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Grant Cardone’s Best MONEY Advice: How to Get RICH! | #MentorMeGrant

see when I go places I don’t see people
just having fun having a good time I
just can’t help myself
I just see money everywhere money
follows attention money follows
attention I wanna soar get a mentor
what’s up belief nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so today let’s learn
from one of the best grant cardone and
his best advice on how to get rich
mentor me grant also if you want to know
what grant and other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below you have to go
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one commit fully the number one thing we
do in our company to explode our company
is when we make a decision we never add
time if you look back over your life you
will see that the best decisions that
you have made in your life or incident
you better do something other than just
what everybody else is doing you better
not do the middle-class thing you do the
middle-class thing you will be a mystery
I am extremely disciplined person I show
up for work every day since I was 25
years old my eyes are bleeding I don’t
feel good I show up cuz look when you
commit creativity will follow when you
commit creativity with vollis attention
rule number two study wealthy people so
25 re committed to my education but this
time I started studying not things that
were in books but people that had
actually created wealth not people that
had made money but people that he
created wealth this is completely
different I was no longer studying
accounting and economics I was studying
wealthy people and only wealthy people
I’m not talking about the doctor there
was a neighbor that makes a million
dollars a year and he’s working 18 hours
a day and he hates his job right he’s
working seven days a week he can’t ever
spend time with fan I’m talking about
the yacht people I’m talking about the
people that are spending as much time as
they want on vacation I’m talking about
the car dealer that had 28 car
dealerships or eighty-two car
dealerships that has in disposable money
I’m talking about the Walton money I’m
talking about with the Waltons last week
increase their net worth by 11 billion
dollars and they haven’t worked for 30
years that’s the kind of wealth I
started studying I started reading
Barron’s in the Wall Street Journal and
I quickly realized something that the
wealthy people had financial freedom and
no one else did okay a very small
percentage of people lots of people have
my uncle had millions of dollars he was
terrified about his money wouldn’t spend
it acted like a miser buried money in
the backyard
I realized my parents had it wrong the
information I had that was wrong and
this is the number one thing I want you
to get out of tonight
the information you have is wrong the
wealthy talk differently than the
middle-class I watch my mom and my dad I
started comparing the wealthy people to
what my dad did my dad worked every day
every day of the week if he wasn’t
working at the office he was working in
the yard they saved money they cut their
own grass okay we ate all our food we
turned the lights off we didn’t waste
anything and that was uncertainty it was
insecurity and it was fear and it
perpetuated uncertainty insecurity and
fear and and all the lessons about money
money doesn’t grow on trees a penny
saved is a penny earned eat all your
food people are starving okay
money money you don’t waste it don’t
play with it all that creates insecurity
and it’s incorrect rule number three get
attention money follows attention money
follows attention how much attention can
you guys get okay most of you can’t get
attention because your mom and daddy
said don’t get too much attention don’t
get too much attention be seen and not
fly under the radar because if you get
too much attention they’re gonna shoot
you down right how many heard this
before under the radar man stay low man
don’t let anybody see you make your
moves don’t make moves man don’t make
moves and then everybody wonders why
can’t I get above because you don’t get
strangers have everything you want
everything you want a stranger has it it
will be strangers that will grow your
business it will be strangers that put
your kids through schools it will be
strangers that make your dreams a
strangers have everything you want but
you were taught not to talk to them rule
number four don’t make dumb purchases
this car right here
this rolls-royce Wraith with freaking
magic the magic astrological zodiac sign
built into the ceiling with little
sparkles dumbest damn thing you could
ever buy in your life is a big expensive
luxury car in fact ok in my rant today I
want to share with you one of the things
that I did smart in my life was I never
bought these exotic cars that everybody
seems to go out and buy as soon as they
make a little money what I did was this
I waited I waited and I waited to ever
do a dumb thing like this nothing one of
the dumbest things ever bought in my
damn life ok
I waited until number one I didn’t have
to buy one and number two until it
didn’t matter I just got my financial
statement in three months the first
three months of this year compared to
last year a double a double you
understand what a double is a double
means I can do stupid ok look once you
make enough money to where you can blow
four hundred and sixty one thousand
dollars and it don’t matter then go do
it okay until then until then do not
waste your money I’m sorry this car was
only three hundred eighty four thousand
dollars I didn’t want to exaggerate to
you but I think they added some stuff to
this bad boy so look until then until
then until then don’t waste your money
on watches and cars and bring out Briony
suits okay it’s ridiculous you guys that
are buying $1,200 shoes stupid you guys
are buying two hundred thousand dollar
cars stupid you guys that are spending
money on homes no offense but just
stupid you don’t need an expensive house
you don’t need a country club yet what
you need is paper you need money baby
you need net worth you need passive
income you need flows baby flows and
flows and flows you don’t need a Rolls
Royce rule number five move from
spending to investing number five
move your spending to investing
when you burn money when you spend money
when you use money when you exchange
money make sure that you’re investing
money not spending money quit spending
money on stuff
I’d rather invest a thousand dollars or
something that can make me money then
waste one hundred on something that
literally gives me pleasure listen what
I’m telling you invest money don’t spend
money quit spending start investing I
would rather spend four times the money
taking someone else to dinner they could
possibly do business with me in the
future then just spend money with my
wife and I go into dinner the four of us
can go make money have a great time
Craig great memories and possibly do
some business invest don’t spin rule
number six create multiple flows of
income number six create multiple flows
of income and it’s said that the average
millionaire has seven flows of income
the truth is the people that I know that
have created deck up millionaire wealth
that a cream multi-million dollar wealth
hit have hundreds of flows of income
create multiple flows of income for
yourself your family and your company
you have to have multiple flows of
income first from the work that you do
then add value at the position that
you’re in called the bonus you’re not
going to ask for a pay raise you’re
gonna ask for a bonus because you added
revenue to the company the third
additional revenue that you’re looking
for would be outside first your work get
great at what you’re doing second some
symbiotic flow next to what you’re
already doing during those 40 hours a
week where you’re working for someone
else and the third revenue flow would
come from a source outside of what you
do during the day maybe it’s through
investing maybe it’s through multifamily
maybe it’s through some other activity
that you can do at night too many people
look for a pay raise when they should be
looking for a bonus as their second flow
and their third flow would come outside
their normal activities rule number
seven protect your name at all cost my
dad died when I was 10 years old but my
dad had a great unbelievable influence
on my life for those short 10 years and
even though he
never spent real time together I mean I
was able to watch his life in there on a
couple of occasions that he sat down and
told his little six-year-old
seven-year-old eight-year-old grant
something it was always impactful and it
stuck with one thing he told me I didn’t
really understand it then was he never
do anything that will take away or
diminish your name he always said and he
had just lost a company later I found
out as an adult he always said look
people can take away a lot of stuff from
you then take your money they can’t take
your name okay protect your name protect
your name at all costs to protect your
name at all custom ever knew what that
meant but as I was growing up over the
last 30 years of being in business you
know every time I thought about taking a
shortcut every time I thought about
doing something that I didn’t feel good
about I always thought how will this
affect my name how would this influence
my name is this gonna make my name
better or worse and my dad just always
like said to me man work hard protect
your name protect your name at all cost
and the third thing you said is it’s a
long play being it for the long play
okay and rule number eight the last 24
very special bonus clip is start moving
okay one little trick one little
when I was 25 I quit doing weekends away
these people are doing
literally saved me Millions is out
not to mention the energy not to mention
the consequences the bad stuff that
happens to these people they’re gonna
get drunk hungover they’re gonna forget
everything they did they’re gonna end up
with chlamydia all kind of bad stuff
happens man when you soak in your body
up and out
it’s a time and a place fan just wait
pick your time to pick your place but it
can’t be every weekend come on
and by the way what happens in Vegas
don’t stay in Vegas it goes with you
everywhere you go it’s keeping it real
you know me man you love me or hate me I
could ruin your weekend but I keep it
see when I go places I don’t see people
just having fun having a good time I
just can’t help myself
I just see money everywhere
ticket-office the home store there’re
maze the chanel the restaurant the
casino the tables the entertainment so
much money there’s so much money I’m
like I’ve always said my whole life up
and there’s so much money why can’t I
get mine and then when you get a little
bit you like then you’re like how can I
get my time I want time I don’t just
want money I want time I don’t want
stress and that’s really what I want to
help everybody right
I don’t want to help you get the Rolex
there’s a Rolex by the way
and this the time is the freedom as the
and when you do finally get in a
position to go on these trips and get
stuff then you want to build enjoy
yourself get your life in order to get
every move you make should bring you to
a place where you can go up in life so
many people make a mousse where they go
down and like let’s keep it real if
you’re not moving at all
you’re not going up and you’re not going
now I’ve got a special bonus tip from
grants on how to improve your work ethic
that I think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions time to
move from just watching another video to
taking action in your life or business
and if you’re feeling bold leave your
answers in the comments below here we go
question number one what dumb purchases
are you going to stop making number two
which three wealthy people will use
study and number three how will you move
you want to get your work ethics so high
that people actually admire you I’m
gonna ask you a question right now do
people know you because of your
unbelievable work ethic if you can’t
answer yes to that man you’re not going
to get in that top 10% you got to get at
the top you people have to know you not
because oh he’s a good salesman oh he’s
a good dish oh he’s an artist so he’s a
good pianist oh he’s a he writes a great
you know story no did people need to
know you for one major thing first he
works he produces the guys there every
day the guys pushing and shoving because
the truth is no matter how good your
ideas are how good your art is or how
good your skill set is if you’re not
working man if you’re not vibrating at a
frequency that people say my god how
does that guy do all that if you’re not
vibrating at that rate 10x levels
massive action tremendous work ethic
that’s just a muscle nowness
it’s just a discipline in your life and
it’s a way it’s a normal way that other
people think is abnormal Ryan Seacrest
Tom Cruise Oprah’s Steven Spielberg
Donald Trump still pumping and working
as a billionaire look if you’re not
working at that level you’re not gonna
make it get your work ethic young man
it’s the American Way work ethic check
if you want more grant cardone shook at
the top 50 rules video I made on him the
link is right there next to me continue
to believe and I’ll see you there you
don’t get attention today you have
absolutely zero chance of being
successful money follows attention period in the story
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