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Top 10 Signs You Are a Terrible Multiplayer Teammate

excuse me need a medic screw it
welcome to and today we’re
looking at the top ten signs that you
are a terrible multiplayer teammate me
now before we begin we publish new
videos every day so be sure to subscribe
for this list we’re looking at actions
or in some case that you lack thereof
which are the definitive signs that
listening to music while you’re playing
games isn’t uncommon especially in
multiplayer games where other repetitive
sounds of gunfire could get a little bit
stale and you got to boost yourself up
just please please don’t play it over
your mic while it can be fun sometimes
to have someone as an in-game jukebox it
is usually just frustrating for a
multitude of reasons the most prominent
of which being that you’re preventing
your teammates from the most important
thing when it comes to team play
as the medic and/or healer it’s your job
to heal first and foremost but that
doesn’t mean you only heal yourself
last time we checked people don’t go
through Medical School just so they can
treat themselves whether you’re the
designated class or possess any medical
tool in your possession it’s best to use
it when your teammates need it most not
just you if you’re a designated healer
class you’re not there to damage the
enemy team and you’re not there to take
in the damage either so let everyone
else play their roles and you stick to
healing but
while a lot of modern gamers don’t know
the rage of past competitive game kill
stealing it is nevertheless frustrating
this is most problematic in a game where
kills grant an individual teammate and
advantage to help them leave the team so
taking those precious and limited
resources away can not only hurt your
teammate who needed those kills but your
team in general having the glory of
being your team’s carry is kind of fun
but even the greatest Kari needs
powerful teammates to back them up in
times of need number 7 micromanaging
your teammates communication and
discussing strategies with your team is
a key to victory sometimes a team needs
a little bit of leadership to help keep
everyone in check and make sure the game
goes over smoothly but if you’re the
kind of leader who likes to direct
everyone to do their jobs that they’re
already doing then maybe you need to
just kind of chill to kill him kill
through the wall are you an idiot
not every Rando you play with is
incompetent and surprisingly a lot of
them do know how to actually play the
games so constantly shouting orders at
each and every teammate is gonna make
them want to turn on you you may think
you know everything but perhaps you’re
not the only one really are you getting
kidding me right now pick me up number 6
not playing the objective holy shit you
won the game yeah before you even select
the game-mode there’s a description of
what needs to be done here
whether it’s controlling a point
capturing a flag we’re planting a bomb
the objectives are clearly defined
before n during gameplay
not every game-mode is a deathmatch in
disguise buddy balancing defense and
offenses definitely required in
objective-based games but if you aren’t
working on the actual objective might as
well not be playing at all
hey that pelo is not going to push
number-5 knott playing your role or
class in 60 seconds a healer is only one
of the many common classes and
multiplayer games with the other two
archetypes mostly centering around
damage and tanking but when you pick a
role you gotta play that role dude don’t
be a spy in tf2 and go in guns blazing
and don’t be a mercy who goes off on her
own these wolves were made to be played
within a set of limitations and while it
can be entertaining to break the matter
from time to time try to remember that
you’re not playing these games solo you
also need to remember to play what your
team needs so instead of being the sixth
DPS how about picking lucio or Reinhardt
number four loan wolfing there’s no lion
team and that’s something that even in
elementary school kids know yet a lot of
people manage to leave this basic
thought process behind when they play a
team-based video game dude you’re part
of a team facing off against another
team so going off on your own makes you
more likely to be ganged up on by the
enemy team and also weakening yours
unless you form a strategy or playing a
character that’s meant to break off like
a sniper and nobody likes snipers come
on there’s no need to leave your
comrades high and dry come on number
everyone sucks except me I need to kill
myself for the love of God please keep
your frickin heat go and check when
you’re playing games when you’re playing
competitively and you start racking up
some wins you feel pretty sure of
yourself heck you had invincible but I
hate to break it to you you’re not and
you need to drop that mindset if your
teammates die it’s perhaps not because
they’re playing so poorly but maybe the
enemy team is actually better than you
guys it could be a hard pill to swallow
that an entire set of players is better
than you but you know you might just be
bad yourself so please try not to ruin
it for everyone else can ride hard as
mercy and why wouldn’t you keep an orb
on Reinhard with a muthafuckin Zenyatta
number two lack of communication
hey can you guys hear me
oh oh you don’t have a mic oh okay then
maybe use every other communication tool
at your disposal that’s built into every
game since the beginning of time there’s
text chapters pinging there’s in-game
voice call ups simply turning left and
right and looking up and down please
just do something to show that you
aren’t some soulless machine playing the
game and pretty much every multiplayer
game communication is key and playing
the game quiet really isn’t gonna help
you or anyone else for that matter
except maybe the enemy’s number one
ragequitting we understand sometimes
playing in a losing game is really
frustrating but please try to pull
through and stick with it to the end
having one less teammate affect the
mentality of the team you desert their
motivation already begins to decline and
you could cause other people to mimic
your response and quit as well lowering
the team’s chances of success even more
rage quitting is unfortunately really
common despite most games penalizing
players who leave a game early
especially ranked games and you know if
you think losing is worse than letting
your team down then you need a little
attitude readjustment do you agree with
our picks check out these other great
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