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Top 10 Video Games with Multiple Endings

sometimes it’s best to finish something
your own way not exactly how I imagined
going out you know welcome to and today we’ll be
counting down our picks for the top ten
games with multiple endings no problem
let’s get it done quickly for this list
we’re ranking the games based on a
variation of how good they were combined
with the number of different endings you
could get when you beat the game and of
course the overall quality of the
endings themselves but we found a way to
stop that from happening
also this should be a no brainer but
since we’re talking about the endings
spoiler alert
number 10
Deus Ex we’re starting things off with
what is considered one of the greatest
PC games of all time though it only had
three endings they were quite diverse
from each other a trend that would
follow in human Revolution with a rather
stupid pick your own ending machine of
course there is another option but in
the original game your choices are use
the technology in area 51 to allow the
Illuminati to rule with an invisible
hand the only influence suggests
insinuated merge with an AI and rule as
a dictator
or destroyed the world’s communication
networks so that no one can control the
world then that’s going back JC
there’s no right answer so you’ve got to
choose wisely number not resident evil’
the gamecube remake now we move on to
what is perhaps the best remake of all
time this game has 12 endings though
they mostly come down to who survived
overall it’s okay he’s alive
I just know there are two different
playable characters each with six
endings and they hinge on whether or not
your two allies survived and if the
mansion blew up granted
whatever happens Wesker still ends up
worse off number eight Silent Hill – you
promised you’d take me there again
someday but you never did the
psychological survival horror
masterpiece this game comes with a total
of five endings with a sixth added in
the Xbox version these endings include
variations on what happens to the main
character determining whether he starts
the whole thing over again or if not who
he ends up with James Maria I’m finished
with you what there are also more absurd
conclusion one that involves a UFO
invasion in a silent film and of course
the infamous ending where you find out
it was all done by a dog oh my nose Shia
number seven Blade Runner I didn’t think
you’re going to answer sorry but I’m I
was just sleeping the off forgotten
point-and-click adventure gem by the
now-defunct Westwood Studios this game
based off the 80s sci-fi film of the
same name focuses on ray McCoy a rookie
Blade Runner you know who I am his 13
endings are determined by whether or not
McCoy hunts down the replicants ever
think of working with a partner I
thought you only worked alone whether he
can convince the replicants he’s one of
who knows brother it may just be enough
to make a difference or simply if he
just blows town with one of them in tow
I didn’t know where we were going and I
didn’t much care number six
persona 4 golden mm-hmm how marvelous
one of the PlayStation Vita’s first hit
games was an enhanced port of the ps2
persona 4 wait a second do you really
understand what you’re about to do this
anime inspired plot is impossible to
compress into a short blurb but what you
should know is that this game has 10
endings that don’t all appear right at
the end instead if you screw up too
early you might get one of the bad
endings ruling his death a suicide
the police have closed their
investigation but if you play your cards
right you might make it through to the
conclusion at the actual end of the game
1 and see you soon bye Bunji
was welcomed back how could you mess
that up number 5 zero escape virtues
last reward is there really any point to
a world where everything is happy this
visual novel an adventure game hybrid on
the 3ds and Vita draws inspiration from
soft the concept goes that a twisted
animated bunny tells a bunch of captured
people that they have to complete a
series of puzzles and at the end of each
puzzle they have to choose either to
ally with or betray another team in
order to earn or steal points on their
that means right if you can’t get your
head in the game the game has 24 endings
and those are based on who you helped
and who you killed I suppose you could
put it that way yes number four heavy
rain with all due respect sir I’m done
thinking in this interactive drama by
David cage the climax involves
converging on a warehouse to confront
the origami killer Sean’s done for it
I’ve got the address wrong depending on
the players choices throughout the game
the number of characters that appear at
the end will alter the outcome and
decide if the two main characters
survive or die journalist Madison page
was laid to rest in charity cross
cemetery today granted the fact that
this game is a murder mystery does
weaken the replay value since the big
reveal of the killer’s identity is
always going to be the same do you have
any idea how it feels to be a worthless
nothing in your father’s eyes
number three fallout 3 and so it was
that the lone wanderer ventured forth
from vault
the Fallout series is no stranger to
multiple endings with the second game
having different possible outcomes as
well but here we’re talking about the
third well so much for celebrating Todd
Howard stated that the game has over 200
endings though that number is greatly
exaggerated but the real count being
closer to 30 as most of them are just
variations on the number of slides you
get at the end you just better hope it
doesn’t come back to bite you then of
course the broken steel expansion came
out and all of that wasn’t an ending at
all but whatever so ends the story of
the lone wanderer number 2 Chrono
Trigger considered one of the greatest
RPGs of all time chrono triggers
time-traveling epics spawns multiple
time periods each with a different
decision on how to take on the final
boss all that in turn leads into one of
the 18 different endings most of which
are vastly different from one another
this is a prime example of how to do
multiple endings right so if you’re even
the slightest bit interested in RPGs you
need to play this game if you haven’t
before we get to our one true ending
let’s have a look at some honorable
number one star ocean the second story
we’ve talked about how these games can
have anywhere between three to thirty
endings and still be great but this game
has 86 endings huh
86 endings oh come on what’s the big
and it’s PSP enhanced port titled second
evolution bumps that number up to 100
endings oh well these things happen
sometimes these all come down to which
characters you’ve befriended and who
ends up with who but that doesn’t even
come close to doing justice to the
staggering amount of variables yeah I
mean I kind of just done it by myself
but I heard it’s a lot easier to get a
date if you got a partner working with
you do you agree with our list I can
imagine the complaints flying in right
now kids these days which game did you
want to finish multiple times give me
just one second okay I think I’m almost
done here for more varying top 10s
published every day be sure to subscribe
to well what do you think
it’s perfect Ethan
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