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Ecco i 100 Brand più potenti al mondo

but in the superman t-shirt this
t-shirt here we say random there is all
this difference in value yes or no in
reality you know it’s just made of brand and the
value of the brand what it does
difference but we know very well in the
most cases the value
of the brand is what justifies a
different price then forbes or forces a
bone someone who would be this at all
research on the 100 brands that are worth more
in the world
See you after dinner you’re beautiful six
beautiful two important premises me
it seems that the overall value is one
stuff like 2 trillion stuff like that
this research is only done on companies
active in the united states then there
I’m a bit out of condono evening i
subjective subjective parameters have taken i
profits of the last three years have
credited to the value of the brand of the
prophets on have made a series of them
ratings majà a list at least
The first ten brands are interesting
are the following
apple 182 passes billion google 162
billions microsoft 104 facebook 94
amazon 70 coca cola 57 samsung 47 disney
47 toyota 44 customers 41 what we notice
interesting that the first five companies
they are the tech sector and 6 out of 10 are always
tech and overall the value of the
technological brands of this listona
it exceeds 870 a billion dollars marries
which in reality does not surprise anyone if
He works in this world here and there is no le
salami slices on the eyes because if
we only take the facebook fans
apple amazon netflix google in the bag
they are years that make numbers
we’re going back to the list which is very remarkable
other sectors command at the level of
value of the toyota car industry brand
mercedes comes from blow and then there is coke
cola that
vague there is always whatever happens it is
always there I remind you that we talk about the
brand value but we are talking about the
earnings turnover and the value of the
brand that is a different thing then
also a very fluid thing like why
there is a scandal or you have stuff that you
it’s particularly good and the brand is booming
explode or shoulder regardless of
financial results and then clearly
one thing but another incredible
as thanks to the apple brand both those
business that can sell understood one
phone that costs more than a thousand dollars
it sells 5 million examples of trends
trend trend must lend us
necessarily attention because how
said the pre political trump and here
we mention eminent doctrine if yours
business is not a brand then bobby
soul a commodity that is not continuous
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