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“The COMFORTABLE Road Will NEVER Lead You to SUCCESS!” | Ed Mylett

the comfortable road will never lead you
to the person you are destined to be
ever in your life the thing that’s gonna
kill your dream is your addiction to
other people’s approval I’m constantly
in a crisis to get to the next version
of me need motivation watch the top 10
he’s had my let and here’s my take on
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one alter your beliefs there’s this
governor on our lives that it is a
governor and it’s a it’s your identity
it’s this internal it’s what you think
you’re worth it’s what you think you
deserve and the problem for good people
see we all know someone right now in our
life where we have who’s not ethical
who’s not a good person who’s winning
and you’re like I can’t believe they’re
getting it right why can’t I I’m a good
person I treat people while I’m honest
here’s a reason why by the way the
unethical person eventually karma you
reap what you sow comes home to roost
but if you’re a good person this is so
important people understand this because
it took me a long time a good person and
any endeavor will only take from it what
they think they deserve what they think
they’re worth in other words if there
was a pizza here you’re a good person
you don’t take all 12 pieces a good
person thinks there should be an
equitable distribution here so I might
take seven or eight you know arm wrestle
you I don’t know about that you’re moose
butt but long story short what is is
that you a good person will not take
more from the table of life than they
think they’re worth or they think they
deserve and so you have this governor on
your identity so what happens is our
it’s like a thermostat our lives get
we start doing really well if we’re a 75
degree or and our life gets to 85 and 90
degrees unconsciously we go we don’t
know we’re doing it oh we we start to
cool life back down to get it back to
where we’re comfortable that reverse is
also true when things start to go really
bad and you’re broke and you’re
struggling you find a way to heat your
life back up to what you think you’re
worth and you deserve so the way we
alter our life is sure we got alter our
behavior and our relationships and our
circumstances but the only way it’s
permanent is that we alter that governor
that thermostat and we start to believe
we’re worth eighty-five degrees of life
95 degrees of life 110 degrees of life
and there’s ways we can alter that how
do we alter it a couple different ways a
one is what you just said is that you
put yourself in circumstances that are
demanding if you pass what you think
your capacity is and when you succeed at
them you build a new water line you do
you throw yourself out there past where
your comfort
and you can you do in 85° behavior and
you knock it out of the park you go
your brain starts to believe it
repetitiously when you start doing that
you build a new line now your 85° that’s
number one
the second way though is Association if
you’re around people and whatever that
endeavor is if it’s a sport you’re in or
if it’s a business or your faith or your
peace if you begin to associate with
people who live in that space at a
higher temperature than you through
association you get heated up yeah so if
you’re an athlete for example you’re a
70-degree athlete and you start training
all the time with 85 and 90 degrees your
identity through osmosis goes up if your
person is trying to improve their faith
in their life or their their personal
piece about them you all know this
you’ve seen it when you start to hang
around people that are a little bit more
peaceful than you or meditate a little
bit more through that association over
time the thermostat changes in that area
and so it’s both behaving in certain way
and then your associations yeah I
believe that
rule number two don’t sell your will to
win those people’s will to win is for
sale as for sale most people’s will will
is for sale win is for sale they can be
Bob I can’t be Bob so if we give you
just most people if we gave me just
enough money if there’s a certain dollar
amount it’s not working I know you
stopped working hard we give you a car
or a plane or a house or that’s if the
book broke that’s the book yeah that
might be the book that is the book so
what your will to win is for sale that’s
right and I decided once I realize that
because I watch it happen with people in
their body and their finances and their
family and their faith whatever it is I
want not enough for sale so there isn’t
a place you’re gonna buy me you can’t
get me there’s not a stop a place a
destination where you’re gonna get me to
relent to quit I want to improve that
doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with my
motivation from time to time doesn’t
mean I don’t get confused or down of
course I do I’m not for sale yeah you
can’t buy me and you know this too we
see a friends of ours even guys in their
60s or they sold their company for blah
blah blah now they golf nine days a week
or whatever you know that’s fun but yet
for sale
they burbot you were bought you were for
sale I’m not for sale rule number three
serves people everything in your life
happens for you not to you I’m just a
huge believer in that and so my baseball
dream ended I had an injury probably
gave me a premature and to occur the
would have ended end
in hindsight because I played with
enough great players that I kind of know
there was a gap in just god-given
ability level not work ethic but yeah I
think to be the greatest there has to be
some proclivity for it and work ethic
right and so I kind of maxed out my
limited abilities and so when I got
released I ended up moving back home
with my parents I couldn’t find a job I
was depressed I spent about a year at my
parents house just broke in every way
financially spiritually mentally
physically I remember my dad came home
my dad had just got sober and my dad
said to me hey I met this guy at a
meeting I got you a job you get your ass
down there tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m.
getting out of this house getting a job
and I’m like okay I have a college
you know I’m being picky for a year
watching Maury Povich reruns every day
on TV and Jerry Springer I go down there
at 6:00 a.m. I walk in I said hey my
name is Eddie might let him here for the
job they’re like what job I remember
this vividly right and I’m like I don’t
know they just told me you know and they
go but we have no idea who you are and
we don’t know what the job is they said
do you know who’s hiring you I said I
don’t remember and they go well then you
need to come back and I go to the door
and I go wait a minute his name’s Tim
they’re like there’s a lot of Tim’s and
I go well I know he must be an alcoholic
because he was at a meeting with my dad
laughter they go oh
drunk Tim we know Tim right and where I
was was a place called McKinley home for
boys it was a group home a campus of
group homes all my boys were Ward’s of
the court they were removed from their
family either because their parents were
incarcerated killed or were molesting
them and I ended up in cottage eight
cottage eight I had 12 boys they were 7
to 10 years old now walk through that
door that morning not even knowing what
the job was and it transformed my life I
mean in an instant brother I just saw
these eyes these little boys and they
just wanted someone to love them and
believe in them and care about them and
I’d have this big belief that people
that go through any dysfunction in their
family or abuse as a kid I think our
eyes are different we just have these
different eyes man and so I could
connect with these guys mine wasn’t as
severe as theirs but I knew what it was
like to have that kind of anxiety and
that kind of stress and that kind of
pressure put on you as a little boy and
I became like their father I was there
with him on Christmas and Halloween and
their birthdays and I lived with them
and it changed my world be
in that instant I went from being this
athlete who was ego recognition
significance gonna get rich it’s all
about me always when you’re a good
athlete you knew this growing up was
always accolades all of a sudden in that
instant it became about serving people
making a difference in like oh this is
what makes me happy
oh I was actually born to serve and help
people crazy no one that never happened
playing baseball and while I work there
two years into it the financial business
that I’m in came along and I started in
a part-time and I’m though I was the
rare young businessman who approached
the business world from a place of
service and giving and not making money
and ironically the more I serve people
the more I made a difference the more I
contributed the more I was rewarded
financially I didn’t do it for that
reason but that’s what happened so
that’s how I got into the business was
actually and again everything that my
dad wasn’t an alcoholic he’s not at that
meeting I don’t get that job and if he
wasn’t if it wasn’t alcoholic I wouldn’t
have connected with those boys so all of
that in hindsight happened for me right
and had I met the financial business
before that I’d have flown out of it I’d
have been about ego making money and
when that didn’t happen out of left and
so it all happened in the right sequence
rule number four overcome struggles I
kept my job at McKinley and part-time I
started in the financial services
industry and started to build a team of
people and started to get my licenses
and that transition and I struggled like
every upstart entrepreneur does I think
it’s like three to five years until you
really get a few clients you know not in
any business I don’t care for the
financial services tech dry cleaners
entrepreneurs the first five years is
just full of false starts and get it
going then you don’t you get it going
you take a step forward you take three
back it’s constant false starts it’s
constantly thinking you have it going
it’s constantly negotiating in your mind
the price you’re paying is it worth that
should I quit
should I give in I’m constantly I spent
the first five years daily contemplating
quitting yeah all the time because it’s
not fun it wasn’t fun and and there’s
just a part of you thinking anything
you’re doing when you’re struggling is
this really for me is this my destiny
should I be doing this and we miss Reed
failure from some sign you know is this
a sign I shouldn’t be doing and you know
is this a sign I am you know not cut out
for this instead of looking for signs
that you can win right and so I spent
the first five years literally
trying to find ways to quit trying to
find ways to get out struggling and
struggling and struggling and I went
broke I lost a car and the water turned
off in my place I you know I had a I’ve
bought out my first house I ended up
having it foreclosed on eventually so
I’m not that house with the unicorn’s
that you saw right over my beach place
like that’s all they after people don’t
realize that there were just years and
years of of grinding and struggling and
worrying in the beginning and then then
I made some mental changes and some
shifts yeah that altered my life then
again also if you want to learn how to
have confidence like successful
entrepreneurs check out my 254 series
it’s free the links are in the
description below the fact that human
beings our strongest drive is the need
to stay consistent with how we define
ourselves the reason people aren’t
patient is they value other people’s
opinions too much you have to go build
self-confidence rule number five find
mentors I knew I wanted to be successful
I think like in most things like they
show up eventually but maybe they don’t
look like the way you thought they look
when they show up right so I was gonna
be a baseball player from the time I was
a little boy housing Major League
Baseball four or five years old talking
about that no one player study in it
telling people I was gonna be one look
in a certain way trying to be athletic
I’m a little new gradually trying to
build my body up and build myself up and
I did it well I am I mean I mean but I
got little wrists and I don’t do Pilates
but like you do but I do workout but but
anyway the Pilates looks good on you you
look younger than I do brothers so but
anyway I did I did I did well grow up
wanting to be somebody and then I got a
mentor when I was really young Hall of
Fame baseball player named Rod Carew who
most of you out there would probably
know grabbed me when I was a young man
and started pouring it young was that I
was probably nine okay he grabbed and I
started pouring to me why did he saw me
in a baseball camp
saw that I was a little guy I saw that I
had some potential I kind of swung like
him and batted like him huh and so I
spent the better part of my youth being
mentored and coached one-on-one by a
Hall of Fame baseball player and he is
poor baseball tools in the main
important belief you’re gonna be
somebody someday you’re gonna do
something great so I had someone in
might here I respected believing in me
from when I was young
that helped me rule number six chase
discomfort I kind of grew up in that
space that is dangerous because it’s
like a slow asphyxiation right I grew up
what I’d call like middle class but
probably the lower side of middle class
so I think there’s an I’ve told you this
I think there’s an advantage sometimes
you’re going up rich because you got
connections and you see the right
behaviors modeled maybe when you’re poor
a lot of my buddies that are successful
now that were poor they knew what they
didn’t want they were fighting they
learned to struggle they grew up sooner
right they didn’t it couldn’t make
excuses they had to learn to be self
resilient the middle is difficult
because goods the enemy are great right
and so it wasn’t horrible it wasn’t like
there wasn’t food on the table wasn’t
like I didn’t get a present on my
birthday right so you kind of start to
think that’s what life is no one in my
family ever talked about dreaming or
winnin or being wealthy same time they
weren’t really running from something
either so there’s like there was no
stimulus the tzimmes when your pores to
get out of there their stem is when your
rich is to replicate it there was no
stimulus from where I’m from and so
probably the rarest background when you
meet somebody that’s successful is the
middle it’s actually the rarest that you
meet somebody they’re from the middle
and so a lot of your listeners come from
that place because most people are in
the middle right and so I’m sort of I
think an example of some of the things
maybe you would need to do to get out of
that space to move from good to some
some form of greatness in your life yeah
yeah it’s comfort right that word
comfort can be a killer right and so
that’s exactly what I wanted you to do
point that out is because so many of us
do come from that and also we’re maybe
existing in it right now so true and how
important is it to stretch ourselves and
to really kind of get comfortable with
discomfort you do you need to do that
Malcolm X is a guy that I’ve read a lot
about and Malcolm X my favorite quote of
Malcolm X’s is that which you do not
hate you will eventually tolerate and so
there has to be this point in your life
where what you want is so much greater
than where you are you’re in such
discomfort in other words the gap
between what you’re dreaming of what
you’re destined to do what you’re
capable of you’re aware of it compared
to where you are that tension between
the two has a pull power to it right and
so it’s difficult unless that you’re
chasing that next version of you there’s
this there’s this thing I’m
just unbelievably passionate about that
is that I have this theory that I’ve
told you this before but that I think
that the end of your life there’s this
place you come to and I’m a Christian so
I think at the end of my life then I
want the Lord to go hey well done good
and faithful servant doesn’t matter what
your faith is you probably are aware
there’s history being made or an
accounting but I also think he’s gonna
go hey by the way this is who you could
have been I think he introduces you to
the person you were capable of becoming
I really believe that at the end of your
life you’re gonna get introduced to the
person you could have been you were
destined to be that he made you to be
and so I’m chasing that dude every day
I’m chasing that dude that’s the pole
power for me every decision I make the
things I go through in my life whether
I’m gonna go to the gym whether gonna
make a phone call how I’m gonna eat does
it get me closer to that guy because I
think the best end of a life is well
done by the Lord and you’re identical
twins with that person the bad end of a
life would be I meet this man I could
have been and we’re total strangers I
mean we’re just complete opposites I
know nothing about this guy there’s no
familiarity at all and it means that I
went down these easy roads
I took the comfortable road the
comfortable road will never lead you to
the person you were destined to be ever
in your life and so I know if you don’t
become obsessed with chasing that person
you end up never meeting them rule
number seven mastered the art of
persuasion persuasion and anything so if
you want to persuade your children if
you want to persuade someone to take a
look at your faith if you want to
persuade someone in business if you want
to persuade someone to help you in
anything or help them in anything it’s
real simple for me
monster belief and so you can’t transfer
to me that which you’re not experiencing
yourself right so you can’t give me a
people are we strike over the magic word
the magic clothes the magic this and
there are words you shouldn’t shouldn’t
use in persuasion no question about it
right there are think there are words
that are more effective in other words
and clearly to be successful in any
business you need to know what those
words are in your business the best
persuaders the best motivators the best
speakers the best physicians the best
schoolteachers the best parents are
incredible persuaders and what they do
is they come from a monster place of
conviction and belief that they can
transfer you too because people respond
to energy much more than they do words
they respond to what they feel not what
they hear and see hear and see a real
level influencers energy spirit transfer
of energy is what people respond to and
so I’m cognizant all the time of getting
in a state of total belief and certainty
about what it is that I’m gonna
represent or speaking if I’m speaking on
stage about a particular topic and then
transferring that energy into people and
that seems generic or hokey but it’s
actually what great persuaders do in
fact if you’re listen to this you think
of anybody that you know who’s
incredibly persuasive they may have
great words they probably do but it’s
something you feel from them right and
that’s the difference between a great
doctor and a so-so doctor great doctors
here’s the prescription you’re out of
here another one is they kind of work or
not about now the other one you leave
there feeling that you’re going to be
healed settling you’re in good hands you
feel their certainty you feel their
confidence saying when you hear a
speaker if you’re buying real estate
from somebody but it’s not just buying
things it’s a great pastor in a church a
great person if you do TM who’s taught
you TM it’s there’s certainty it’s the
energy you feel and so for me it’s
always getting to I have to really
believe what I’m saying I have to really
feel it to transfer to rule number eight
get up fast you and I watch this every
successful person that we know everyone
gets hammered man everyone gets knocked
down you get you miss a clothes someone
changes their mind yeah you get rejected
an interview you
you didn’t lose your baseball career
ever the hell it is it’s not whether
you’re getting knocked down it’s not
even whether you get up everybody
eventually gets up everybody gets up
yeah it’s the time you’re on your ass
it’s the time you stay on the mat so
what happened was my dream got squashed
instead of laying around for six or
eight months I was up immediately like
that day off the mat now my eyes are
open your eyes are closed when you’re on
the mat yeah yeah so the longer you stay
on the mat just because you’ve been
defeated you’ve now become blinded as
you said and it’s prevented from getting
any other opportunity or blessings in
your life so the key is getting your
butt up like literally getting up and
opening your eyes again and chasing
again you’re gonna get up so you might
as well do it now
rule number nine rely on your habits
here’s the thing that get asked all the
time how did you stay motivated all the
time people ask me that all the time and
the answer is I didn’t and neither did
you to become successful the separator
in life is really important building the
most inspired motivated person wins not
not really it’s the person who can work
on the day’s they’re not inspired and
motivated it’s what do you do when
you’re not feeling great what do you do
when it’s not your best day how do you
do that carries you through is rituals
and habits so when you’re fatigued when
you’re tired when you’re under pressure
you react reflexively and so successful
people rely on habits and rituals not
just their inspiration and motivation
level of course we’re both professionals
and being motivated and inspired but
that’s not every day every minute and so
what do I do I work on the days because
my habits and rituals carry me through
and so for me here’s how I look at my
life in my day if I can control the
first 30 minutes of my day and the last
30 minutes of my day I have a whole lot
better chance of the middle of my day
being controlled and so I’m a freak
about the first 30 minutes of every day
it’s really about the first 45 minutes
and I’m obsessive about the last 45
minutes of every single day
that gives me some illusion in my mind
and measure of control the other thing
it does it delivers to me habits and
rituals that serve me that I do every
day that are consistent it gives me
comfort in stormy times that ocean out
there is raging at the top right now
right the waves are crashing at the
bottom of that ocean it’s completely
calm at the bottom of that ocean is the
habitual part of the water right it’s
the it’s the it’s the part of the wire
that stays the most consistent that’s
why it’s so calm okay so when you see
someone at a
their emotions are up and down all the
time this is someone who is without
rituals and habits successful people
have those and so they do and so it
keeps me calm it keeps me comfortable
rule number ten be a champion this
morning was very unusual number one was
the water was unusually cold this
morning really cold and the waves were
huge very big waves this morning and
both of those things made me think about
business and there’s an application for
you that I wanted to share with you the
first one was just getting into the
water this morning it was freezing and
when I had to get in there to make a
decision how do I get in do I kind of
take my time where I go my feet in first
kind of get adapt and then come out get
adapted go back in up to my waist
get a little warmer then come back and
up to my neck you get the deal then all
that would do is extend the pain all
that does it’s logical it makes sense
don’t go until you’re ready take your
time but really all that does what does
that really do that extends the pain and
so I didn’t do that I did with the pros
do right which is what people do in
every endeavor that our champions is
Iran Foom right in headlong right into
the water right it dive in OOP there’s a
shock but then you get adapted so much
more quickly than you could possibly
imagine and then you’re off to ride in
the waves well the same is true in
business the champions and everything I
don’t care if it’s your fitness if it’s
your your
I’m laying your faith you name it the
way that you get great at something cuz
you dive into it and get adapted quickly
and you’ll be surprised at your ability
to adapt and navigate your way through
success the average people in everything
frankly the people who lose are the ones
who constantly take their time they’re
too logical they think well I can’t do
this until I’m ready if I’m not ready
I’ll mess it up and I don’t want to get
it’s too cold it’s too it’s too freezing
well the truth is in business that’s not
how it works
if you go slow you’re extending the time
you’re in pain and worse yet while the
champions have already douve in got
acclimated they’re out there riding
their waves making progress you’re still
on the shore deciding whether you’re
gonna get ready to get ready so if
you’re an entrepreneur if you’re a
business owner you’re somebody getting
associated with my firm which is a
wonderful decision by the way but if
you’re going to decide that you’ve got
to decide that and go and trust the fact
that you have your instincts your
background your training your mentors
the system around you and that’s true
whether you’re an entrepreneur in my
business or you’re one of these firms
that I’ve spoken to on the outside I
want to encourage all of you if you’re
going to get in get into business and go
you’ll be amazed at Europe capacity to
evolve into adapted to succeed rule
number 11 grow you I don’t believe in
faking it till you make it
you know what entrepreneurial is right
it’s the greatest self-discovery process
in the history of mankind in it you
learn more about yourself what you don’t
know your resiliency how tough you are
what your weaknesses are by being an
entrepreneur greatest self discovery
program in the history of the world it’s
also this it’s the greatest
self-improvement program with the
highest compensation package possibly
attached to it to that’s what
entrepreneurs there is a
self-improvement program with massive
compensation package attached to it and
that’s why too many of you are too
focused on growing your company and not
focus enough on growing you because your
company will never ever exceed your
identity or your vision for it you got
to grow you because what will happen
when it starts to grow you’ll start
making unconscious mistakes to shrink it
making bad calls getting weak getting
lazy making mistakes you’re all nodding
because you’ve all done it because at
some point your business got ahead of
you it will never exceed your identity
and your vision because if the company
catches your vision the company catches
your identity you’re dying
rule number 12 be in a state of granted
I’m grateful that I have the money for
the plane ticket still it’s odd it’s odd
how small things I love big things I
love having my jet but it’s I make sure
that I’m grateful for what most people
will think are small things and I really
am like I’m I had some health issues
when I was younger with my heart I am
grateful many mornings I wake up my day
starts with gratitude I’m awake
many many mornings and so that’s a
centerpiece of my life it’s sort of it’s
odd because I have all these things in
my head when I was a kid like at
gratitude is sort of the antidote for
everything not good in my life
rule number 13 care about people what
would you say is your greatest asset
skill I love people man I care about
people I sincerely do and so whether
that’s yeah I mean I want to help you I
want to people say how do you get back
to all these people on social media I
care you know a lot that I act like I do
I really I like I my intent is good man
I want to I want to make a difference in
the world you know we’re all put here
for a reason like it sounds hokey like I
I’ve made a lot of money like I’d like
to make more money but it’s not really a
driver for me right you’ve got a bunch
of homes and that feel that need it’s
not and it doesn’t it’s not long-lasting
no material thing I’ve ever required was
as cool as I thought it would be it’s go
for a week or two and exactly alright
now what know what right it’s empty and
so by the way I think everybody should
have but yet if they can have one
everybody ought to have a unicorn on
there waterfall everybody ought to
devotion front like I’ve been I say
spiel time I’ve been happy rich and I’ve
been happy poor happy rich is better
don’t let anybody tell you happy rinsing
better than happy poor trust me it’s
better you and money is a magnifier if
you’re a really good person you get a
bunch of money it’s probably gonna
magnify your generosity and your
kindness and your patience and if you’re
a Croma gin and mean and hurt people
money’s gonna magnify that too so I’d
rather have a bunch of money yeah hands
down right but it’s not something that
drives me in my life it doesn’t have a
filmy rule number 14 stop negotiating
the price when I was poor everywhere I
flip the price tag what’s it cost what’s
it cost what’s it cost what’s it cost I
was constantly negotiating the price for
everything in my life you do that when
you come from a place of scarcity a beam
whore successful people and wealthy
people have a subtle distinction they
don’t look at price they look at worth
is this worth it if you’re constantly
looking at the price tag you’ll
eventually relent you’ll eventually give
in stop negotiating the price it’s a
freeing experience to totally commit
when you totally commit to a
relationship to a business to your
fitness to your faith it’s a free
powerful it’s almost like removing
kryptonite from your life when you
totally commit can you do that the
people around you it’s costing too much
it’s costing too much and you’re gonna
maybe it’s costing too much you guys are
gonna know it’s worth it it’s not the
price it’s the worst it’s a subtle
distinction in your life rule number 15
have perseverance you’ve been very
successful as an entrepreneur have you
always been successful you just said the
word launch of preneur and always
successful so you know everything I’ve
ever done work they’re lying it read
well they’re not an entrepreneur they’ve
inherited something right because of you
if you’re an entrepreneur you have not
always been successful right so from
Steve Jobs down all the way and so I’ve
had successes and then I’ll go backwards
so like most entrepreneurs there’s false
start after false start after full
search so I would get it going and it
would go backwards I’d save some money
then I’d blow it you know my business
would grow then it would shrink me so no
I’ve had I’ve had tons of different
financial events happen in my life and
actually actually after people thought I
was pretty successful I’d become a
millionaire about 26 years old I’d
become a millionaire I was making a
million dollars a year and I ended up
losing it all and it ended up I lost a
home I lost a car I ended up moving into
an apartment I was newly married I’ll
never forget this I remember cuz this
oceans out there we’re looking at it
right now and yeah I remember honestly
defining moment you I had everything
turned off you have power turned off and
still survive one thing I learned you
don’t want your water turned off and we
had the water cut off so I’m lives
easier newlywed my new and six weeks
married we end up still with you she’s
still with me she won’t run here
somewhere yeah she’s with me that’s so
much in common I know we do well high
school and the same thing with our
with her wives and long story short we
had to go every morning out of the
apartment go down to the pool and shower
outdoors and you bring our toothbrush it
was just shameful for me
rule number 16 keep the promises you
made to you the key to self confidence
is really simple and it is this is
absolutely I’ve trained hundreds of
thousands of people I’ve spoken to
millions of people around the world I
could tell you this the self-confident
people I know whether they are athletes
school teachers mechanics parents
stay-at-home moms you name it they have
a pattern of keeping promises they make
to themselves the groundwork of
beginning to build self-confidence is to
begin to keep the promises you make to
you and that’s why it’s important to
begin to even make small promise you’re
gonna get up at a certain time in the
morning not only do it but then give
yourself credit say I did what I said I
was gonna do if it’s in your diet or
your fitness don’t just eat the healthy
foods go I’m doing what I said I was
going to do you begin to build this
reputation if you’re constantly being
influenced and moved by what other
people think about you it means there’s
a deficiency and what you think about
you and so the key is not some you know
and so so tarik like belief system it’s
a pattern of keeping the promises that
you make to you that’s the groundwork of
self-confidence for sure and it is a
pattern when I meet people that lack
confidence I think let me serve you
let’s begin to keep the promises you
make to you you’re so worried about
there’s this addiction to other people’s
approval in the world right it’s the
greatest the greatest addiction today it
used to be drugs before then it was
alcohol there’s all these addictions sex
addictions whatever the number one
addiction in the world today is the
addiction to other people’s approval and
that’s because we don’t approve of
ourselves we or we don’t feel a spirit a
universe a god that we believe in that
approves of us and so my confidence
comes from both my faith and in the fact
that I keep promises I make to myself
that’s the groundwork of all confidence
rule number 17 knocks out your life see
at the end of my life the Lord’s gonna
go hey by the way this guy over here
this is the man you could have been this
is the person you were born to be this
would have been your dreams this is
where you would have gone what you would
have seen who you would have helped what
you would have changed this would have
been your book meet him my dream in my
life is that when I meet that person
we’re not total strangers you don’t want
to get to the end of your life and that
character is a total stranger to you
you know damn well there’s gonna be a
funeral for you someday at that funeral
there’s gonna be a sense in a spirit of
what you could have become the woman the
man you could have become and every day
those decisions you’re making to max out
your life are chasing that person see
you know what I want at the end of my
life when I meet him I want to be
identical twins Chad and Ed are gonna
meet each other someday and I’m gonna
say hey man good to see you been chasing
you man easily go I’ve been watching you
you’re exactly like me man were
identical twins you maxed out your damn
life congratulations rule number 18 get
quiet I believe everything has a
vibration so everything has an energy
right and so that I have without getting
too complicated I have to quiet myself
because when I get quiet I vibe rated a
higher frequency and so that I can tap
into see the same thought the same
energy that made this ocean that made
the world that made you and I I have
access to that limitless absolutely
perfect thinking in mind it so the only
way that I get that is by getting out of
my own way getting out of my own space
getting out of my own junk and so I
access it from me by getting quiet the
key to my life is that in the morning
and I do it in the morning it’s nice now
that I can do with the ocean here I also
live on a lake is I just it doesn’t take
a long time I just take 20 minutes and I
access it and I get quiet and the only
way I can access it is to get out of my
head it’s like quiet and empty my mind
and I access the universe that’s what I
rule number 19 huh mom and dad work my
mom worked in the home raised four kids
my dad worked in a bank very successful
executive in a bank okay so will you
learning something from him about being
executive dressing I learned about my
dad real simple hustle and busting ass
so how dad was up before I was up in the
morning out of the house
my dad would get home when it was dark I
watched my dad bust his tail watch my
dad work Saturday because he came had a
couple cocktails for a long time and
that was probably why I was coming home
so late for a while but in my mind and
even after he became sober he’s a he
just like a lot of men of that
generation my dad just busted his damn
tail I think that you lost art form with
younger guys today right my dad just
flat busted it now
he busted it cuz he was trying to
provide limiting things like food and
shelter he never thought about big
things or dreams or getting wealthy or
having influence we just wanted to
survive rule number 20 talk about your
dreams so this was my dream place to
live all my life I wanted to live in
Laguna Beach California in three arch
Bay I wanted to live in Coeur d’Alene
Idaho and I want to be able to play golf
out in the beautiful desert in Palm
Desert I live in those dream places and
one of the reasons I live there
is because I talked about my dream early
in my life there’s power to just talking
about just telling people just putting
in writing what your dream is and so I’m
curious do this for me
comment below right here and tell me and
tell the world where your dream place to
live is what’s your dream place to live
I want to see your comments below rule
number 21 take control of the script of
your life ever go to the movies at the
end of the movie they scroll down like
the leading characters names and then
what do they do if you keep watching it
cab driver number two bouncer at the bar
number one you ever see those faceless
people far too many of you in your life
are obsessed with what cab driver number
two and bouncer number one think about
what you’re doing instead of the lead
characters you’re obsessed with other
people think about you the thing that’s
gonna kill your dream is your addiction
to other people’s approval a cab driver
number two he ain’t going to approve of
what you do it at the end of your damn
life he’s not gonna show up in any of
the important chapters yet you give him
all this power all the time
stop giving people power who aren’t in
your book do your life for the leading
character you your
your children your parents your legacy
they’re the lead characters in the story
of you of your life because the more you
decide to take control of the narrative
of the script of your life and you live
your dream the more likely at the end of
your life you’re gonna meet that dude
rule number 22 be fueled by pain there’s
a Malcolm X quote that you really like
tell me what it is and why it’s so
powerful that which you do not hate you
will eventually tolerate and I think
that identifies most people’s lives in
other words they average becomes sort of
like this slow asphyxiation it’s almost
like an anesthetic and that over time
would become kind of immune and dulled
to the average that we’re becoming I
know this is true at least for me you
probably experienced it yourself too and
so over time we sort of minimize where
we’re at in other words I’m a little
pudgy instead of being know your fat ass
right you know you don’t magnify the
degree to which the pain ought to be
affecting you and so really what he
means on that is listen you’re gonna get
out of your life what you’ll accept
that’s really difficult for people I
think to understand is look what you
think you’re worth and what you’re gonna
tolerate is absolutely what you’re gonna
bring into your life and what the
outward part of your life is gonna look
like and so I live by that like I let
myself sort of feel the pain and the
difficulty of being not where I want to
be in whatever that areas were those
would be my spirituality my
relationships my money
I let myself feel that pain cuz as you
know there’s two motivators right
there’s the gaining of pleasure right
wanting to go get something chasing the
dream but then there’s the avoidance of
pain and for a lot of champions that’s a
pretty big driving force for them and so
at least for me I I leveraged both of
those things on me to get myself to take
action rule number 23
stop worrying what others think trying
to prove people wrong or write about you
is a cheap level of motivation and it
will wear out in other words it’s not
it’s not the lack of it it’s just it’s
not the best type people say well hey
Tom Brady six round draft pick I mean
he’s constantly trying to prove them
that they picked the wrong guys I know
Tommy a little bit and I can tell you
that motivates him but if you think he’s
become the greatest football player of
all time because he’s trying to prove
people from 20 years ago wrong about
he was drafted you don’t get elite
performance Tom Brady is where he is
because he sets standards for himself
and has massive goals and ambitions for
himself not to prove other people wrong
I promise you when he’s sitting on her
Center in the Super Bowl he’s not going
I was a six round draft pick that’s not
what moves him yeah and so I think it’s
a low-level motivation I do it too and
the sooner you drop it’s it’s a it’s the
symptom of the same disease right so
proving your family wrong or right is
the symptom of the same disease which is
you are still obsessed with what other
people are thinking about you and not
doing things that make you happy that
enrich you to fulfill your soul and so
the irony about spending your life
worrying about what everybody else
thinks about you here’s the irony is
that those people will never be thought
about after they’re dead
so they spend their life obsessing with
everyone thinks about them only to die
and have no one ever remember them
because people that are so obsessed with
what other people think about them never
really ever fulfill their potential so
once you can drop that addiction whether
it’s friends strangers or your parents
and you begin to do things that fulfill
you that make you happy yeah that change
other people’s lives by your
contribution now you can be remembered
now you’re your life that goes into
eternity even if it was a quiet life
rule number 24 always give your all I
remember going all the work I put into
this all the hopes my family and I had
all the travel ball all everything we
did all the games all the great plays
all the errors I made the fly ball I
dropped it Fullerton you know all that
stuff I was gonna get drafted then I did
all that stuff right the guys I played
with over like a flicker man like a
flicker that crap was over and we’re on
that bus ride back and I remember
thinking man I should have tried harder
I should have played harder I should
have given this more you know that stuff
guys do man you’re running sprints
there’s two dudes who run every sprint
full-speed and then there’s a dudes who
run 80% six of them you know exactly
what I’m talking about right he’s kind
of cool you know doesn’t matter not the
fastest guy so no one will know what I
don’t win the Sprint’s you know those
guys you know exactly what I’m talking
about right this guy kind of doesn’t
really catch the ball on his throwing
side in the outfield he’s where he
catches it over it does everything wrong
throws it back
that’s the thing that costs a guy
getting thrown out at third and you lose
by a run because you just practiced like
that guy in the bullpen it’s kind of
like not really focused you just kind of
get in loose right instead of just laser
focused on everything he’s doing all the
time right you don’t want to leave here
you don’t want it to end whether it ends
in the big leagues
it ends in the minor leagues it ends
here or you never even get on the field
this year okay
having wondered whether you gave it all
you got cause it’s gonna transfer into
the man you become when you leave here
and most important is gonna be your
identity when you get tired when you get
fatigued when you get down when you’re
in a slump
it’s your habits rituals routines and
your standards that carry you through
and if you don’t have good habits you
don’t have good rituals you don’t have
good routines always in your life you
will fall down and bad times and slumps
and fatigue and stress rule number 25
bring real value to people the reason
that I think my stuff has grown and I’m
not trying to be braggadocious in this
regard my contents good like my content
and stuff that can really affect you and
change you I’m not gonna tell you 1,100
times that gets you money I’m not gonna
tell you to be kind 1,100 times and just
repeat myself for binary and all this
stuff the guys is keep repeating
themselves it’s just it’s mindless
information I don’t even understand how
they have following to be honest with
you it’s like I’ve heard you say this
same thing 2,000 different times whereas
I’m trying to keep my content fresh
relevant and spur a tional but also
strategic that’s not knocking people
it’s just I think you do this very well
like if you’re gonna be in the space
really bring value to people you know I
mean if people are gonna follow you give
them value and inspiration for the
privilege of them following you so I
feel an obligation to try to create
stuff daily when I can to move someone’s
life forward
rule number 26 overcome difficulties
when I was really coming up in business
I went so broke that powers turned off
you know the phone’s turned off I had my
wife’s car got repoed you can have all
that happen to you but what you don’t
want ever ever happened this heavier
water turned off
and I had the water turned off in our
apartment right when we were newlyweds
and I just remember the shame of every
morning getting up with her we’d have to
walk down the stairs to the pool
outdoors and take our shower brush our
teeth in that outdoor shower then grab
our stuff up I’d walk my new bride up to
our apartment and it was just shameful
for me you know and so I’m grateful to
live here and this is sounds corny but I
just tell you the honest-to-god truth
it’s not every single morning but there
are many mornings when I pull the faucet
in the shower and the water hits me and
I’m that’s where the gratitude hits me
like it’s got my water not just the
ocean back there but just literally that
you know I know what that’s like to be
scared I wasn’t just broke I was scared
rule number 27 work out I think
everything in our lives starts with our
body if you’re a person of faith you
believe that’s where your soul is housed
right and so it’s the you you do
emotions you don’t just feel them you do
them in other words and you know this
from things you’ve learned in your life
but like joy is an actual action not
just an emotion we feel a certain joys
of certain breathing a certain movement
in our body depression and sadness is
something we do we’re more hunched over
our breathing is more shallow right and
so there’s a correlation between the way
you move your body and your emotions
there directly this is even before we
get to dopamine hits and our nervous
system being I’m just telling you that
the way you move your body is an emotion
you do emotions and so when you move
your body you can’t be in full workout
mode moving your body running walking
jumping jacks jump rope and be depressed
they don’t go together Simon Says
because your body doesn’t get the
connection I’m moving like I’m joyful
I’m moving like I’m having sex I’m
moving like I’m happy these are all
joyful states you can’t be depressed
simultaneously so the quickest way to
change our behavior our emotions in our
state is with our body rule number 28
keep the promises you make to you people
I know that are really happy are very
self-aware in fact the best
entrepreneurs I know are very self-aware
they’re aware of their shortcomings
right they want to improve them they
want to get to the next version of
themselves all the time and so for me
self-confidence comes because I didn’t
have it and I think anytime you meet
somebody like yourself or myself who
might now appear self confident it’s
because I really had to find tools and
resources because I was so insecure and
shy and
so I had to find techniques and
resources to build that up in me and for
me it’s very simple it’s the promises
that I keep to myself if I have a habit
over and over again to stack one on top
of the other of keeping promises I make
to me not other people in other words
the minute you begin to get external in
your life worrying about what other
people think about you right you’ve out
you’ve lost all control you and it never
fills you up and people’s admiration
people’s gratitude towards you will
never fill you up it’s your own it’s
your own inside and so for me
self-confidence comes from keeping the
promises I make to myself and the other
part of it is being aware I’m doing it
in other words most people don’t give
themselves enough credit all the time
they’re very aware of these 20 percent
things and not aware of the 80 right and
that’s why the dosage is so important to
you’ve nailed it it should be 80/20
right because people get addicted to
this I’m not good at this people don’t
like this about me I don’t feel good
instead of focusing on the 80 and
stacking up wow I did eat what I said I
was going to today I did get up when I
said I was going to I made the amount of
phone calls I treated people in such a
way I promised myself it’s not just
doing those things it’s rewarding it’s
being aware of it and stacking that up
rule number 29 defeat your fears and
insecurities I love that how sometimes
the things that we think are the biggest
inconvenience end up being the best
blessings absolutely man almost every
single time I affect I posted a speech
today that I gave to I when I got
invited back to speak to my college alma
mater baseball team I played college
baseball university of Pacific and I
went back there and spoke to the guys
and there’s a part in the talk right
tell them that I was so introverted my
senior year I wasn’t gonna graduate I
had to take two electives so I was gonna
graduate and I got I had previously
dropped out of a sign language class
sign language because I had to go before
the class and sign and was I didn’t even
I just wouldn’t walk up there move my
fingers around and I dropped the class
and so it put me where I wasn’t gonna
graduate and so the only class I could
take to graduate was drama and public
speaking and I had to take them both and
in the public speaking class I found a
giftedness of mine right and so what
you’re saying is completely true I
talked about in this speech typically on
the other side of your greatest fear of
your greatest insecurity
is your greatest blessing everyone goes
well get out of your comfort zone you’ll
find an enema where you’re afraid of and
what you’re insecure about on the other
side of that is typically one of the
great gifts or blessings in your life
and so that’s exactly right you and I
are talking right now because I took a
public speaking class my senior year I
was stone ass afraid of in college
that’s why you and I were talking right
now so you’re 11 right how many people
have been touched now because of you
taking that class and a mutual right and
somehow that blessing that’s seemingly
inconsequential scary pain in the ass
for me changed my entire life and has
changed frankly millions of other
people’s lives because I went around
that thing I was afraid of it’s like you
don’t even know the magnitude of what
it’s costing you to give in to your
fears and insecurities and by the way
insecurities and fears are different
things they’re both really insidious
detrimental things that people struggle
with and so on the other side of your
fear that’s one thing and on the other
side of your greatest insecurity or
blessing and you have no idea that
immeasurable waves that you’re missing
in your life because you are giving in
to them and cowering to them and so it’s
like my legs totally different take me a
little deeper there what’s the
difference between fear and security
well fear is something that as you stare
at it there’s a reaction in your body
that’s actually healthy it’s to protect
you with fear in our nature because way
back in the day this is how we survive
right so here is not an unhealthy thing
what it is is it’s an alert to you that
hey there’s something here you need to
be more aware of here is an awareness
emotion what most people think is it’s
an avoidance emotion fear is to make you
aware right so I had a little fear in an
odd way when my daughter was being born
when my son was being ward I wasn’t
afraid of having a daughter it was an
awareness of all the great things that
could come with it and my fear of what
could go wrong that day right so thank
God my daughter was born so that fear
wasn’t some sign it shouldn’t happen or
shouldn’t go through it
it was a hyper-awareness insecurity is a
lie you tell yourself insecurity is
completely different insecurity is
mainly things that don’t exist that you
should not be aware of so ironically
people conflate these two things and
insecurity is something that you’ve told
yourself that is more than likely a lie
about you I’m stupid I’m short
nobody loves me no one’s going to listen
to me I’m not strong enough I’m gonna
blow this right what are they gonna
think about me these are all
fabrications of your imagination
fear is a real thing that you should
acknowledge and see and respond to
favorably insecurities are lies and so
how did most people don’t make that
distinction and they actually think
their insecurities are things they
should be aware of when in fact
insecurities are things you should not
be aware of totally different thing rule
number 29 defeat your fears and
insecurities I wanted to be a
professional baseball player Yeah right
yeah I think you got an injury I did
similar to me so you never made it to
the big leagues or did you play minor
league for the lid yeah and I played
Division one college baseball – yeah
like every guy like you and I talked
about this last time it’s always our
injuries that ended our careers I
probably it probably put me into a
premature place where I was going
anyways I don’t write you want her to be
in the big fir I wasn’t I played enough
baseball with guys who ended up in the
big leagues to know my limitations yes
so like anything in life things happen
for you not to you that injury happened
for me certainly didn’t seem like it at
the time but it got me out of that and
into something like what we’re talking
about now that completely changed my
so yeah but yeah I want to be an athlete
for sure all my life all your life that
was my mask and then when it exactly and
then when it ended your identity was
like Who am I right yes lost well like a
lot we were just told us before we went
on yeah we know our professional athlete
friends were there career changes I went
into a like anybody like whatever your
dream is when the first one ends it
doesn’t happen whether that be a
relationship it could be your marriage
events it was a dream right or a
business venture or a sport I went into
a pretty good depression and how old
were you at the time 21 22 and I ended
up you know it’s because people always
see the after like the house or whatever
houses or whatever the material things
are but I ended up bad man I ended up to
press I ended up moving back at home
with my parents I was living a mistake I
remember I was living of this sleepin of
the same bed I grew up in with the same
teddy bear the same posters I was like
going back in time like six years I’m
back where I was totally unemployed and
couldn’t find work getting have the
motivation to get up and find a job just
sort of eating out of their fridge and
laying around all day so that’s where I
was many many years ago after base
public when you realize things in your
life happen for you truly especially in
hindsight everybody knows it in
hindsight right if you look back at any
disaster tragedy
most people look back five ten years
later they go that happened for me that
was actually a good thing and so I was
unemployed I couldn’t find a job and my
old man my dad was the best dad role
model you could ever have in your life
hard-working man good man it’s better
man than me has more integrity than me
he’s is the best man I’ve ever known
but when I was growing up my dad had a
drinking problem and so my dad had
gotten sober recently and he was going
to these meetings and he comes home from
one of his meetings and says there’s a
guy at my meeting who can get you a job
it’s right down the street in San Dimas
you’re gonna be working with kids
doesn’t pay anything at six bucks an
hour but you’re gonna get this damn job
so show up there tomorrow morning 8:00
a.m. ask for Tim so I walk dates I Drive
down there it’s a place called McKinley
Home for Boys little did I know that
would alter my entire life that was the
most significant thing that happened to
me and so I walk in there I said I met
my lead I’m here for the job you like
what job I’m like I don’t know just my
dad told me to show up here yeah I need
to ask for Tim they’re like we have no
idea who the hell Tim is what’s his last
name I said I I don’t I don’t know his
last they’ve and they’re like so you
showed up for a job that you don’t know
what it is and you don’t know who it is
it’s hiring you I’m like here’s what I
know he’s an alcoholic like oh no that’s
him and so they bring me to the guy and
he says you’re hired let’s go like
literally shakes my hand and you’re
hired and he introduces me to these
eight boys know where my boys they were
seven eight and nine years old and
basically I lived with these boys these
precious boys and we ended up adding a
few more my boys were all Ward’s of the
court they were all molested by family
Norman Harris were
Prison and so they had no family and so
my whole life changed all the sudden
these became on this 22 year old guy
these guys become my sons Wow and I did
holidays with them I did birthdays with
them I lived with them literally in a
home or like a little mornings are
McKinley is a massive campus full of
children that not in displace from their
homes that live an individual like
cottages like a foster care facility
massive though really yep all hallways
it’s in San Dimas here and wow it just
altered my life man because I I’d been
an athlete had a huge ego had that mask
I wanted to compete I wanted to win I
wanted attention I wanted recognition
first time literally in my life I went
well I I love helping people I love
making a difference and my boys were
just come from horrendous situations and
so just I always say this all the time
and I have those eyes too you have them
I think sometimes kids who grow up when
some dysfunction they just have
different eyes yeah they just have these
eyes that are these boys all were
different but they had that same eyes
they’re just like man love me
believe in ya you know care about me and
I had those eyes cuz I grew up in an
alcoholic family and my whole life
changed I spent Wow I love I actually
love helping people and being involved
in people’s lives I didn’t know that
because everything was you’re great
you’re great you know it is when you’re
an athlete right everything’s about you
you’re amazing free dinners free that’s
your stud all of a sudden I wasn’t a
stud and all of a sudden it wasn’t about
me it was about these ten boys that
ended up being ten of them and it just
altered my life man and so after that I
ran into the financial business that I
ended up in but I would have completely
flunked out of that financial business
had I not been with my boys for those
years and I was there for two years two
years yeah and I’m like eight hours a
day to have a thing or sometimes more
sometimes 16 18 I I think about I’m not
kidding you I think about my boys and my
experience there two of them are still
very close with me every day there’s a
moment where I reflect on that it
altered me completely like what I wanted
to do I always wanted to be famous and
rich and successful and now I just
wanted to serve yeah I wanted to help a
little little did I find out I could get
rich and famous and all that other stuff
I thought I wanted through serving
rule number 31 ignore the haters there’s
a thing in our culture
that’s killing our culture it’s killing
success and that is that we’ve become
addicted to other people’s opinions
we’ve become addicted to other people’s
approval that’s in social media is
wonderful but it’s all about how many
likes do you get how many selfies can
you take that may feel good when you get
it but then what it does is it governs
your behavior you begin to only do
things to seek other people’s approval
and even when you get it right it’s
short-term it doesn’t really feel very
good it’s not fulfilling but we really
want is not just success we want
fulfillment the way we get fulfillment
is self-respect is self-confidence and
that’s how somehow in your life you must
begin to separate what you do from what
people think about it you know this the
people that have really won in life in
in business
they eventually drop the addiction to
what other people think about them
they’re most concerned about what they
think about them or if they’re a person
of faith of what their God thinks about
them not the rest of the world because
the higher you climb the more haters
you’re gonna have there’s absolutely no
question about it
you ought to hope you have more of them
the only thing I will warn people of is
the higher you climb the closer to you
the haters are so right now if you’re at
one level of success its people at a
distance that are haters but as you
climb higher there’s always the one or
two people in your close circle we’re
gonna try to pull you back down because
they think you’re leaving them they make
you your success is making them
uncomfortable about where they are and
so they begin to do everything they can
to pull you back down so the closer the
haters are to you the even more
successful haven’t rule number 32
practice gratitude I had a really good
friend of mine I went to lunch and he
said I don’t know who this guy is here
in front of me and he goes let me ask
you a question honestly right now what
are you grateful for and at the lunch I
said Jack nothing brother there’s
nothing good in my life right now and
I’m not exaggerating this to you when I
tell you this and this is a factual
story as I’m mouthing these words two
people walked in with an older man both
of them clearly were fighting cancer
somehow both had lost their hair one of
the ladies had a bonnet on and they were
barely moving in both walked by our
table and gave me the most warm greeting
the warmest smile as a stranger and he
goes that’s pretty freaking pathetic you
can’t find anything in your life to be
grateful for right now and on the drive
home I’m not kidding you I started to
stack gratitude I started there taking
inventory because if you can find things
to be grateful for him that
spaceman as your life going to be rich
when there really are external things to
be grateful for
so my first mechanism out of that space
was honestly to stack the things I was
grateful for and I started reinforcing
it over and over and over again and what
happens is there’s this reticular
activating system in our brains right
and all of a sudden because that’s the
messaging I was giving myself all of a
sudden all these things start to come
into my awareness that I’m grateful for
I start to magnetized to myself some
people that I needed to find into my
life and that was the next layer I
started to see things to be grateful for
my health my fitness people who loved me
and when it did it changed my state when
I stacked gratitude I changed what I did
in the morning and I changed what I did
in the evening and so somehow by
grabbing control of my morning and by
grabbing control of my evening I got
some measure of control over the middle
of my day I was an out of control person
back in those days meaning this I woke
up worried stressed fearful and I
immediately started thinking about a
bill I had to pay something that was
wrong and I’m in a state of reaction to
begin every sound talk within six
minutes of waking up six seconds most
people listening to this that’s what
they do I said I got to grab control of
my morning and I set up routines in my
maybe they serve me maybe they didn’t
but they were things I could deliver on
doing for myself and so not only did
that give me control over the day but I
started to stack my self-confidence to
rule number 33 turn your mentors into
friends I want to trim my mentors into
my friends like you know you and I are
gonna we’re gonna become great friends
because the highest level of influence
is actually friend like if you have kids
anybody out there the truth is the most
you guys are so young but you don’t
really worry about who their teachers
are that’s their mentor you about who
they hang out with you know this one
when you were a kid show friends so you
got to turn your mentors in a friends
long term but for me when I was a little
boy I played baseball miracle I’m in a
baseball camp rod Carew’s there who’s a
Hall of Fame baseball player he’s the
guest coach at the baseball camp all the
other kids hey can I get an autograph
blah blah blah I went up to him and said
mr. Crewe will you be my coach I’m eight
years old Wow
eight years old my coach I was little
left-handed hitter he’s Rod Carew you
don’t know he is
google it right he goes I might coach
you let me see it and I get in the cage
and I batted just like him he used to
bat with his bat flat like this instead
of up and I bet it just like him and he
ends up meeting my dad and he goes you
know I was thinking of starting a
hitting school why doesn’t he be my
first student so when I’m 18 years old
my hitting coach ends up becoming Rod
Carew until I leave to go to college is
that crazy and then once I got into the
business world though I knew that
principle and so I would start to put
myself in environments so Tony Robbins
has been a major influence on me I had a
goal my goal was I went to one of his
seminars and I’m like okay well that was
cool but I want to know him and so over
time I saw the mouse saw an amount
sought him out and then you know the way
you get a mentor eventually to is that
somehow there’s reciprocity involved you
bring them some value yeah you teach
them something you give them something
they can’t get with it love belief care
time admiration whatever it is so Tony’s
been a major one for me
Phil Knight’s been a significant one for
me Stallone’s been one these are you
know the point of my life now where
those are guys that have made a major
major impact on me what mentors do for
you is they not only teach you things
but they they make you want to live up
to their belief in them and I think the
other thing is they can hold you
accountable differently than you can
yourself because you don’t want to let
someone down whom you respect the dad
principle that you said earlier right so
I haven’t won in my life because I’m
trying to prove something to Tony
Robbins but part of the steps of my life
have been when I make a verbal
commitment to him that I’m going to do
something I want to build a reputation
with him that I keep my promises and
that’s different and so that’s what my
mentors have done for me and I still
seek them out all the time in whatever
area that I’m moving towards I’m always
trying to find out who the best at this
who should I build a relationship with
who should I collaborate with rule
number 34 increase your worth what are
some of the biggest barriers that people
face on their journey yeah the biggest
barrier is their own identity no
question about it it’s the way they see
themselves you know there’s that there’s
the old analogy of the thermostat in the
room right that you’re not gonna if
you’re if your lifestyle is set at 75
degrees if you get it going really good
in life gets heated up to 80 85 degrees
unconsciously we find a way to cool
things back down and get what we’re
comfortable most people good people have
a hard time winning isn’t that ironic
they always tell you good things happen
to good people but the truth is that’s
always the case because if you’re a good
person it means your morale and your
ethical and so what moral and ethical
people have is this governor and that is
that they don’t ever want to take more
than they think they’re worthy of or
they deserve a bad person will that’s
why some of you even listen to this
people listen to this will say there’s
this guy at work and he’s always number
one of the silver he’s not a good guy
because short term bad people could
actually get ahead of good people now
they’ll always flame out because you do
reap what you sow and you do it does
come home eventually but for a good
person to win they actually have to
increase what they think they’re worth
or what they’re worthy of or what they
deserve because good people will only
take from a business money anything in
life they’ll only take from the table
what they think they deserve so if you
can increase your worth if you can
increase what you believe you deserve
then you’ll take more from life rule
number 35 get in touch with your gifts
when I was small mom I was also really
under sized so it’s probably the reason
I lift weights I was always there every
baseball picture I’m the kid holding the
sign in the front right so I was small
and skinny these two teased me Eddie
spaghetti you know and I’d get bullied
at school and I never retaliated so I
had that mix with shyness mixed with
chaos in my home which many people can
relate to and I got to tell you that the
shift for me sports was good for me
because it gave me an Al that I finally
found something that I was pretty good
at I think the biggest shift in our
lives the things that makes us the
happiest is that when somebody helps us
identify our natural giftedness and when
I was a little boy when I got a little
bit older they pointed out my speed so
wasn’t my lack of size I was fast
I was the fast kid right I always wanted
to be fast kid and I got confidence in
baseball doing that when I got into
business they said you know you’re
intense but someone points out a gift
about you that you also kind of
intuitively know to be true their link
to them is your intense your passion you
won’t get out work you’re relentless I
want I am those things and when someone
linked those gifts to me winning now I
believed I could win that’s the other
way to change identity is when someone
can link your giftedness
to the victory you’ll believe it not
like you’re great that’s general that’s
but it’s something you know specific like for you right now you wouldn’t brag
like for you right now you wouldn’t brag there’s a few things you know you know
there’s a few things you know you know what I am good at these things right
what I am good at these things right I’ve always been good at these things
I’ve always been good at these things that’s natural for me
that’s natural for me and when someone links that to you
and when someone links that to you winning like for you for example you’re
winning like for you for example you’re an unbelievable interviewer you have
an unbelievable interviewer you have this general you you you don’t need to
this general you you you don’t need to be the smartest person in the room
be the smartest person in the room because you probably are most of the
because you probably are most of the time and so there’s a confidence know
time and so there’s a confidence know there’s a confidence that allows you to
there’s a confidence that allows you to be present when you interview me and
be present when you interview me and just listen that’s different than anyone
just listen that’s different than anyone who’s interviewed me before and so
who’s interviewed me before and so that’s a natural giftedness for you
that’s a natural giftedness for you which is why there’s a part of you that
which is why there’s a part of you that kind of knows I am pretty you wouldn’t
kind of knows I am pretty you wouldn’t say if I am pretty good at this this is
say if I am pretty good at this this is a good program and so the way we change
a good program and so the way we change our identity the way I changed mine was
our identity the way I changed mine was by getting in touch with what some of my
by getting in touch with what some of my natural gifts were and then using them
natural gifts were and then using them in my career using them in my life that
in my career using them in my life that shifted the weight right off of me
shifted the weight right off of me because the weight was I suck I’m shy
because the weight was I suck I’m shy I’m small I have a screwed up family
I’m small I have a screwed up family that’s the weight right the lifting off
that’s the weight right the lifting off of the way it is these are some gifts
of the way it is these are some gifts God gave me or the universe gave me or
God gave me or the universe gave me or that at least I know I have and I can
that at least I know I have and I can spend my life using these gifts now I’ve
spend my life using these gifts now I’ve got hope now my identity is changing now
got hope now my identity is changing now my life takes a different direction
my life takes a different direction rule number 36 feed yourself first if
rule number 36 feed yourself first if you really want to be a leader okay if
you really want to be a leader okay if you really want to affect other people
you really want to affect other people you really truly few authentic you
you really truly few authentic you really want to affect me here’s the
really want to affect me here’s the bottom line okay the bottom line reel
bottom line okay the bottom line reel effectiveness you cannot transfer to me
effectiveness you cannot transfer to me something that which you are not
something that which you are not experiencing yourself so you must first
experiencing yourself so you must first experience it before you can give it to
experience it before you can give it to me so if you really want to experience
me so if you really want to experience energy faith passion Drive discipline
energy faith passion Drive discipline achievement you have to be experiencing
achievement you have to be experiencing it first to authentically transfer that
it first to authentically transfer that to me so you can’t always eat last it
to me so you can’t always eat last it can’t always you can’t feed everybody
can’t always you can’t feed everybody else if you’re starving yeah
else if you’re starving yeah spiritually emotionally financially you
spiritually emotionally financially you can’t feed everyone if you’re starving
can’t feed everyone if you’re starving Jesus could do it because Jesus was fed
Jesus could do it because Jesus was fed he’s Jesus you’re a human being okay
he’s Jesus you’re a human being okay you’re not a deity and so you must be
you’re not a deity and so you must be fed you must be filled up before you can
fed you must be filled up before you can fill up for everybody else rule number
fill up for everybody else rule number 37 bill self-confidence
37 bill self-confidence I think the first key in building
I think the first key in building self-confidence it comes from a
self-confidence it comes from a foundation of something people don’t
foundation of something people don’t talk about which is keeping promises
talk about which is keeping promises that you actually make to yourself
that you actually make to yourself in other words self-confident people
in other words self-confident people really are self trusting people so they
really are self trusting people so they have this habit over time of when they
have this habit over time of when they tell themselves they’re going to do
tell themselves they’re going to do something they actually deliver on it if
something they actually deliver on it if you stack up those wins over and over
you stack up those wins over and over again if you say I’m gonna get up at a
again if you say I’m gonna get up at a certain time in the morning
certain time in the morning I’m gonna go to the gym I’m gonna make a
I’m gonna go to the gym I’m gonna make a certain amount of phone calls or I’m
certain amount of phone calls or I’m gonna eat a certain way if you begin to
gonna eat a certain way if you begin to keep those promises you make to yourself
keep those promises you make to yourself you begin to build that trust within
you begin to build that trust within yourself that you can rely on you and
yourself that you can rely on you and that’s really what self confidence is
that’s really what self confidence is and so typically at first of all they
and so typically at first of all they don’t tell you this that really starts
don’t tell you this that really starts with keeping the promises that you make
with keeping the promises that you make to you and that’s the foundation all
to you and that’s the foundation all confidence is built on rule number 38
confidence is built on rule number 38 celebrate your life there’s this thing
celebrate your life there’s this thing people think that like I’ll be happy
people think that like I’ll be happy when once I get like this big amazing
when once I get like this big amazing home or once I get this car or once I
home or once I get this car or once I get this relationship or an amount of
get this relationship or an amount of money then I’ll allow myself some
money then I’ll allow myself some happiness the problem is the finish line
happiness the problem is the finish line always moves you never arrive there
always moves you never arrive there right the other part is people think
right the other part is people think well if I enjoy myself now I’m gonna
well if I enjoy myself now I’m gonna lose my drive in other words if I can
lose my drive in other words if I can just wire myself with enough pain all
just wire myself with enough pain all the time I won’t lose my driver ambition
the time I won’t lose my driver ambition the truth is there’s no correlation
the truth is there’s no correlation between the two at all there’s no
between the two at all there’s no relationship between you feeling
relationship between you feeling complete pain all the time and losing
complete pain all the time and losing drive and so I talked about living in a
drive and so I talked about living in a state of blissful dissatisfaction and
state of blissful dissatisfaction and really the best example of that would be
really the best example of that would be like if you’ve ever I love a good meal
like if you’ve ever I love a good meal right you know if I bought into a great
right you know if I bought into a great piece of steak if you’re a steak eater
piece of steak if you’re a steak eater like I am you take that first bite it’s
like I am you take that first bite it’s like complete bliss right there’s no
like complete bliss right there’s no correlation between how great that
correlation between how great that tasted and your lack of desire for the
tasted and your lack of desire for the next bite in fact that bliss causes you
next bite in fact that bliss causes you to want more of it and so the more we
to want more of it and so the more we can be into a reward ourselves with
can be into a reward ourselves with bliss we’re not gonna lose our
bliss we’re not gonna lose our dissatisfaction we’re not gonna we’re
dissatisfaction we’re not gonna we’re not gonna lose that and so for me our
not gonna lose that and so for me our brains
brains there’s dopamine hit you get when you do
there’s dopamine hit you get when you do something successful if you constantly
something successful if you constantly cheat yourself out of that it right
cheat yourself out of that it right biomechanically in your body less and
biomechanically in your body less and less in the future where you want to
less in the future where you want to achieve the next level the next dream
achieve the next level the next dream the next step and that’s why so many
the next step and that’s why so many people stall out in life they didn’t
people stall out in life they didn’t they got to a certain point and they
they got to a certain point and they cheated themselves out of the bliss out
cheated themselves out of the bliss out of the celebration it’s important that
of the celebration it’s important that we celebrate our wins we celebrate our
we celebrate our wins we celebrate our lives because it causes us to want the
lives because it causes us to want the next bite it keeps us hungrier not the
next bite it keeps us hungrier not the reverse and so for me I want to live in
reverse and so for me I want to live in a state of being grateful and blissful
a state of being grateful and blissful now not waiting for some future place or
now not waiting for some future place or date that may never arise rule number 39
date that may never arise rule number 39 invest in things you understand biggest
invest in things you understand biggest money mistake I made in my life is
money mistake I made in my life is investing in things that I don’t
investing in things that I don’t understand
understand and we’re just like stocks yeah stocks I
and we’re just like stocks yeah stocks I bought that I knew nothing about that I
bought that I knew nothing about that I heard on at CNBC I should buy or having
heard on at CNBC I should buy or having some guy the one things I like about
some guy the one things I like about your real estate deals it’s
your real estate deals it’s straightforward it’s it’s it’s simple
straightforward it’s it’s it’s simple it’s easy to understand if you present
it’s easy to understand if you present me a deal now and I can’t regurgitate it
me a deal now and I can’t regurgitate it back to you real quick in some simple
back to you real quick in some simple form I’m not investing in it I need to
form I’m not investing in it I need to at least understand what it is I’m
at least understand what it is I’m investing in yeah even if even if you
investing in yeah even if even if you miss something you’re willing to miss
miss something you’re willing to miss something I miss something yeah I’ve
something I miss something yeah I’ve missed so many things yes so if I can’t
missed so many things yes so if I can’t understand it or it’s too complicated
understand it or it’s too complicated and I can’t repeat it back to you pretty
and I can’t repeat it back to you pretty quickly you’ve lost me yeah what was so
quickly you’ve lost me yeah what was so what’s the biggest loss you had it and
what’s the biggest loss you had it and not following that advice would you buy
not following that advice would you buy one I bought I bought Yahoo stock at
one I bought I bought Yahoo stock at about I don’t remember 75 or 80 bucks a
about I don’t remember 75 or 80 bucks a share and I’m talking like when I had
share and I’m talking like when I had about 3 million bucks I put like 800
about 3 million bucks I put like 800 grand in there and I think I ended up
grand in there and I think I ended up selling it like 17 about citigroup’s why
selling it like 17 about citigroup’s why don’t you buy that I think in this 70s
don’t you buy that I think in this 70s or 80s I could exact Gus and then like
or 80s I could exact Gus and then like after I learned that lesson uh 140 grand
after I learned that lesson uh 140 grand yeah they’re not no no you lost seven
yeah they’re not no no you lost seven hundred and then I’m gonna give you two
hundred and then I’m gonna give you two more Biggie’s second one I did is I
more Biggie’s second one I did is I bought citi bank stock Sam group stock
bought citi bank stock Sam group stock at like fifty four dollars a share yeah
at like fifty four dollars a share yeah 2008 which that was about seven hundred
2008 which that was about seven hundred thousand dollars worth of that and I
thousand dollars worth of that and I think I sold it at two fifty two dollars
think I sold it at two fifty two dollars and fifty cents is when I finally sold
and fifty cents is when I finally sold it because I heard they were going to be
it because I heard they were going to be the next day AIG yeah their work too and
the next day AIG yeah their work too and then the third one is so if you talk
then the third one is so if you talk about I bought a residential real estate
about I bought a residential real estate property that did not provide any
property that did not provide any revenue did not provide any equity for
revenue did not provide any equity for me that was what what do you call it it
me that was what what do you call it it would be like a trophy property like hey
would be like a trophy property like hey I’m a big shot
I’m a big shot about was that wasn’t that long ago
about was that wasn’t that long ago either and that was a property that I
either and that was a property that I wasn’t going to use wasn’t getting
wasn’t going to use wasn’t getting leverage out of didn’t generate revenue
leverage out of didn’t generate revenue I didn’t know anything about the market
I didn’t know anything about the market I was buying and I just wanted to look
I was buying and I just wanted to look like a big shot and I think I lost two
like a big shot and I think I lost two and a half million on that house
and a half million on that house and that wasn’t that long ago that’s
and that wasn’t that long ago that’s just a few years ago so I’ve still made
just a few years ago so I’ve still made some mistakes in my life but though
some mistakes in my life but though those are probably the biggest loss
those are probably the biggest loss probably that house on one deal was
probably that house on one deal was probably that house I lost to know how
probably that house I lost to know how many million maybe I lost three million
many million maybe I lost three million on that rule number forty max out your
on that rule number forty max out your life
life what is max out really stand for for you
what is max out really stand for for you and when did that moment happen where
and when did that moment happen where you knew that that was any part of your
you knew that that was any part of your brand yeah what my son’s name is max so
brand yeah what my son’s name is max so that helped but maxed out to me means
that helped but maxed out to me means this is you know your obsessions become
this is you know your obsessions become your possessions whatever you end up
your possessions whatever you end up being obsessed with you’ll eventually
being obsessed with you’ll eventually possess so if you’re obsessed with what
possess so if you’re obsessed with what you’re worried about your fears your
you’re worried about your fears your problems you’re going to possess those
problems you’re going to possess those and so I became obsessed the the short
and so I became obsessed the the short version is is that you don’t know this I
version is is that you don’t know this I don’t talk about this on camera very
don’t talk about this on camera very much when I was thirty my uncle died at
much when I was thirty my uncle died at 50 years old and he was the guy in my
50 years old and he was the guy in my family we all have this that you kind of
family we all have this that you kind of resemble or remind everybody of a my
resemble or remind everybody of a my dad’s brother he died at 50 sorry
dad’s brother he died at 50 sorry no thank you I appreciate that it’s a
no thank you I appreciate that it’s a long time ago no and but he was kind of
long time ago no and but he was kind of with my godfather and on my culture
with my godfather and on my culture that’s a big deal of course might as
that’s a big deal of course might as well yeah I know Uncle Mike yeah mine
well yeah I know Uncle Mike yeah mine was my uncle Mike whoa whoa whoa whoa
was my uncle Mike whoa whoa whoa whoa wolves everywhere right whoa whoa whoa
wolves everywhere right whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah I saw the universe works right
whoa yeah I saw the universe works right oh wow okay
oh wow okay you got me right there so mine was my
you got me right there so mine was my uncle Mike Wow and man I just touched me
uncle Mike Wow and man I just touched me so mine was my Uncle Mike and that blows
so mine was my Uncle Mike and that blows my mind right there brother so I’m on
my mind right there brother so I’m on I’m at his funeral we’re flying back on
I’m at his funeral we’re flying back on the flight there’s this thing in your
the flight there’s this thing in your brain called the reticular activating
brain called the reticular activating system it basically filters into your
system it basically filters into your awareness what’s important to you that’s
awareness what’s important to you that’s why like if you buy a new car all of a
why like if you buy a new car all of a sudden you see that car everywhere on
sudden you see that car everywhere on the freeway three lanes over on the
the freeway three lanes over on the other side boom another one they were
other side boom another one they were always there why do you see him now
always there why do you see him now filtered into your importance and heart
filtered into your importance and heart attacks where at my he died of a heart
attacks where at my he died of a heart attack and so I’m on the airplane and
attack and so I’m on the airplane and I’m listening to music and on the
I’m listening to music and on the screams the Oprah show but I’m it’s in
screams the Oprah show but I’m it’s in my awareness and it’s a heart on the
my awareness and it’s a heart on the screen I’m like
screen I’m like unplug my headphones plug into the phone
unplug my headphones plug into the phone system and it was about a new heart scan
system and it was about a new heart scan that was happening at cedars-sinai where
that was happening at cedars-sinai where they could like it’s a common now but
they could like it’s a common now but they could non-evasive Lee look at your
they could non-evasive Lee look at your heart and your arteries long story short
heart and your arteries long story short I hear it and I told my wife I said
I hear it and I told my wife I said scheduled me for one of those exams
scheduled me for one of those exams she’s like it’s expense I said I don’t
she’s like it’s expense I said I don’t care schedule it we call it’s a
care schedule it we call it’s a nine-month wait I go I need to get in I
nine-month wait I go I need to get in I need to get in I keep calling the lady
need to get in I keep calling the lady finally she goes there’s a cancellation
finally she goes there’s a cancellation tomorrow at 2:00 I go I’ll be there so I
tomorrow at 2:00 I go I’ll be there so I go down for the scan and thank God this
go down for the scan and thank God this doctor understood influence and leverage
doctor understood influence and leverage do you do the scan then you come back
do you do the scan then you come back after lunch I literally went ate a
after lunch I literally went ate a burrito came back I wasn’t in shape I’m
burrito came back I wasn’t in shape I’m 30 years old the doctor comes out and he
30 years old the doctor comes out and he goes no I’m looking for Edward my late I
goes no I’m looking for Edward my late I go it’s my let you know and he goes he
go it’s my let you know and he goes he knew it he goes well I can’t believe
knew it he goes well I can’t believe these arteries are in that young a body
these arteries are in that young a body wow you need to come back son now my
wow you need to come back son now my heart’s racing I’m like what the hell’s
heart’s racing I’m like what the hell’s in the skin we sit down instead of what
in the skin we sit down instead of what a normal doctor would do they just go
a normal doctor would do they just go hey um here’s the prescription take
hey um here’s the prescription take crest or workout eat good bye
crest or workout eat good bye he understood reasons is what changes
he understood reasons is what changes people’s lives massive reasons not
people’s lives massive reasons not discipline
discipline reasons and habits right here’s let me
reasons and habits right here’s let me ask you a question your wife’s beautiful
ask you a question your wife’s beautiful do you have kids I go yeah I go I got a
do you have kids I go yeah I go I got a son he’s 1 he goes that’s great um do
son he’s 1 he goes that’s great um do you want to be there when he graduates
you want to be there when he graduates high school I went what he was do you
high school I went what he was do you wanna be there when he graduates high
wanna be there when he graduates high school I said yeah he goes ok uh yeah
school I said yeah he goes ok uh yeah she pregnant I go yeah what does she
she pregnant I go yeah what does she have and I said a girl you get to a dad
have and I said a girl you get to a dad this is what you say he goes would you
this is what you say he goes would you like to walk that little girl down the
like to walk that little girl down the aisle on her wedding day son I went what
aisle on her wedding day son I went what what is in the scan dude it he goes I
what is in the scan dude it he goes I want to be very clear with you young man
want to be very clear with you young man I remember this like yesterday there’s
I remember this like yesterday there’s only very clear with you young man if
only very clear with you young man if you continue down the road you’re going
you continue down the road you’re going another man’s gonna live with your
another man’s gonna live with your beautiful wife in your mansion walk to
beautiful wife in your mansion walk to your son at graduation and he’s gonna be
your son at graduation and he’s gonna be arm in arm with your daughter on her
arm in arm with your daughter on her wedding day
wedding day not you you won’t long actually as I
not you you won’t long actually as I tell you this right now dude right
tell you this right now dude right and he goes what I’m gonna get you to do
and he goes what I’m gonna get you to do is I’m gonna get you to max out your
is I’m gonna get you to max out your life and your fitness and I went give me
life and your fitness and I went give me it yeah and he gave me exactly what I
it yeah and he gave me exactly what I needed to do and he said if you do this
needed to do and he said if you do this you’ll walk her down the aisle blah blah
you’ll walk her down the aisle blah blah blah from that day when I get up like I
blah from that day when I get up like I did this morning and I’m tired and I was
did this morning and I’m tired and I was late last night and I don’t
late last night and I don’t want to go to the gym I swear to your
want to go to the gym I swear to your brother I swear to you I go Bella’s
brother I swear to you I go Bella’s wedding get your ass up and I go i unfit
wedding get your ass up and I go i unfit because I have massive reasons that’s
because I have massive reasons that’s why I’m fit and that started the journey
why I’m fit and that started the journey towards maxing out every area of my life
towards maxing out every area of my life I’m Michel I can do this in my fitness I
I’m Michel I can do this in my fitness I can do this in business I can do this in
can do this in business I can do this in my spirituality and everything I’m not
my spirituality and everything I’m not gonna shortchange myself by pretty good
gonna shortchange myself by pretty good I’m gonna see what my real potential is
I’m gonna see what my real potential is what my maximum capacity is every single
what my maximum capacity is every single day because at the end of my life when I
day because at the end of my life when I do die I have this belief that when I’m
do die I have this belief that when I’m done the Lord is gonna go well done good
done the Lord is gonna go well done good and faithful servant and by the way
and faithful servant and by the way here’s the man you could have been this
here’s the man you could have been this is the man you were born to be this is
is the man you were born to be this is the man you were destined to be this is
the man you were destined to be this is where you could have gone but you could
where you could have gone but you could have seen the memory she could have had
have seen the memory she could have had the people you could have helped the
the people you could have helped the person you could have become a medium my
person you could have become a medium my obsession is that every day I’m chasing
obsession is that every day I’m chasing that dude so that when I do die we meet
that dude so that when I do die we meet we’re identical twins because the bad
we’re identical twins because the bad end of a life whether it would be at
end of a life whether it would be at thirty fifty or a hundred and fifty
thirty fifty or a hundred and fifty would be I meet that guy and we’re total
would be I meet that guy and we’re total strangers so I’m obsessed with meeting
strangers so I’m obsessed with meeting that guy someday and that’s what maxing
that guy someday and that’s what maxing out means rule number 41 constantly
out means rule number 41 constantly improve yourself I can’t tell you why
improve yourself I can’t tell you why I’m this way but I do believe it was
I’m this way but I do believe it was baseball I never took it personally when
baseball I never took it personally when a coach said you’re dropping your
a coach said you’re dropping your shoulder in others because of athletics
shoulder in others because of athletics my guy said spread your right leg out
my guy said spread your right leg out your legs are too close together I never
your legs are too close together I never thought I suck I can’t it I wanted to
thought I suck I can’t it I wanted to know how to hit better I wanted to know
know how to hit better I wanted to know how to throw better and so for me
how to throw better and so for me personally I’m constantly in a crisis to
personally I’m constantly in a crisis to get to the next version of me it’s not
get to the next version of me it’s not like I’d like to I wish I only would
like I’d like to I wish I only would like to I probably have a little more
like to I probably have a little more peace in my life I am a crisis to get
peace in my life I am a crisis to get the next version of me and so the guy
the next version of me and so the guy sitting in front of you right now if I
sitting in front of you right now if I come back in a year and I’m just the
come back in a year and I’m just the same exact person with the same thoughts
same exact person with the same thoughts same ideas same ways of delivering them
same ideas same ways of delivering them this was a wasted year of my life right
this was a wasted year of my life right so I want to know how to get to that
so I want to know how to get to that next version of me and so for those who
next version of me and so for those who that struggle with taking criticism I
that struggle with taking criticism I get asked so how important is it to you
get asked so how important is it to you to grow cause you were put on earth to
to grow cause you were put on earth to grow to contribute to serve to help you
grow to contribute to serve to help you were in your way and the current version
were in your way and the current version of you is perfect as it stands right now
of you is perfect as it stands right now but it will be inferior next year you’re
but it will be inferior next year you’re perfect as you are now especially you
perfect as you are now especially you ladies listening to this there’s all
ladies listening to this there’s all this a messaging you’re not this you’re
this a messaging you’re not this you’re not smart enough women are too dominant
not smart enough women are too dominant then there
then there Divac right or you’re not beautiful of
Divac right or you’re not beautiful of ladies men you – you are perfect as you
ladies men you – you are perfect as you exist right now but that version of you
exist right now but that version of you isn’t sufficient next year you got to be
isn’t sufficient next year you got to be crazy hungry crisis to get to that next
crazy hungry crisis to get to that next version of you I want the data I want
version of you I want the data I want the input I want the information I want
the input I want the information I want the feedback to get to the next version
the feedback to get to the next version of me regardless of how it emotionally
of me regardless of how it emotionally makes me feel I’m like driven by that
makes me feel I’m like driven by that without that information why am i living
without that information why am i living rule number 42 persuade people if I
rule number 42 persuade people if I could go back and you could only give me
could go back and you could only give me one skill to begin with and I had to
one skill to begin with and I had to build from all of it I can tell you for
build from all of it I can tell you for sure what it would be for me and that
sure what it would be for me and that would be the ability to influence so
would be the ability to influence so it’s the ability to persuade people
it’s the ability to persuade people without that skillset the vast majority
without that skillset the vast majority of my wealth does not exist if you can’t
of my wealth does not exist if you can’t persuade people
persuade people if you can’t influence people to make
if you can’t influence people to make decisions that are in their own best
decisions that are in their own best interest but that also grow your
interest but that also grow your business your brand your company your
business your brand your company your net worth
net worth you can’t ever become successful one
you can’t ever become successful one thing that everybody I know that’s a
thing that everybody I know that’s a leader and everything they do can do is
leader and everything they do can do is persuade people now I watch people do
persuade people now I watch people do that in all different types of ways some
that in all different types of ways some do it through intimidation some through
do it through intimidation some through do it through force some do it through
do it through force some do it through humor some do it through persuasive
humor some do it through persuasive strategies transfer of energy you name
strategies transfer of energy you name it but all leaders can persuade all
it but all leaders can persuade all successful people can get people to make
successful people can get people to make decisions in their own best interests
decisions in their own best interests that also get them to participate with
that also get them to participate with their company it’s the number one skill
their company it’s the number one skill that I see most people not spending the
that I see most people not spending the most time on is their ability to
most time on is their ability to communicate their ability to persuade
communicate their ability to persuade people and because they’re constantly
people and because they’re constantly trying to go to a different course or
trying to go to a different course or they think that somehow if their product
they think that somehow if their product is good enough or they get the right
is good enough or they get the right sales pitch that somehow they’re gonna
sales pitch that somehow they’re gonna win but the fact of the matter is you’ve
win but the fact of the matter is you’ve got to become a better person
got to become a better person rule number 43 don’t go broke trying to
rule number 43 don’t go broke trying to look rich don’t go broke trying to look
look rich don’t go broke trying to look rich that’s one thing everybody’s doing
rich that’s one thing everybody’s doing right now they’re broke trying to look
right now they’re broke trying to look rich so here’s I am I don’t care where
rich so here’s I am I don’t care where you put the money you know there’s guys
you put the money you know there’s guys out there saying should be real estate
out there saying should be real estate should be the stock market if you don’t
should be the stock market if you don’t save money when you’re broke this is the
save money when you’re broke this is the thing no one’s telling you if you don’t
thing no one’s telling you if you don’t save money when you’re broke I’m talking
save money when you’re broke I’m talking about ten bucks a month twenty bucks a
about ten bucks a month twenty bucks a month the crazy belief system in the
month the crazy belief system in the world is that you will save it once you
world is that you will save it once you make more if you have a habit of
make more if you have a habit of spending you will spend more when you
spending you will spend more when you make more I know a lot of people who
make more I know a lot of people who make a
make a of money who have a Lamborghini or a car
of money who have a Lamborghini or a car or a house that our dead broke dead
or a house that our dead broke dead broke you all would be shocked by who’s
broke you all would be shocked by who’s really rich and by who’s really broke
really rich and by who’s really broke yeah you – shocked because you either
yeah you – shocked because you either are a spender or you are a saver when I
are a spender or you are a saver when I was 26 years old I made seven hundred
was 26 years old I made seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars that year and
and fifty thousand dollars that year and I was living in a $750 a month apartment
I was living in a $750 a month apartment okay
okay I saved and save you know it’s really
I saved and save you know it’s really rule number 44 touch your dreams your
rule number 44 touch your dreams your mind gravitates towards which it is most
mind gravitates towards which it is most familiar with and so if you’re really
familiar with and so if you’re really familiar with what you’re worried about
familiar with what you’re worried about what your problems are and your fears
what your problems are and your fears are and that becomes your dominating
are and that becomes your dominating thinking I know you’ve all heard this
thinking I know you’ve all heard this but here’s the reason why your mind
but here’s the reason why your mind loves what’s familiar yeah okay and so
loves what’s familiar yeah okay and so if you don’t go touch dreams for example
if you don’t go touch dreams for example just experience it for a second for
just experience it for a second for example we would go down once every
example we would go down once every eight weeks if I did well in business we
eight weeks if I did well in business we really knocked it out we could find a
really knocked it out we could find a deal I had 200 bucks we’d go to the
deal I had 200 bucks we’d go to the ritz-carlton or some hotel ocean and for
ritz-carlton or some hotel ocean and for one day oceanfront feel like what it
one day oceanfront feel like what it felt like to valet your car right walk
felt like to valet your car right walk in the lobby mister my let welcome back
in the lobby mister my let welcome back right she’d go get a massage I play a
right she’d go get a massage I play a little bit of golf and just for that day
little bit of golf and just for that day I touch the dream and then maybe we do
I touch the dream and then maybe we do it again in a month or two and again in
it again in a month or two and again in a month just a little taste of it my
a month just a little taste of it my mind began to begin to become familiar
mind began to begin to become familiar with it and more crazy I started to kind
with it and more crazy I started to kind of trick myself into thinking I belong
of trick myself into thinking I belong to there because we never end up
to there because we never end up anywhere we don’t believe we don’t
anywhere we don’t believe we don’t belong and then we’re not familiar with
belong and then we’re not familiar with so there’s these things you’d like to do
so there’s these things you’d like to do in your life either visually seeing them
in your life either visually seeing them over and over again and repeating those
over and over again and repeating those images to yourself that’s powerful but a
images to yourself that’s powerful but a double whammy is to not only repeat them
double whammy is to not only repeat them and see them but to go to see there’s
and see them but to go to see there’s one thing that’s a visual stimulus in
one thing that’s a visual stimulus in your brain that makes you want to do
your brain that makes you want to do something the triple whammy is if you
something the triple whammy is if you could see it touch it feel it and smell
could see it touch it feel it and smell it if you allow all your senses to
it if you allow all your senses to experience something it becomes far more
experience something it becomes far more familiar to your brain and so I’m a
familiar to your brain and so I’m a massive massive advocate of touching a
massive massive advocate of touching a dream in any form you can get it the
dream in any form you can get it the best of which is actually going and
best of which is actually going and experiencing it short-term you begin to
experiencing it short-term you begin to believe you belong there you’re a little
believe you belong there you’re a little bit better and so I you will not
bit better and so I you will not probably produce many things in your
probably produce many things in your life that you’ve not visited either
life that you’ve not visited either mentally or literally thousands of times
mentally or literally thousands of times and so if you want to end up somewhere
and so if you want to end up somewhere you better be visiting them those
you better be visiting them those be dreams visions but the most important
be dreams visions but the most important thing is if you could actually more
thing is if you could actually more powerful so you go touch some short-term
powerful so you go touch some short-term massive difference drive by the
massive difference drive by the neighborhood see the cars if you want to
neighborhood see the cars if you want to spend your life in service for your
spend your life in service for your church or your community take a day out
church or your community take a day out every month and actually do it know what
every month and actually do it know what it feels like for an afternoon to feed
it feels like for an afternoon to feed the homeless or to do and you begin to
the homeless or to do and you begin to love it and feel it and believe you
love it and feel it and believe you belong there
belong there more and more chance that you’ll be able
more and more chance that you’ll be able to do that full-time someday rule number
to do that full-time someday rule number 45 become evangelical about your cause
45 become evangelical about your cause one thing I want to challenge you to be
one thing I want to challenge you to be is a leader of your business whether
is a leader of your business whether it’s just your leader of one which is
it’s just your leader of one which is you as a salesperson or a leader of 10
you as a salesperson or a leader of 10 as a team or a company of 25 thousand
as a team or a company of 25 thousand employees is you must become evangelical
employees is you must become evangelical about your cause and your mission the
about your cause and your mission the greatest business people have an
greatest business people have an evangelical property about them they’re
evangelical property about them they’re evangelizing all the time they’re
evangelizing all the time they’re propagating the the strengths the
propagating the the strengths the benefits of their business of their
benefits of their business of their mission of their claws one of the great
mission of their claws one of the great evangelists of all time as Steve Jobs is
evangelists of all time as Steve Jobs is a great book written by a guy named Guy
a great book written by a guy named Guy Kawasaki many years ago called selling
Kawasaki many years ago called selling the dream and in that book he talks
the dream and in that book he talks about the way that Steve Jobs sold the
about the way that Steve Jobs sold the dream of Apple and he literally called
dream of Apple and he literally called him an evangelist for the cause there’s
him an evangelist for the cause there’s a great story in that book about Steve
a great story in that book about Steve Jobs and he was recruiting he knew he
Jobs and he was recruiting he knew he needed to have a CEO of his company and
needed to have a CEO of his company and he wanted to have the best and at that
he wanted to have the best and at that time there was a man named Scully who
time there was a man named Scully who was the head of Pepsi and Jobs was this
was the head of Pepsi and Jobs was this young kid in his 20s trying to recruit
young kid in his 20s trying to recruit this executive who’d made millions of
this executive who’d made millions of dollars and he couldn’t get him and he
dollars and he couldn’t get him and he couldn’t get him and he couldn’t get him
couldn’t get him and he couldn’t get him and finally he gets the voicemail back
and finally he gets the voicemail back in those days the answering machine
in those days the answering machine actually of Scully and he says listen
actually of Scully and he says listen listen man when you’re tired of selling
listen man when you’re tired of selling sugar water to kids over there at Pepsi
sugar water to kids over there at Pepsi and you want to come change the world
and you want to come change the world freakin call me back and we’ll do it
freakin call me back and we’ll do it together oh man he hangs up right
together oh man he hangs up right he was Evangel both the cause sugar
he was Evangel both the cause sugar water in Pepsi changed the world at
water in Pepsi changed the world at Apple right and Scully was making
Apple right and Scully was making millions of dollars they see over the
millions of dollars they see over the most powerful companies in the world
most powerful companies in the world looks to his wife that she says I think
looks to his wife that she says I think he’s right we aren’t changing the world
he’s right we aren’t changing the world and it was that one cause oriented
and it was that one cause oriented evangelical phone call from Steve Jobs
evangelical phone call from Steve Jobs and it exuded out of his pores every
and it exuded out of his pores every stage speech he gave every
stage speech he gave every one every board meeting when he’d meet
one every board meeting when he’d meet with their software engineers when he’d
with their software engineers when he’d meet with the programmers he was always
meet with the programmers he was always evangelical internally and externally
evangelical internally and externally and built a culture of one of the
and built a culture of one of the greatest movements of all time in the
greatest movements of all time in the history of business rule number 46 use
history of business rule number 46 use your time better me tell you one thing
your time better me tell you one thing I’ve noticed about all the maxout
I’ve noticed about all the maxout performers that I’ve interviewed on my
performers that I’ve interviewed on my program that I’ve known throughout my
program that I’ve known throughout my life for the last 30 years really in
life for the last 30 years really in business sports entertainment politics
business sports entertainment politics you name it the elite performers look at
you name it the elite performers look at time and use time completely differently
time and use time completely differently than the people who perform at an
than the people who perform at an average level the first thing I want to
average level the first thing I want to tell you about people who win who max
tell you about people who win who max out they are in a much bigger hurry than
out they are in a much bigger hurry than the people who are average and I’m not
the people who are average and I’m not kidding you when I say this they’re in a
kidding you when I say this they’re in a bigger hurry to get to their destination
bigger hurry to get to their destination to get to their outcome their pace is
to get to their outcome their pace is faster they walk faster they talk faster
faster they walk faster they talk faster and their expectation where they’re
and their expectation where they’re gonna arrive at their destination is
gonna arrive at their destination is sooner this may seem like a very small
sooner this may seem like a very small subtle thing but I want you to evaluate
subtle thing but I want you to evaluate how big of a hurry are you in because
how big of a hurry are you in because there’s something to be said about how
there’s something to be said about how close you think you are to a goal and
close you think you are to a goal and how fast you will run to get to the
how fast you will run to get to the finish line let me give an example of
finish line let me give an example of that if you and I started out right now
that if you and I started out right now and we had a 26 mile marathon to run
and we had a 26 mile marathon to run right in our minds it was 26 miles we’re
right in our minds it was 26 miles we’re gonna race each other we would pace
gonna race each other we would pace ourselves at a certain speed in order to
ourselves at a certain speed in order to maintain that speed because of the
maintain that speed because of the duration of the run so those a marathon
duration of the run so those a marathon we’d jog wouldn’t we pretty slowly you
we’d jog wouldn’t we pretty slowly you certainly wouldn’t sprint 26 miles and
certainly wouldn’t sprint 26 miles and so because the destination because the
so because the destination because the finish line is so far away our pace or
finish line is so far away our pace or our hurry is limited based on how far
our hurry is limited based on how far away we think we are or when we’ll
away we think we are or when we’ll arrive there but if you and I were to
arrive there but if you and I were to run a 100-yard dash with the pace be the
run a 100-yard dash with the pace be the same because the finish line is so much
same because the finish line is so much closer we’d run full-speed from the
closer we’d run full-speed from the minute we took off wouldn’t we because
minute we took off wouldn’t we because of the proximity of how close the finish
of the proximity of how close the finish line is the people that win in life
line is the people that win in life don’t necessarily have more vision than
don’t necessarily have more vision than you see it’s not a lack of vision always
you see it’s not a lack of vision always that means that you are going to lose
that means that you are going to lose it’s a lack of a type of vision which is
it’s a lack of a type of vision which is depth perception you think you’re
depth perception you think you’re further away from the outcome and so you
further away from the outcome and so you pace yourself
pace yourself like it and you jog all the time
like it and you jog all the time throughout your life the people that win
throughout your life the people that win may have a bigger vision but they have
may have a bigger vision but they have accurate depth perception they
accurate depth perception they understand how close their goals are how
understand how close their goals are how close their outcome is and they’re
close their outcome is and they’re constantly in a sprint to get there
constantly in a sprint to get there throughout their day
throughout their day that means consequently they get started
that means consequently they get started earlier and they finish later they get
earlier and they finish later they get up earlier throughout the day they’re in
up earlier throughout the day they’re in a bigger hurry to get to the places they
a bigger hurry to get to the places they need to be because the finish line and
need to be because the finish line and their mind is so much closer I cannot
their mind is so much closer I cannot emphasize this enough to you is just the
emphasize this enough to you is just the pace and the way time shrinks for elite
pace and the way time shrinks for elite performers compared to the average I’m
performers compared to the average I’m telling you the average performer could
telling you the average performer could say the same things read the same books
say the same things read the same books have the same schedule yet the person
have the same schedule yet the person who isn’t a bigger hurry throughout the
who isn’t a bigger hurry throughout the day ends up winning the day winning the
day ends up winning the day winning the week winning the month winning the year
week winning the month winning the year and winning the life rule number 47 take
and winning the life rule number 47 take action I know for me taking action
action I know for me taking action really builds confidence you know
really builds confidence you know sometimes you almost have to fake it
sometimes you almost have to fake it until you make it if you just is
until you make it if you just is confident you start to feel confident
confident you start to feel confident you think that’s percent you can’t if I
you think that’s percent you can’t if I say this all the time I can’t teach you
say this all the time I can’t teach you how to steer a parked car right you have
how to steer a parked car right you have to be in motion you have to be moving
to be in motion you have to be moving and people wonder have I really made a
and people wonder have I really made a decision the real way we know if you’ve
decision the real way we know if you’ve made a decision to make a change is that
made a decision to make a change is that it’s followed up with immediate massive
it’s followed up with immediate massive action as you said and that’s the thing
action as you said and that’s the thing I think there’s a lot of people invested
I think there’s a lot of people invested in personal development to make it more
in personal development to make it more complicated than it really is as if
complicated than it really is as if there’s these secrets you know whether
there’s these secrets you know whether it’s the authors of the books or mentors
it’s the authors of the books or mentors or whoever it is in fact even you might
or whoever it is in fact even you might be invested if if you can make it
be invested if if you can make it yourself believe that winning is complex
yourself believe that winning is complex because really complexity is the enemy
because really complexity is the enemy of execution right but if you can make
of execution right but if you can make yourself think it’s complex then it’s
yourself think it’s complex then it’s really not your fault you haven’t won
really not your fault you haven’t won yet because you’re missing something
yet because you’re missing something rather than it probably being what it
rather than it probably being what it really is is that you’re unwilling or
really is is that you’re unwilling or avoiding the work you need to do to
avoiding the work you need to do to really go build your company or build
really go build your company or build your field force or build your body or
your field force or build your body or build your life and so it’s being able
build your life and so it’s being able to simplify things and really know that
to simplify things and really know that there is no key to really winning the
there is no key to really winning the key is the hard work and keeping things
key is the hard work and keeping things as simple as you can rule number 48
as simple as you can rule number 48 study success so you are one of the
study success so you are one of the greatest not just influencers but and
greatest not just influencers but and speakers publicly thank you that are in
speakers publicly thank you that are in the world coming right now for those
the world coming right now for those that you know are looking to step up and
that you know are looking to step up and be
be Brande right now they have that desire
Brande right now they have that desire they want to become speakers you know
they want to become speakers you know what how do you master that craft of
what how do you master that craft of being able to get into a flow and really
being able to get into a flow and really connect with your audience watch the
connect with your audience watch the people that are out there how do they
people that are out there how do they deliver their message where do they hold
deliver their message where do they hold their hands I’m not saying you should
their hands I’m not saying you should copy people I’m saying study it study
copy people I’m saying study it study there i studied because it’s pre social
there i studied because it’s pre social media
media I studied preachers on TV this day I
I studied preachers on TV this day I watched stand-up comedians constantly
watched stand-up comedians constantly I’m addicted to it because they’re funny
I’m addicted to it because they’re funny and I watch how they roll out of line i
and I watch how they roll out of line i watch how they deliver a message I watch
watch how they deliver a message I watch do they walk when they talk do they stop
do they walk when they talk do they stop when they’re making the important point
when they’re making the important point how do they use their hands do they
how do they use their hands do they raise their voice do they lower their
raise their voice do they lower their voice how comfortable are they with
voice how comfortable are they with silence so I watch people who can
silence so I watch people who can communicate all the time the separation
communicate all the time the separation is always in the preparation so my
is always in the preparation so my confidence always comes from how
confidence always comes from how prepared I am when I speak I told you
prepared I am when I speak I told you earlier I need to prepare for tomorrow I
earlier I need to prepare for tomorrow I know what I’m gonna say but I’ve got to
know what I’m gonna say but I’ve got to really prepare my confidence the
really prepare my confidence the separation for me comes in the
separation for me comes in the preparation rule number 49 have a strong
preparation rule number 49 have a strong why left to my own devices right if you
why left to my own devices right if you just left me like what I’d like to do
just left me like what I’d like to do I hate man I have no problem laying
I hate man I have no problem laying around I like sleep I got people think
around I like sleep I got people think they meet people like you know they’re
they meet people like you know they’re like they’re robots they’re other
like they’re robots they’re other life-forms they’re just different than
life-forms they’re just different than me no we build habits rituals and
me no we build habits rituals and disciplines that serve us okay now part
disciplines that serve us okay now part of those habits rituals and disciplines
of those habits rituals and disciplines have sort of turned me into a more
have sort of turned me into a more confident person there’s no question
confident person there’s no question about that
about that so my standards are mandatory because
so my standards are mandatory because you get your standards right and so the
you get your standards right and so the reason my standards are set whole so
reason my standards are set whole so high is because I don’t want to leave it
high is because I don’t want to leave it up to my own devices right my standard
up to my own devices right my standard is one more minute on the treadmill my
is one more minute on the treadmill my standard is one more person I can reach
standard is one more person I can reach that day one more phone call one more
that day one more phone call one more something and so for me I raise them
something and so for me I raise them every single year but the way I get to
every single year but the way I get to do it as I link it to my reasons and so
do it as I link it to my reasons and so goals are really empty to me I have a
goals are really empty to me I have a thing on goal-setting but like my big
thing on goal-setting but like my big thing is that you show me someone with
thing is that you show me someone with compelling emotional gigantic reasons
compelling emotional gigantic reasons I’ll show you someone who’s changing
I’ll show you someone who’s changing their standards all day long so like
their standards all day long so like give you one quick version that you not
give you one quick version that you not heard before one of the reasons I’m
heard before one of the reasons I’m relatively fit is not just peak State
relatively fit is not just peak State myelin uncle in my family that died at
myelin uncle in my family that died at 50 years old of a heart attacks my
50 years old of a heart attacks my godfather my dad’s only brother I kind
godfather my dad’s only brother I kind of resembled him and I look like him a
of resembled him and I look like him a lot so on the way back from his funeral
lot so on the way back from his funeral my reticular activating art attacks on
my reticular activating art attacks on the TV screen on the airplane I’m
the TV screen on the airplane I’m listening to music is the Oprah Winfrey
listening to music is the Oprah Winfrey Show she’s going through a new heart
Show she’s going through a new heart scan hmm I’ve unplugged my headphones
scan hmm I’ve unplugged my headphones plugging into the airplane one there’s
plugging into the airplane one there’s some of this new scan at cedars-sinai
some of this new scan at cedars-sinai that at that time was new it could read
that at that time was new it could read the plaques in your arteries the
the plaques in your arteries the calcifications without going you know
calcifications without going you know really invasively I scheduled it I went
really invasively I scheduled it I went in I had a world-class doctor who
in I had a world-class doctor who understood reasons and levers instead of
understood reasons and levers instead of just prescribing clues but when we coach
just prescribing clues but when we coach people you need to do this you need to
people you need to do this you need to do this the doctors do it take this pill
do this the doctors do it take this pill take this he understood leverage and
take this he understood leverage and reasons what you do is you take the scan
reasons what you do is you take the scan then you go to lunch you come back I
then you go to lunch you come back I took the scan I went to I had a burrito
took the scan I went to I had a burrito I came back and I’m in the law when I
I came back and I’m in the law when I walk in I sit down the doctor comes up
walk in I sit down the doctor comes up and he says oh my I can’t believe these
and he says oh my I can’t believe these arteries are in that young the body got
arteries are in that young the body got my attention we walk back in we sit down
my attention we walk back in we sit down he could still go you need Crestor eat
he could still go you need Crestor eat clean get out of here is know what an
clean get out of here is know what an average doctor does right no wired me
average doctor does right no wired me with huge reasons he goes let me ask you
with huge reasons he goes let me ask you a question
a question I heard your wife’s pregnant you have it
I heard your wife’s pregnant you have it I said yeah I have a son and he says do
I said yeah I have a son and he says do you want to be there when he graduates
you want to be there when he graduates from high school to be there for that
from high school to be there for that day I said yes sir yeah he goes your
day I said yes sir yeah he goes your wife’s pregnant what do you have it I
wife’s pregnant what do you have it I said a daughter this is where you get a
said a daughter this is where you get a dad he goes she was six months pregnant
dad he goes she was six months pregnant he goes do you um would you like to walk
he goes do you um would you like to walk her down the aisle on her wedding day
her down the aisle on her wedding day are you okay that it’s some other man I
are you okay that it’s some other man I went with the son this scan right like
went with the son this scan right like it he goes I want to be very clear with
it he goes I want to be very clear with you if you keep going down the road
you if you keep going down the road you’re going there’ll be some other man
you’re going there’ll be some other man with your son at graduation high school
with your son at graduation high school and a strangers walking your daughter
and a strangers walking your daughter down the aisle that’s not even born yet
down the aisle that’s not even born yet on her wedding day and I went to boom
on her wedding day and I went to boom and he goes but if you do exactly what I
and he goes but if you do exactly what I tell you to do you’ll be there and so to
tell you to do you’ll be there and so to this day brother there are mornings when
this day brother there are mornings when I wake up not every morning I don’t want
I wake up not every morning I don’t want to go to the gym I go Bella’s wedding
to go to the gym I go Bella’s wedding Bella’s wedding Bella’s wedding so my
Bella’s wedding Bella’s wedding so my standards are high because of my big old
standards are high because of my big old reasons other dudes may miss the gym
reasons other dudes may miss the gym that day because they’re not going to
that day because they’re not going to miss their daughter’s wedding if they
miss their daughter’s wedding if they don’t go but I’ve convinced myself I
don’t go but I’ve convinced myself I will get emotional I’ve convinced myself
will get emotional I’ve convinced myself on this my daughter’s wedding so I will
on this my daughter’s wedding so I will get my ass out of bed at 4 o’clock in
get my ass out of bed at 4 o’clock in the morning and I will get to that gym
the morning and I will get to that gym because my reasons are bigger so my
because my reasons are bigger so my standards are higher so that’s what I
standards are higher so that’s what I think causes us to have great standards
think causes us to have great standards as huge reasons and rule number 50 the
as huge reasons and rule number 50 the last one before a very special bonus
last one before a very special bonus live and believe what you do I can’t
live and believe what you do I can’t transfer to you something that I’m not
transfer to you something that I’m not experiencing myself so a lot of times
experiencing myself so a lot of times people say I want to transfer the people
people say I want to transfer the people leadership or I want to influence them
leadership or I want to influence them to buy my product or I want to grow my
to buy my product or I want to grow my company you have to really believe these
company you have to really believe these things they have to really be consistent
things they have to really be consistent with your values because you can’t give
with your values because you can’t give me something you don’t have and so
me something you don’t have and so really successful people really
really successful people really influential people powerful people are
influential people powerful people are congruent they actually live and believe
congruent they actually live and believe the things they say and do now I’ve got
the things they say and do now I’ve got a special bonus kit from Ed on how to
a special bonus kit from Ed on how to always aim for something more that I
always aim for something more that I really think you’re gonna enjoy but
really think you’re gonna enjoy but before that is some for the three-point
before that is some for the three-point landing questions let’s go from just
landing questions let’s go from just watching the video to taking action in
watching the video to taking action in your life for business here we go
your life for business here we go question number one where do you need to
question number one where do you need to use your time better number two which
use your time better number two which three people you commit to studying
three people you commit to studying success from and number three what does
success from and number three what does a maxed out life look like for you one
a maxed out life look like for you one of my top guys in our firm a few weeks
of my top guys in our firm a few weeks ago one of my favorite people probably
ago one of my favorite people probably the most talented guys my company won’t
the most talented guys my company won’t say who he is cuz he might be watching
say who he is cuz he might be watching this but he said that to me he goes I
this but he said that to me he goes I just wanted to share with the world how
just wanted to share with the world how amazing and incredible my life is and
amazing and incredible my life is and blah blah blah blah blah and I told him
blah blah blah blah blah and I told him I said when I was at your level I
I said when I was at your level I couldn’t stomach it yeah I couldn’t
couldn’t stomach it yeah I couldn’t handle it I can’t live on that kind of
handle it I can’t live on that kind of income I didn’t want to live my life
income I didn’t want to live my life like that I said it scares me that you
like that I said it scares me that you think somehow this is the dream yeah and
think somehow this is the dream yeah and then of course he kind of corrected
then of course he kind of corrected himself and backstopped but the fact is
himself and backstopped but the fact is I’m constantly deceiving myself that I’m
I’m constantly deceiving myself that I’m and I it’s really I really do feel that
and I it’s really I really do feel that way I really don’t feel successful I’m
way I really don’t feel successful I’m not I don’t think I’m a failure yeah but
not I don’t think I’m a failure yeah but I do measure it up against the highest
I do measure it up against the highest version of me my highest expression as
version of me my highest expression as opposed to what as opposed to measuring
opposed to what as opposed to measuring yourself with other people uh-huh
yourself with other people uh-huh that’s the biggest thing people do
that’s the biggest thing people do they’re so obsessed with other people
they’re so obsessed with other people that kills them they think about what
that kills them they think about what are they thinking about me what are they
are they thinking about me what are they gonna think about me what are they
gonna think about me what are they saying
saying and then they measure themselves against
and then they measure themselves against other people too and I don’t think I
other people too and I don’t think I mean I’ve been around you yeah your
mean I’ve been around you yeah your powerhouse but neither one of us are
powerhouse but neither one of us are yeah I think your time is done at the
yeah I think your time is done at the break neither one of us having super
break neither one of us having super crazy off-the-charts IQ yeah I sure know
crazy off-the-charts IQ yeah I sure know you don’t so I gotta talk to you for
you don’t so I gotta talk to you for sure you been at a couple of daddy’s
sure you been at a couple of daddy’s taking shots at obviously watch so they
taking shots at obviously watch so they know they see you know but you factor
know they see you know but you factor you think it you think it where you are
you think it you think it where you are because of some gift in your life though
because of some gift in your life though man I know but it’s the fact the oath of
man I know but it’s the fact the oath of us didn’t get there because of some
us didn’t get there because of some unbelievable natural giftedness we have
unbelievable natural giftedness we have that just want to do success right
that just want to do success right there’s I so I don’t measure myself
there’s I so I don’t measure myself against other people because they’ve got
against other people because they’ve got gifts that are different than mine yeah
gifts that are different than mine yeah if you want to learn how to get rich
if you want to learn how to get rich like ed my let go check out the video
like ed my let go check out the video right next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
right next to me I think you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and I’ll see you
continue to believe and I’ll see you there
there I made several multiple six figures one
I made several multiple six figures one year and we lived in a $700 a month
year and we lived in a $700 a month apartment yes biggest money mistake I
apartment yes biggest money mistake I made in my life is investing in things
made in my life is investing in things that I don’t understand
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