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Top 10 Unresolved Videogame Storylines

we hope you haven’t been holding your
breath welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top ten unresolved videogame
storylines we’ve no idea what type looks
to ethicist
for this list we’re looking at the games
where the latest one in the series was
left on a cliffhanger or forgotten by
the writers in future installments as
usual we’re sticking to one entry per
franchise and just so you know since
we’ll be talking about the endings for
most of these games spoiler alert
should’ve stayed here number 10 all you
need is hope legacy of kain defiance
wall defiance was a good way to end a
game as an ending to the series they’re
still far too many plot lines left to
resolve the engine of life itself the
wheel will
the plague of your kind will be purged
from this world most notable is the fact
that the central pillars of Nosgoth as
you can see in the background here are
still in ruins but even more depressing
is the final line we’re left with the
first bitter taste of that terrible
illusion Oh
sadly hope seems unlikely for this
series with one of the key voice actors
Tony Kaye tragically passing away in
I am the hop of the wheel the purifying
cycle which all souls we draw number
nine so close yet so far thirteen
Ubisoft’s comic-book style first-person
shooter left more to be desired
with his climax the game starts with the
President of the United States being
assassinated and his brother Walter
vowing to step into his shoes in helping
to uncover the conspiracy behind the
assassination I will continue the work
that my brother William started however
at the very end of the game upon almost
learning who the prime conspirator is
number one here
I caught me loud and clear can you see
him who’s number one tell me Walter has
you the player seized by armed guards
and that’s it the fireworks not to your
liking mr. fly
number eight Rebecca chambers am ia
resident evil while this series has had
many sequels Capcom seems to have left
someone behind Rebecca chambers the
medic from the first Resident Evil game
was one of the only four survivors tired
and a file found in Resident Evil 2 sent
to Brian irons mentioned that she did
indeed survive the problem here is that
Raccoon City was destroyed in resident
evil 3 did she get out before the
infection began and while Billy Cohen
helped her in Resident Evil zero did he
get out – enrico hello number seven
presidential reinforcements the conduit
to the franchise that boasted that it
could showcase the we as a powerhouse
the conduits series was based around
conspiracy theories and an alien
oh-hoh such tenacity positively superb
if that wasn’t crazy enough your briefed
by John Adams a music and in the very
end an alien spaceship is on its way to
earth and to help you in this oncoming
battle is an elite group of soldiers led
by Abraham Lincoln and George Washington
we’re serious oh you’re here to help
number six the son of hey strim Mass
Effect 2 while that short breath at the
end of the destroy ending of Mass Effect
3 will likely be resolved an interesting
plot point in the second game was still
left unresolved haste from Sun is
destabilizing back when this was a
quarter in colony it was a normal star
it shouldn’t change that quickly in
tallies recruitment mission the Sun on
the planet hey strim was dying too
quickly with speculation that dark
energy was to blame the effect is
similar to when stars blow off mass to
enter a red giant phase but haste from
Sun is far too young for this to be
natural it’s rumored that this story arc
was originally supposed to be part of
the third games ending though
considering there were also fans willing
to believe that bad ending was all a
dream we’re not buying it
that damn data better be worth it the
price was too high number 5 the alien
parasite Beyond Good and Evil one of the
sixth generations hidden gems Beyond
Good and Evil ended with the dawn of a
revolution waged against the
dictatorship alpha section
with another cliffhanger in the
post-credit scene showing page having an
alien spore growing out of his hand even
more puzzling was a teaser trailer for
the sequel which shows his left hand in
a bandage that teaser was released in
2008 and we’re still nowhere near to
seeing that sequel hey 50 number four
all talk no show Star Wars Knights of
the Old Republic – the Sith Lords it’s
as much left unresolved as it was
disappointing with the final boss Darth
tria seemingly coming out of nowhere
indeed perhaps it is merely your
perceptions of me that have changed
defeating her leads to a very long
dialogue where she tells you the future
of your friends before you tell her to
drop dead and that’s pretty much it
much of the intended content was cut
from the game because it was rushed to
market to make it for Christmas 2005
resulting in a somewhat abrupt ending no
no many choices were there but you made
the right ones number three
stuck in space Mega Man Legends – this
one’s painful for Mega Man fans who were
hoping to see the return of the Blue
Bomber Legends 2 ended with Megaman
stranded in space
I know wrong
she’ll come looking for us no matter
what happens while back on Terra roll
intron bond argue how to build a rocket
to go after him your engine
I believe you if your engines weren’t
made from spare parts and needed to be
adjusted every five minutes to add
further insult to injury after a decade
of waiting a third game was announced to
be in development for the 3ds with fan
support only for Capcom to cancel the
game a year later number two Eli cut
short half-life 2 episode 2 dr.
Freeman’s adventures in episode 2 looked
like the tides of war were changing with
a missile sent to the combine world and
the discovery of the borealis ship
you’re Zod yet after all that episode
two ended in the tragic death of Eli
Vance and not much else it’s not so much
a cliffhanger as it is a story with no
end this misses the top spot because
valve has the capacity to finish the
series though why it’s taking so long is
really anybody’s guess
before we get to the all-glorious top
spot let’s see what else needs to be
finished war had broken 7c summoning the
Horsemen of the Apocalypse
I’ve let you live the secret behind the
black film and the black V watch lies in
the last threat but there awaiting enemy
beyond your imagination then what are we
standing around here for number one we
have the Phoenix
now what Shenmue 2 this series was
supposed to be Sega’s killer app an epic
saga that was to last 16 chapters yet so
far we’ve only got to number 5 with
Shenmue 2 ending with the discovery of
the two ancient mirrors claiming they
will quote find the proof what is the
I don’t know that
there should be some clue here sadly the
chances of this series finishing become
more and more unlikely every day given
that the budget for the first two games
was around 70 million combined when he
is ready he shall seek me out we’re
still zaga lost the trademark to Shenmue
in February 2014 it’ll take a miracle
now to let the series finish – one
do you agree with our list which video
games story line left you high and dry
I wonder how make a minute’s doing four
more climactic top 10s that are finished
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