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Start a Business with Nothing – How to start a business with NO MONEY

how to start a business with no money so
I got a great question for one of my
youtube viewers love you guys mohamad
who wrote in to say I’m 24 years old
when I was 20 I was trying to do my own
construction business but I didn’t have
enough funds so I just left it now I’m
24 and I’m thinking of starting it again
but I don’t have anything in my account
I just graduate from Business College
with Business Studies diploma how do I
start again so it’s a great question and
I feel for you because you had this
dream four years ago and you didn’t do
anything because you didn’t have money
and then you got the same dream and use
in the same situation where you don’t
have money and I don’t want you to just
leave it at at that it and end up doing
this forever in your life and you get to
the point where you’re 70 years old
looking back on your life and saying wow
I wish I had taken some changes I with I
wish I had bet on myself and launched
this company if this is your dream it’s
been your dream for four years and you
got to take some action on it and the
best way to get going if you don’t have
any experience if you don’t have any
money if you don’t know what you’re
doing it in your field go get a job but
the reason why you get a job is to learn
you’re not getting that job just to make
money you’re not getting a job so you
can live for the weekends in the
evenings it’s to learn so look at a
company that has maybe ten employees 20
employees is in the construction
business a company that you want to
build you look at that company and say I
want to be that guy and go learn from
him and get as close to the founder as
possible take on as many rules as you
can because you’re there to learn you’re
getting paid you’re making mistakes
you’re making connections and contacts
you’re learning the ropes
you’re understanding how the industry
works you’re making mistakes and getting
paid to learn right you just came out of
business school how much did you pay for
that right you paid an annual fee to go
there here you’re going to get paid to
learn and to make those mistakes and
make those contacts that’s the best way
to do it to get started then when you go
and you’re ready to start your own thing
you start it on the side
our time on the side I don’t know why
there’s a stigma against starting the
business part time on the side you do
not have to go and quit your job and do
this business full time most of the
people who do that end up after a year
or six months or three months whatever
it is running out of money and having to
go back and get a job again and you lose
all the momentum that you built up it’s
better to do something consistently
every day small on the side while
keeping your job or you’re learning so
that you allow this momentum to grow and
maybe your first project is is not a
solo project you know you’re investing
in with other people and you’re
understanding how that market works
you’re making a return off of that and
investing it to then launch your own
campaign if you started when you were 20
and you want you got that job and you
learn for a year you’d be in business by
now so get started go find a company who
you look up to and respect and work with
them and your goal here isn’t just to do
manual labor but to understand as much
about the business as possible while
looking for opportunities on the side to
start your own thing you want to make
sure that that small part-time income
can be enough to support you before you
leave and make that your full-time job
so step 1 go find a job we’re going to
learn step 2 start small on the side
after you’ve built up some connections
and industry knowledge and you know how
things are working you’re ready to start
on the side and step 3 when you’ve
launched and you’re making some money
and you’re comfortable enough to quit
because you know you’re going to make
some money from your business that’s
when you go full-time okay and this
applies to anybody not just a
construction business you have to
understand you may be thinking Avenue
the entrepreneur guy why the heck you
telling me to go get a job because I
don’t want you to fail okay most
companies fail they shut down 80% plus
the companies will fail and a lot of it
is because yours did they don’t know
what they’re doing
so before just jumping in and say hey
I’m an entrepreneur I’m going to launch
this thing go get some experience you
have to understand it the fastest way to
learn the fastest way to learn is not by
the fastest way to learn is through
mentoring the fastest way to learn is to
find someone who’s already done what
you’re trying to do and have them show
you how to do it because if you’re just
trial and error trial and error trial
and error you could go years and not
figure out the solution where somebody
has done this it’s easy for them for
them to show you quickly massively ramps
up your learning time so go find the job
there’s nothing wrong with it as long as
you’re learning that’s the first step to
getting started believe for those are
watching let me know you think if you
took a job to get your business started
to learn leave a comment below I’d love
to hear from you if you have a question
for me leave in the comments below make
a video response give it a thumbs up if
you liked this video and click on my
face subscribe to the channel thank you
so much I’ll see you soon
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