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Food for the City | National Geographic

seems like there’s so many more farmers
markets around now people want to know
where their food comes from they want to
buy local and the number of markets has
skyrocketed in the past five years
how local is local anyway the USDA says
that to be classified as local food has
to be grown within the state or a
traveled less than 400 miles 400 miles
that’s about as far as a trip from
Pittsburgh to New York City can you make
money doing this actually the economics
of these markets are great for farmers
like me all these middlemen are cut out
which helps me make more money of my
crop and the local food movement is even
inspiring more young people to start
farming that’s good
because in the u.s. right now farmers
are getting older and throughout the
past century there are fewer and fewer
of us where are all the farmers markets
just twelve states are home to half of
all the markets in the US and in 2009 66
percent were in urban counties look at
New York City it sure is a lot easier to
get farm-fresh produce in the Big Apple
these days in a little more than 10
years the number of farmers markets has
more than tripled farmers even benefit
from government programs subsidizing
nutrition well I’m benefiting from these
awesome apples you’re selling
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