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How to Stop Comparing Yourself to People You’ve Never Even Met Before!

are you the type of person who as soon
as you wake up you’re constantly
comparing your life to other people
feeling inadequate I’m not good enough
they’re living a better life than me and
then you’re like wait a minute
I don’t even know who these people are
peace and finit waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in the heart of nature baby
beautiful day can I get a hello there
I’m sending you tons of great energy
deep divers take that take that take
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
ass prana baby
now is that you Deep Diver are you
constantly comparing your life to other
people feeling less than inadequate that
you’re not living a good life because
you see all of your friends and even
strangers more so living a better life
than you they’re way cooler than you
apparently that’s what you’ve made up in
your mind well this video is all about
honoring yourself not constantly
comparing yourself to other people but
more so people you don’t know how to
stop comparing yourself with people
you’ve never met before how to stop
comparing your life to the lives of
others you don’t even know and we an
even had breakfast yeah can I get a
Hello now let’s face it a lot of us are
constantly comparing ourselves to other
people we don’t even know and this is
why there are a lot of miserable people
on planet Earth right now because we’re
never actually grateful for what we have
we’re always focusing on what other
people have and we don’t even know
these are the people and that was me
alone my early journey until I found out
how to stop comparing myself my life to
the lives of other people I’ve never
even met before
you see it starts with this deep divers
things aren’t always what they seem
things aren’t always what they seem many
times the people you see smiling on
Instagram in their profile pictures
aren’t actually living that lifestyle
because they come to me for counseling
sessions trust me I know right yes there
are genuinely happy people on social
media like myself but there are also
people who are faking it so bad and now
you are looking at their lifestyle
thinking oh my gosh that person’s a
millionaire they’ve got a more expensive
car than me they live in a mansion and
then now look at my crappy life and
that’s why everybody is trying to show
off to the world like they’re living a
great life when in actuality it may be
very different from that so take
everything with a pinch of sea salt 7
day vegan challenge in Malay in pink sea
salt right realise this those people
that you are like oh my gosh
my life isn’t as good as this they may
also be wishing to be you deep down hmm
what slow motion this side hmm the same
people you are comparing your life to
may actually secretly want to be you how
about that and that’s why every single
day I wake up with an attitude of
gratitude I am so grateful to be me I
don’t want to be anybody else why
there’s so many of us compare our life
to the lives of other people we don’t
even know because
because it’s the ego the ego is all
about control the ego is all about
domination competition there is healthy
competition but not at the expense of
your own happiness you see deep divers
what helped me to stop comparing my life
to the lives of other people I’ve never
even met before is to realize that a lot
of people they only show us the surface
they only show us they only show us the
highlights of their life
the good times when they’re having fun
right everyone’s having such a great
time on Instagram but in actuality that
all that isn’t the case all the time and
I know because I get thousands of
messages every single day and people
start telling me what they’re going
you see a perfect picture a great
picture has highlights you need that yes
we need the great times but also has
mid-tones and also has shadows and
that’s why when I’m making these videos
I’m not telling you that I’m a perfect
person I’m not telling you how great my
life is all the time I’m showing you
what I’ve overcome mm-hmm
slow motion this side mmm I’m showing
you my shadows my mid-tones and my
highlights right so to stop comparing
your life to the lives of people you’ve
never even met before realize that
you’re not actually seeing a hundred
percent of who they are you aren’t
you’re seeing what they want you to see
a heavily edited filtered curated
version of them it’s not actually who
they are people are only showing you the
best parts of who they are so you have
to use discernment which is the ability
to judge well how to stop comparing your
life the people you’ve never met before
realize you don’t know them
you don’t know them and that means that
it’s not fair to you to compare yourself
to them you don’t know how hard they’ve
worked to get to where they are you
don’t know what is taken and now you are
comparing your chapter one to someone
else’s chapter 33 that is illogical it
doesn’t make sense so we have to start
paying ourselves more homage and say
actually where I am right now I’m cool
with it because I’m running my own race
I’m focusing on what I need to focus on
and that’s what will actually make you
you see comparison isn’t all bad
sometimes I love to compare myself to
other people if it can actually inspire
me to become my greatest version it’s
just that so many times when you are
comparing yourself to other people it is
stealing your joy it is stealing your
happiness comparison is the greatest
thief of joy slow motion this side hmm
so when I realize I am a unique being
and that is my power I started to love
myself while also appreciating other
people you see you can do that deep
divers you can love yourself and
appreciate other people’s unique
qualities without comparing who you are
to who they are that’s possible to do
and trust me your life will become more
fulfilling because of him how to stop
comparing your life to people you’ve
never met before you’ve never even met
them seven days vegan challenge ladies
fellows what happens many times you’re
on social media you see someone’s
profile and they’ve got a great body
they’ve got a six-pack oh right
ladies beautiful but right
looking great and you’re like what do
they eat well they’ve been a vegan for a
long time they’ve been taking their
health seriously they’ve been eating a
lot of kale a lot of Brussels sprouts a
lot of drinking a lot of green juice
they’ve been taking care of their body
so when you compare yourself to them
let’s just say you haven’t been doing
any of that it’s not a fair comparison
but more so you don’t know what they did
to get that body they have right now
they trained for it they worked hard for
it they took their health seriously they
had discipline when it came to food and
that’s why – stop comparing your life to
people you’ve never met before start
realizing this we have to realize that
everyone is on a unique journey
especially when it comes to food and a
lot of people are working very very hard
to go to the gym every single day to eat
well every single day and you have to
start paying them giving them credit you
got to start giving them credit right
and that will also help you to stop
comparing your life to people you’ve
never met before to people you have
never met before you see what’s also
helped me deep dive is is to realize
that your story is not finished yet if
you feel inadequate because everybody is
showing off on social media I’m here to
tell you that your story is not finished
yet you are unfinished business and just
because it’s not happening for you right
now it doesn’t mean that it won’t happen
you got to learn how to be patient and
that’s what’s helped me along my journey
your time will come
and then also realize to stop comparing
your life to people you’ve never even
met before their story isn’t over yet
because sometimes the people who are on
top right now will be at the bottom in
10 years and the people who are on the
bottom right now
we’ll be on the top in ten years that’s
how it works in life right so realize
all you have to do right now is focus on
what you are doing you see if you can
realize this that if someone is very
successful be happy for their success
call me crazy but I love to see people
who are successful who are thriving who
are happy I love to see couples who are
kissing I love that why because I’m
already whole within myself mmm
slow motion this side hmm I’m not
intimidated by that I’m good I’m good I
love my life I don’t need to compare it
to anybody else’s that’s the mind state
you have to have so if you can realize
this that be happy for other people
don’t be a hater
haters loose be a winner be someone who
is like actually okay that’s cool
they’re successful they got a massive
company a big business that’s good for
them but I’m happy with what I’m doing
because I followed my happiness that’s
how to stop comparing your life to
people you’ve never ever met before also
learn how to occupy your game be so
focused on what you are doing you don’t
have time to put people down you don’t
have time to compare yourself to other
people why because you are enjoying what
you are doing every day so much how to
stop comparing your life to people
you’ve never met before always realize
this deep divers the grass isn’t always
greener on the other side I’ve counseled
multi millionaires right
super super wealthy people and when they
are telling me their problems I start to
realize oh I get it
there’s more to life than just making
money that’s only one part of it
there is also are meant
stay our emotional state right so
realize that the grass isn’t always
greener on the other side there are a
lot of famous people who get so famous
they need security everywhere they go
around they need bodyguards what kind of
a life is that like I can actually walk
around freely in peace without
bodyguards yeah and then say can I get a
hello there without paparazzi chasing me
I love that right being low-key is cool
so that’s how to stop comparing your
life to people you’ve never ever met
there are celebrities there are people
with 500 million dollars who would love
to be you for a day why because they can
actually be anonymous nobody knows who
they are but instead everybody now knows
who they are
they can’t even chill they don’t know if
people actually like them or they just
want them for their money so now you’re
starting to realize how cool an awesome
your life is right right exactly
so that’s how to stop comparing your
life to people you’ve never met before a
lot of people have hidden stuff they are
dealing with you know nothing about and
you are comparing yourself to them but
you don’t even know the full story
mhmmm stop it Ralph slow-motion this
side mmm so deep dive is what we take
away from this video is that it is
healthy to want to see what other people
are doing but always realize that it’s
not fair when you compare yourself to
other people because everyone is running
to different race everyone is on a
different path instead of comparing
yourself to other people start
collaborating with them how about that
start working together forming a
cohesive Network and together we are
stronger and now deep divers you will no
longer compare yourself to other people
you will love yourself while at the same
time appreciate other people’s
uniqueness and then deep divers well you
just say oh so good to be alive baby cat
and I get a Hello what can I get a Hello
shoutout to everybody who’s been getting
the beautiful can I get a Hello their
shirts only at Ralph smart dot-com slash
clothes if you found this video
inspiring add me on Instagram right now
at infinite waters
check out the new amazing book on Amazon
which goes into this in more detail feel
alive by Ralph smart deep divers were
just whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby have a beautiful day infinite
waters diving deep once again stay well
stay healthy peace you why compare
yourself to other people there are
people who would love absolutely love your bad days

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