakura to destroy
the leaf that is what I want sticking to
the same arc once again
Sakura find Sasuke shortly after he
stabs Karin their intent is to kill the
young man she for some reason loves to
spare Naruto and everyone else the pain
Sasuke is naturally suspicious of her
offer to join him and after demanding
she killed current to prove her loyalty
then follows it up by trying to murder
he really meant to kill her how you fall
in Sasuke it’s only the timely
intervention of Kakashi that saved
Sakura’s life and Sasuke even makes an
attempt on his former teacher’s life to
I wonder if Sakura ever fondly looks
back and remembers that time her husband
tried to murder her no number four
plotting the destruction of the leaf
after Toby reveals to Sasuke that it’s
brother Itachi massacred their clan
towards it a civil war and at the behest
of Kanna house elders Sasuke is
naturally upset rather than verify this
information for himself
Sasuke trusts a stranger and almost
immediately swears vengeance on not only
those directly responsible but the
entire leaf village our mission is to
destroy the hidden leaf not only is this
exactly the kind of thing that eats and
she sacrificed everything to stop but
it’s also Sasuke planning to commit mass
murder against the inhabitants of his
home village yeah yeah you can cite his
curse of hatred his painful experiences
whatever this is not moral behavior to
me they are the scum of the earth they
are all objects of my vengeance
number three neglects his daughter so so
no GOI don’t mo get on the rock Anika
maybe I need a dakatoka my avianna nani
just like his neglect of his wife Sasuke
also neglects his daughter serrata these
sullen shinobi is absent from her life
on mostly self-imposed missions so much
another monocots Whitacre are upon you
and when they do finally reunite
Sasuke’s first course of action is to
almost made her all because he doesn’t
recognize her but really serrata
shouldn’t take it personally aside from
his own parents
is there anyone close to Sasuke that he
hasn’t attempted to kill
misma no come on honey never sue became
a rogue ninja and joined the villages
worst enemy Sasuke begins the series
consumed with hatred for his brother
Sasuke’s desperation to become stronger
leads him to accept an offer of training
from Orochimaru a man who’s already
invaded Konoha gave Sasuke a cursed seal
and was responsible for the Third Hokage
this is the beginning Sasuke betraying
his friends in the villages hardly
surprising to us now given everything
he’s done since and his general
self-centeredness but back when it first
happened it was a huge deal his betrayal
ended up endangering his classmates who
tried to retrieve him and led to many of
the headaches and heartbreaks that
followed number one is warped plots to
change the shinobi world Saldana
Nagamasa Quanah Mugen squirming Anoka
iman olga kogut almost okay
upon saving the world from Kaguya whose
plot led almost everyone to being put
into an endless sleep sasuke announces
his intention to murder the five-car gay
in their sleep as well as Naruto and the
other tailed beasts blaming them for the
state of the world instead of the
villains they just fought a war to
defeat he then plans to shoulder the
world’s hatred on himself by becoming
the most powerful hated enemy of
everyone essentially imitating what his
brother did to him on a global scale
because sasuke turned out so well from
that traumatic experience why wouldn’t
he want to inflict the same thing on the
whole planet
what a hero more 7th annual Tony
Duquette Asuka do you agree with our
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