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Top 10 Video Games in 2019 That Might Suck

hey guys Ricky from WatchMojo here today
we’re taking a look at the top 10 games
we’re looking at games coming out next
year that have us the most nervous and
while we’d love to be pleasantly
surprised by any of these titles we’re
hoping the developers hear our concerns
before the games are released now let’s
take a look at the list number 10 Star
Wars Jedi fallen order so the Star Wars
name is Jedi fallen order not much is
known about respawn Entertainment’s Star
Wars game other than it’s a story driven
game set after episode 3 but just the
fact that EA is involved causes some
concern none of us want to relive the
problems that came with battlefront 2
and the fact that they shut down
visceral games because they’re
single-player Star Wars game was
reportedly not as monetizable as FIFA
doesn’t fill us with hope with Respawn
Entertainment of titanfall Fame at the
helm fans can no doubt expect some
addicting gameplay but titanfall isn’t
exactly known for its strong story
elements here’s hoping we get a look at
it soon to better wrap our heads around
it I bet you the internet is going wild
right now I hope so
number 9 bubsy paws on fire
hey buddy if you’re familiar with bubsy
the Bobcat you probably already know his
latest entry may end up sucking ever
since his debut in 1993 bubsy has grown
a notoriety for featuring slippery
controls incredibly annoying voice over
after a 20-year hiatus following a
disastrous leap into 3d bubsy returned
in an entirely forgettable 2017
platformer and his latest entry now
looks like it’s an auto running
platformer though that could be because
choice provisions the talent behind the
bit.trip series is developing this one
while their games are great we’re not
sure if bubsy can really be saved
number eight Shenmue 3
a game getting delayed is certainly not
a guarantee that it will be
disappointing but this long-awaited
third entry has other worrisome things
stacked against it the first two games
debuted on the Sega Dreamcast and have
amassed a cult following over the years
and while series director Yu Suzuki has
always envisioned more story than he was
able to tell the lack of real gameplay
footage so far is a legitimate concern
the game reportedly has a way smaller
budget than the original games – which
is certainly an uphill battle for the
team the gaming industry has come a long
way in the past two decades so this will
need to be more than just a story
the idea of another zombie survival game
didn’t exactly break ground when it was
despite the ps4s positive track record
as of late and the fact that the
gameplay will probably be fun enough as
players mow down waves of zombies at
this point it doesn’t seem to be adding
anything we haven’t seen before
we’ll control a generic rebellious male
who lives by his own code fights the
undead and rides around on a
customizable motorcycle yipee
it also doesn’t bode well that sony has
notably reduced the amount of marketing
this game is getting as of late
especially seeing that it was scarcely
number six control
if you found quantum break to be one of
the more disappointing games of 2016
then you probably aren’t too excited by
remedy entertainments next release
control will follow Jessie Faden as she
navigates through a dangerous government
facility taking out foes with psychic
powers and a shape-shifting handgun
the visuals will no doubt impress but so
did those in quantum break which some
felt to be a bit generic otherwise
everything from the graphics to the
gameplay of control looks like it was
lifted from their previous title which
doesn’t instill the highest of hopes
here’s hoping it will offer something a
number five team sonic racing while
Sonic has starred in his fair share of
racing games prior they weren’t exactly
up to the Mario Kart standards the
newest entry will have the appeal of
cooperative play as players race in
but other than that there doesn’t seem
to be much offered to bring fans in a
demo at e3 2018 left some underwhelmed
from lackluster power-ups to a bland
racer lineup and now with crash
bandicoot bringing back his kart racing
series it’s likely that Sonic will be
the one left in the dust
number four crackdown three the most
troublesome development cycle a game has
had in recent years belongs to that of
crackdown three announced all the way
back at Microsoft’s 2014 III conference
the game has experienced a multitude of
setbacks promises of fully destructible
environments through the use of cloud
technology reportedly took a toll on the
development team as well as caused the
multiple delays this feature was meant
to allow 20 times the amount of
processing power but has ended up being
incredibly challenging for Microsoft it
may or may not be good but whether
players will care at all at this point
especially given that it’s releasing
alongside four other major games on the
number three trials rising
the trial series while not the most
complex does offer fun and challenging
physics based gameplay as you try to get
your dirt bike rider through various
obstacles its simplicity is where it
shines a new game would be entirely
welcome if it weren’t for all the
problems already surrounding it during a
closed beta for the game some players
took issue with the long load times and
cosmetic yet completely unnecessary loot
boxes also the graphics were a bit more
realistic moving away from the sane eNOS
of washing your rag doll like racer fall
off his bike all in all it seems Ubisoft
is trying to do too much with something
that should be simple
number two Travis strikes again no more
heroes it’s not as it fans were
clamoring for another entry in the No
More Heroes franchise but we’d still
like to believe that Travis touchdown
the newest entry sees Travis sucked into
a video game console where he must play
his way through six various games while
it will offer co-op and a new top-down
perspective the simple swing your sword
wildly gameplay is repetitively
uninspired to say the least
I mean just look at this it already
seems like it’s a shoe-in for our worst
of 2019 list take one more step Ted
from the troubled Bioware and the
controversial EA the companies behind
anthem are some of the biggest reasons
to worry Bioware’s reputation has taken
a hit over recent years and the fact
that a lot of major employees have left
the company since the development began
could be a sign for the worse
then there’s EAS plan to support the
game for 10 years through frequent
content updates though destiny should be
enough proof that this can backfire nice
combo for a lot more reasons why we’re
worried we’d recommend you go check out
how did EA ruin Bioware over on mojo
plays there are just so many more
reasons why we’re not ready to jump into
a javelin suit just yet but with the
power of the anthem at my fingertips
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